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PartTimeNinja said:
I would prefer to use the Proxiphen if only I could stretch it for two months a batch (I completely agree with you that I might as well start with the best treatment) and apply to stuff pretty evenly. hmmmm.....

Still happy with the use of your Proxiphen Buffboy? I would prefer not to buy the NANO shampoo as well since I think Proxiphen is pretty expensive on it's own....

Don't think about the costs. It will cost you $50 a month the first year and after that $25 a month. That's not so bad? You need to get past the fact that one batch costs $100. I admit, it took me a while too.

And you can be SURE that you will have a tough time NOT making it last longer than two months! I'm applying it twice a day and in larger quantities at the moment, in order to make it last only two months. I don't think it's a good idea to make it last longer, because then it means you are not getting the necessary amount to make an impact (my own speculation/theory).

Yes I'm still happy with it, but haven't seen any results yet - but didn't expect to either as it's too soon.


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Yeah i know you're right RE: the money issue. I'm just worried that I end up spending a lot of money on meds that I don't even really apply to the scalp because of my hair (I'm not really ready to buzz my hair at this stage). I will email Dr. Proctor and ask about the Liquid Proxiphen - Will let you know what he replies.


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PartTimeNinja said:
Ok now I understand. Cool to hear you had a great time in the snow.

Man, I'm so confused right now. I think I want to hold up on the minoxidil for now since I don't really need the extra growth just for my hair to stay on my head (God damn you finasteride! If only you were doing your job!) I really need a DHT inhibitor in the scalp but don't know which one to choose from: spironolactone/Revivogen/Proxiphen-N/Proxiphen.

I would prefer to use the Proxiphen if only I could stretch it for two months a batch (I completely agree with you that I might as well start with the best treatment) and apply to stuff pretty evenly. hmmmm.....

Still happy with the use of your Proxiphen Buffboy? I would prefer not to buy the NANO shampoo as well since I think Proxiphen is pretty expensive on it's own....

Proxiphen-n does not do anything aganist DHT unless you believe copper plays a role. You will have to use spironolactone. I would say spironolactone over revivogen as I believe it will be easier to apply with the proxiphen-n. Otherwise, if you choose to use minoxidil then just go for the proxiphen.


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Thanks Viperfish. Am a bit confused about your reply though:

"revivogen as I believe it will be easier to apply with the proxiphen-n."

Are you saying that I should just use spironolactone? Or spironolactone with Revivogen?


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PartTimeNinja said:
Thanks Viperfish. Am a bit confused about your reply though:

"revivogen as I believe it will be easier to apply with the proxiphen-n."

Are you saying that I should just use spironolactone? Or spironolactone with Revivogen?

Ninja, you don't want to be totally consumed with hairloss. I mean, being on more than one topical treatment is a killer. Then you put one of them on and have to wait for ages for it to dry and then put another one on. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try either spironolactone or Revivogen - but stick to one of them. If you want to go for both - then Proxi is your call as it does the same as Revivogen AND contains spironolactone as well.

Just a thought.


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Thanks Buff - I know you're right.

Emailed Dr. Proctor and asked again about the Proxiphen vs. Proxiphen-N issue: This is his reply:

Proxiphen is the most potent hairloss treatment you have in stock, correct? Would it be better for me to use Proxiphen once a day and then just stretch the batch to two months (I would apply to the hairline, just behind the hairline, and the crown) - or should I go with Proxiphen-N + NANO shampoo?

Answer: The best treatment is Proxiphen plus NANO shampoo.
If you still have a full head of hair, 
try Prox-N plus NANO shampoo. Not quite as potent as Proxiphen,  but it likely will work just fine and you can just order it..   The ocmbination is also less costly.

Man, Somehow I don't feel good about the Proxiphen-N. I can see from looking at the ingredients of Proxiphen that this is a potent mixture (a lot of the elements eg. spironolactone is backed up by science) but the same thing doesn't apply to the Proxiphen-N.
Any views on spironolactone once a day instead of Proxiphen?

BTW: I asked about the liquid Proxiphen:
A user on a hairloss forum told me that it's possible to get Proxiphen in a liquid form instead of in the form of a cream and that caught my attention - is this equally as potent?

No.  This is because we can put in more medication if we don't have to dissolve it.   In compensation,  we double the volume and you use it twice a day.

Bit of a catch 22 then...


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Hey guys how is that nano shampoo??? Never tried it before and I heard it is great for thickening??


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I have said this many times: I started my current regimen 2 months ago, so it's too early to say if anything works.

BUT I'd say that NANO Shampoo + Conditioner definitely make my hair softer and nicer.

I'd might want to give the liquid Proxi a shot if my density proves too strong for the cream version to work.

I kind of share your opinion, Ninja, on Proxi-N. If I wanted something less potent than Proxiphen, then I'd give Dr. Lee's minoxidil a shot, not Proxiphen-N. The reason why I chose Proxiphen was that I was tired of waiting 1 year for Propecia to show results, and then add another agent and wait another year etc. I consider this an all-out attack, I don't want to waste more time losing hair. If this doesn't work, I must accept my faith and move on with my life - at least until the next treatment is around :hairy:

On the other hand, Ninja, we mustn't forget that Bryan achieved his regrowth with Proxi-N and NANO shampoo ALONE. See his results here:

If you agree with Dr. Proctor that NANO is an equal to Minoxidil (or even better) then there's nothing wrong with Proxi-N. But I'm not sure of this (or better said: I don't have the expertise to have an opinion on the matter), therefore I stick with Proxiphen which holds APPROVED agents in addition to NANO etc.


