libertine said:
thats a really f***** up thing to say,you have no idea how or why women or for that matter men get into the situation where they end up selling themselves for sex,who the hell made you the moral guardian of to call them scum is a truly stupid and cruel thing to say,you really see them as scum? you dont feel sorry for them at all? people are people,have some f****ing sympathy
Thankyou for appreciating my opinions and views on the matter. I do not strive for, nor seek your approval on this topic or any others, but just feel free to try and cut me down to size whenever you want, Libertine. Aside from the fact that I am entitled to my own opinions, just remember that some people's opinions are based on previous experiences and issues, and can be quite educated in the subject.
(...actually I'm a bit suspicious that you probably have the same views on the matter and are just attempting to attack me, on the grounds of some of my previous posts.)
I do consider them scum. That's not to say, however, that I do not feel sympathy for them. Of course I feel sorry for them, but my opinions were given in the context of THIS argument, which was from a consumer point of view. These "high class" escorts do have a choice whether they want to do it or not - unlike the common street wh***, who probably does it as their basic survival technique... and will most likely take 10 bucks if that's all that was offered.
But someone who is degrading and cheapening themselves, when they DO have a choice otherwise? Yes, scum... trash... Get off the coke or the meth and get yourself a decent job. You don't agree with me there?
There are a lot of different situations and influences that could make a person turn to a life of degradation. But as much as I feel sorry for them, that's not my problem... and I'm still going to have my opinions on it. I don't act high and mighty about it, I have tackled some pretty f*cked up situations myself and have overcome them.
I have never, and would never go to a wh***, because I have respect for myself... and absolutely no respect for a person who I could pay, to receive that sort of pleasure. So from the consumer's point of view, they are scum, with low morals and standards.
the idiot also said:
you sound like a right wing neo con christian with a raging hard on
oh, how very perceptive and creative... :thumbdown2: