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So I have been very confused about what to add to my regimen (finasteride + nizoral going on 11 months).

I thought I would add proxiphen to my regimen, but since I'm thinning everywhere (crown, vertex and Front) I thought it would be a hassle to apply everywhere since it's a cream and I do still have a lot of hair on my head. Also I was planning to stretch the monthly supply of Proxiphen to two months because of cost.

All of these things were discussed in the Proxiphen thread: ... hp?t=12712

I was pretty ready to order but I decided to email Dr. Proctor first and he recommended that I'll use Proxiphen-N + Nano shampoo instead of the Proxiphen alone. This is a cheaper combo. Any experiences with that???
(Bryan would appriciate your input here!) He also said that Proxiphen-N + Nano shampoo (+ finasteride + nizoral 2%: my current regimen) is more potent that Minoxidil 5% (+ finasteride + nizoral 2%: my current regimen)

Any takes on this??? I emailed him to try to sort my new regimen out but ended up more confused than before.....damn....Don't know what to add?

I'm really still looking at maintaining but with some thickening.


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not that much: If I could stretch my Proxiphen supply to 2 months it would be $50 a month

Proxiphen-N is $109.95 for a 4 month supply and Nano shampoo is $39.95 for a 2-3 month supply.


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I emailed Dr. Proctor about Proxiphen. He said that you could either version in a liquid rather than a lotion formulation.


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Not sure I get this right? Was he saying that you can get proxiphen in a liquid form AND a cream??


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Yes, you can get it in either formulation. I specifically asked him about the prescription version. He said that to make the liquid they use a bit less of some of the ingredients (I'm assuming spironolactone) but give you more volume to make up the difference.


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Thanks mvpsoft - I will ask the good doctor about this (although he does like to answer back using very short words (yes/no etc - doesn't give much away does he?)

Know anything about Proxiphen-N & Nano shampoo? What do you think would be best?? compared to min + finasteride + nizoral?



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I would use Proxiphen in place of minoxidil, but then I would use the prescription version, since it contains minoxidil. My reasoning is that since it contains minoxidil, it can't be less effective than minoxidil alone, and it stands a good chance of being more effective, since it has other ingredients we have reason to believe are also effective. It is expensive though. I use minoxidil twice daily. I may substitute Proxiphen for one of those applications.

I still plan on using Nizoral, dutasteride, Folligen and the Lasercomb. I'm not going to use Proxiphen in place of these, as they are working for me.


Mvpsoft: how and where do you get your dutasteride? What form of it do you buy?


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mvpsoft said:
Yes, you can get it in either formulation. I specifically asked him about the prescription version. He said that to make the liquid they use a bit less of some of the ingredients (I'm assuming spironolactone) but give you more volume to make up the difference.

Sounds interesting. I kind of have the same problem as Ninja, therefore I will be interested in a liquid form as well.

Ninja, I don't understand why he recommended Proxi-N as I thought it was a weaker agent than regular Proxi and only made for those who can't afford the real thing. But maybe the Proxi-N is a liquid product??


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Prox-N is definitely a liquid. Dr. Proctor sometimes suggests trying it BEFORE using the expensive prescription version, just to see if you're going to be a responder.



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Bryan said:
Prox-N is definitely a liquid. Dr. Proctor sometimes suggests trying it BEFORE using the expensive prescription version, just to see if you're going to be a responder.


So there is no such thing as a liquid prescription Proxi?


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Oh yes, there is also a liquid version of prescription Proxiphen.


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Bryan said:
Oh yes, there is also a liquid version of prescription Proxiphen.
Do you have any idea why Proctor didn't recommended that version to me when I explained I was a diffuse thinner? I reckon it liquid would be better for diffuse thinners?


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Strange, Dr. proctor didn't say anything to me about the liquid Proxiphen either. I even expressed my concern about applying a cream onto hair. Weird.....

Bryan: what would you recommend I do (Proxiphen-N vs. Proxiphen vs. minoxidil)????

Buffboy: Did you rip those slopes like a mad man? Hope you had fun skiing my friend - a well deserved holiday I bet! BTW: I thought you were a receeder and not a diffuse thinner???!


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PartTimeNinja said:
I even expressed my concern about applying a cream onto hair.
Me too!

PartTimeNinja said:
Buffboy: Did you rip those slopes like a mad man? Hope you had fun skiing my friend - a well deserved holiday I bet! BTW: I thought you were a receeder and not a diffuse thinner???!
I am receding but also diffuse at the front. Crown/Vertex still perfect. Still have lot of hair at the centre-front though. I can easily cover my diffuse areas with Dermmatch. So I'm diffuse enough to notice, but not diffuse enough to be able to apply Proxiphen to the whole front-region because it sticks in the hair. So I have to apply it around the hairline and in two quite diffuse areas that I have within the hairline.

And YES, I was ripping those slopes like Hermann Meier aka. The Herminator! It was amazing, sad to be back in school though :roll:


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Ok now I understand. Cool to hear you had a great time in the snow.

Man, I'm so confused right now. I think I want to hold up on the minoxidil for now since I don't really need the extra growth just for my hair to stay on my head (God damn you finasteride! If only you were doing your job!) I really need a DHT inhibitor in the scalp but don't know which one to choose from: spironolactone/Revivogen/Proxiphen-N/Proxiphen.

I would prefer to use the Proxiphen if only I could stretch it for two months a batch (I completely agree with you that I might as well start with the best treatment) and apply to stuff pretty evenly. hmmmm.....

Still happy with the use of your Proxiphen Buffboy? I would prefer not to buy the NANO shampoo as well since I think Proxiphen is pretty expensive on it's own....