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PartTimeNinja said:
Any views on spironolactone once a day instead of Proxiphen?

The following is Peter Mac's answer on a question I had on spironolactone. I have posted this before also. But basically, spironolactone will do you little good alone - just like Nizoral. That's why I'd never go for spironolactone alone. All that hassle with applying daily with little or no gain.

Spironolactone is an antiandrogen that works in two ways. Primarily
it slows down the production of androgens in the adrenal glands and
ovaries (for women obviously if taken orally). Secondly it blocks the action of androgens (i.e. T and DHT).

Since men can only apply this topically it's not as potent as we'd
like, sadly.

In a review article written by Dr. Vera H. Price in The New England
Journal Of Medicine September 23, 1999, she writes

that "Spironolactone is a weak competitive inhibitor of the binding
of androgen to its receptor, and it decreases the synthesis of
testosterone as well.
It has some efficacy in the treatment of hirsutism. It seems to have little
efficacy in women with androgenetic alopecia, but no control studies
have been done and there are no data on hair count or hair weight, nor are there any photographic data."

As a side note, that's how nizoral works. Ketoconazole (active
ingredient) inhibits the sythenesis of ergosterol which is the same
pharmacological action that inhibitis the synthesis of DHT. Basically, both of the these products seem to compete with DHT and that's why they work.

If you're on finast T levels in the scalp only rise a small amount
(still within norms) so there's nothing to worry about. That's why adding spironolactone to the scalp is another weapon.


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I just pasted some info on Proxiphen (and why it's a cream) and Proxiphen-N.

It's all from:


Dr. Proctor is the most famous doctor on alt.baldspot (American newsgroup on the baldness), one of the most experienced persons in baldness and hairloss known by Anagen and works continuosly to improve his products.
Since 1984 he develops treatments for persons who failed other treatments.
Dr. Proctor has at least 7 USA patents for the treatment of the baldness (also for alopecia areata) and for regrowth hair. A physician has exempted from the bureaucracy FDA and can use every approved and suitable agent for the problem. In such way is facilitated the search and the improvement of the treatments. A lot of new therapies were born in such way. Dr. Proctor is also a pharmacologist PhD of active search from 25 years for skin medicines.

Proxiphen contains : tretinoine, minoxidil, phenitoine, spironolactone, vared types of SOD, NANO, arginine, allantoine, NAC and other. It contains more than 5% minoxidil (5.5% says Dr. Proctor). Very interesting are the sod products of Dr. Proctor, some patented.

Why is it in cream? Because many components are insoluble in liquid, then causes the precipitation of others. Then Dr. Proctor suspends every thing in micronized form.
Some persons that have used it say that it is one of the best products for the regrowth hair. It must be used once a day only.

How is Proxiphen applied?
After having washed or dampened hair (this helps in the absorption and in the shedding of the product), remove the excess of water with a towel and apply on the emptiest zones of hair, 1/10 of tablespoon of product (some product on the point of a finger). It is not necessary to apply the medication everywhere. Work on hairline.

With such methodology the product can also last more than one month!

It is enough to apply the product once a day. Another motive to order the product.

The moment of the application is not important: you can do this when it is more convenient.

Proxiphen-N is another Proxiphen similar product but without some component , without tretinoine, minoxidil, fenitoine, spironolactone, particularly the ingredients are : water, propylene glycol, tween 80 (polisorbate 80), SD-alcool 40-B, NANO (an abundant dose, almost saturated), ascorbyl palmitate, copper-binding peptides, SOD, aspenol, glicylglicyne, glicylhystidine, arginine, Hystidine, BHT, allantoine, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate. It has a pleasant perfume. It is in liquid form. I have measured the quantity of every vial. It is 60 ml (2 fl.oz). Ten drops are half ml. This product contains a good quantity of sod.

How to dose the ml ? In a small vial of transparent glass apart you pours inside more or less the necessary one for the application. Then to fill first half ml with a dropper (for instance that found in a wrapping of Regaine Upjohn), and to apply, after to dose another ml and apply. Then to eventually leave in the vial (provided of cork), the remainder for the following application.

Another version, sold in the big distribution it is "Dr. Proctor's Advanced Regrowth Formula" , less effective of the regular Dr. Proctor's products in the treatment baldness. Dr. Proctor's Advanced Hair Regrowth Formula contains a potent dose of a "natural" minoxidil (NANO) combined with EDRF enhancers, SODases, and free radical scavengers.

Dr. Peter Proctor, M.D., Ph.D. is a world renowned authority on Hair Loss and Baldness and has developed unique, patented multi-ingredient hair formulas that address all the known factors in the balding process.

This multi-agent, natural formula is a potent natural hair growth formula you can buy. It includes every type of natural hair treatment agent available to counter DHT, autoimmune, and inflammatory effects which cause baldness.