Jesus Christ dude. You're an ultraChad. What was it like in your youth? Actually maybe don't tell us. LOL f***
Haha I don’t know what constitutes an “ultra Chad,” but yeah in my prime years (17-23; after that hair loss started to get more noticeable but still not a huge issue until around 28, and I also put on a LOT of weight after 23), I got quite a ridiculous amount of attention. In high school, girls used to snap pictures of me when I was walking down the hall, and used to tell me that I look like I belonged on a soap opera or Beverly Hills 90210. I used to get asked if I modeled very frequently.
Part of what really burns me about my hair loss (particularly my super high forehead - definitely not an “Ideal Forehead”
I remember one funny story: when I was 17-18 or so I was ice skating in NYC with a friend of mine who is an awesome skater, and also has a huge ego. There were about 50 high school girls there on a school trip from like Virginia or something. As I walk inside on the line to get our skates, all these girls who are on line are grabbing my *** as I walk by, giggling, taking pictures of me etc. My friend had his own skates so he was already on the ice and didn’t see this. So I finally get on the ice and I’m skating around, and a group of these girls grab my friend (who wasn’t always with me since he skates so well), and he’s feeling like the man because he thinks they want to talk to him.
A big part of why it burns me now is that I was too trapped in my head between age 15-25 to even realize the power I had or care to do anything with it. I certainly wasn’t asexual, but I had personal issues/depression and was really looking for love at those ages, so I did literally nothing with almost all of that attention. It’s almost like I’m living my life in reverse. In many ways, I was more mature at 20 than I am at 40 lol.
Please take this more as mid-life crisis ramblings and reminiscing than braggadocio lol.