Published in Nature: Weekly treatment with SAMiRNA targeting the androgen receptor ameliorates androgenetic alopecia


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I think what also makes this different than for example pyrilutamideis that siRNAs tend to be very unstable in the blood serum. it depends on the formulation but it could just disintegrate rapidly and since its not used everyday it also cant really accumulate. but its all speculation. I wrote them a mail asking why they think there cant be systemic effects. im not sure if im even going to bother anymore bc severe ED at 0.01% topical finasteride is just meme worthy

e.g you would not be able to just inject the covid mRNA into the blood, it would immediately disintegrate because of nuclease enzymes in the blood. thats why they put it into a nano lipid (which is actually what the virus who is mostly RNA himself does as well, its a similar hull of nano lipids). so it depends on how they modified the siRNA. its not actually delivered in a carrier but it self assembles as a nanoparticle so idk how that behaves in serum. but I think in theory it would be very much possible to design something that is active in skin and disintegrates in the blood serum. siRNAs are mostly research though and the only two companies working on this for this condition are Olix and this one
If you have sides from 0.01% topical finasteride, you're going to get sides from anything, it's most likely mental.


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If you have sides from 0.01% topical finasteride, you're going to get sides from anything, it's most likely mental.
my semen is literally pure water even on this dose. my urologist said it could be that I have some kind of androgen polymorphism or 5AR polymorphism that is more sensitive which would explain why my hair loss is still completely stopped at this dose. I got -17% serum dht reduction rn. however and this is what really makes me believe its not mental, my prolactin increased by 300%. it always increases this much when I am on finasteride even the low dose. this is highly uncommon and my Dr doesnt understand why and we did another blood test with more details. however I think prolactin twice the upper value of the reference range can definitely induce sexual issues, basically im in post nut clarity all the time


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I dont completely understand how it is even supposed to work to be honest. Did they write back? Did you ask them when and where to get it?
instead of binding to the AR like pyriltuamide or RU or degrading the AR(GT etc.), it binds the mRNA that encodes for the AR and silences that. so the androgen receptor rna cannot be translated in the receptor in the cytoplasm. its basically post transcriptional silencing, you dont silence the gene but it happens one step after that after that. if completely targeted it'd be extremely effective however issue is the delivery. nanoparticles are usually used to deliver these things as their membranes can fuse with the membrane of the target cells and unload the iRNA(inhibitory RNA) into the cell. however the particles also protect the RNA from degradation because free RNA will be degraded immediately in the blood stream.

so the solution for hair loss would be, a combination drug with iRNAs for 5AR both types as well as androgen receptor, put that into a nano lipid particle, coat it with lipids that can be found on the surface of dermal papilla cells(this will ensure very targeted delivery and this is used in cancer science for example to deliver drugs to just the tumor and nothing else you can coat the vehicle with proteins primarily expressed on the surface of the tumor, signature proteins that dermal papilla cells also have), find the right size and charge of the particle and make it so they disintegrate upon entering the blood serum. then you put this on the scalp and massage it in so the particle travels down the follicular shaft.

this is all possible with modern science. this will make it very unlikely for the drug to go systemic as RNA is very unstable in blood and it would be a very potent combination to excert strong effects. this would be the maintenance drug everyone needs and this is the future for drug delivery however we are 10-15 years too old to really benefit from it.

however the only company doing this kind of stuff is Olix who said they start phase 1 trials this year. they haven't decided on the delivery but it'll probably be a nano lipids just like hutera(who tried the same thing very effectively with Crispr in animal studies). however Olix only makes iRNA agains the androgen receptor not against 5AR which would still be enough if the delivery is right. degraders and silencers as opposed to antagonists except a much stronger effect because an anti androgen eventually unbinds however a degraded receptor is just gone


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instead of binding to the AR like pyriltuamide or RU or degrading the AR(GT etc.), it binds the mRNA that encodes for the AR and silences that. so the androgen receptor rna cannot be translated in the receptor in the cytoplasm. its basically post transcriptional silencing, you dont silence the gene but it happens one step after that after that. if completely targeted it'd be extremely effective however issue is the delivery. nanoparticles are usually used to deliver these things as their membranes can fuse with the membrane of the target cells and unload the iRNA(inhibitory RNA) into the cell. however the particles also protect the RNA from degradation because free RNA will be degraded immediately in the blood stream.

so the solution for hair loss would be, a combination drug with iRNAs for 5AR both types as well as androgen receptor, put that into a nano lipid particle, coat it with lipids that can be found on the surface of dermal papilla cells(this will ensure very targeted delivery and this is used in cancer science for example to deliver drugs to just the tumor and nothing else you can coat the vehicle with proteins primarily expressed on the surface of the tumor, signature proteins that dermal papilla cells also have), find the right size and charge of the particle and make it so they disintegrate upon entering the blood serum. then you put this on the scalp and massage it in so the particle travels down the follicular shaft.

this is all possible with modern science. this will make it very unlikely for the drug to go systemic as RNA is very unstable in blood and it would be a very potent combination to excert strong effects. this would be the maintenance drug everyone needs and this is the future for drug delivery however we are 10-15 years too old to really benefit from it.

however the only company doing this kind of stuff is Olix who said they start phase 1 trials this year. they haven't decided on the delivery but it'll probably be a nano lipids just like hutera(who tried the same thing very effectively with Crispr in animal studies). however Olix only makes iRNA agains the androgen receptor not against 5AR which would still be enough if the delivery is right. degraders and silencers as opposed to antagonists except a much stronger effect because an anti androgen eventually unbinds however a degraded receptor is just gone
From my point of view, if this goes systemic could be more dangerous than typical drugs as finas, pyri, cb, ru.

RNA drugs are dangerous, like covid vaccine. They can interact with own RNA or DNA and hybridisation.


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From my point of view, if this goes systemic could be more dangerous than typical drugs as finas, pyri, cb, ru.

RNA drugs are dangerous, like covid vaccine. They can interact with own RNA or DNA and hybridisation.
do you even know what siRNAs arr in drug therapy as opposed to mRNAs? there is a lot of research and the application of rna therapy is growing, actually it has started grosing because of covid. this was long overdue.


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So, if this works by silencing RNA of the androgen receptor, this should do wonders in conjunction with a prolactin receptor RNA silencer.


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Supposedly CosmeRNA goes on sale in Europe this week. Probably Brotzu 2.0 but we'll see.


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Is anybody here worried about messing with their RNA? Thoughts on safety?


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I wonder how to get this in the U.S. Maybe hope that someone sells it on ebay? Probably going to get price gouged though. Still looking forward to trying this, only a 1x per week application sounds very appealing. Tired of having to apply RU everyday.


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I wonder how to get this in the U.S. Maybe hope that someone sells it on ebay? Probably going to get price gouged though. Still looking forward to trying this, only a 1x per week application sounds very appealing. Tired of having to apply RU everyday.
If the price gouging is too bad on third party sites, you can set up an address in the UK/Europe that will forward mail to the US for relatively cheap. It's more cost-efficient if you buy a bunch at once, and only get gouged on shipping. Better than getting gouged on the full price over and over on eBay (like trying to buy Morr-F there)
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Bought. Will report back in a few months. Did not buy Brotzu. No studies on that, only hype. This has been in development for many years. It specifically targets the production of the proteins that are the androgen receptors. Now if that really makes a difference is what we are 'c'oping for. :)
Good luck. Be sure to share your results.