Puffy nipples/gyno? What to do...


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To be honest, I have minor gyno like this for years and it does not have any health related issues or risk. I'm more scared of losing hair!

You get to decide, which do you prefer, being bald or having minor puffy nipples?


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Been on finasteride for 3 weeks, and in just the last 2 days i've developed a slight nipple ache that comes and goes. I have also noticed some firmer lumps around the areola area, but thankfully it's not visibly noticeable yet. If it stabilises at this state, i'll be happy to continue finasteride, but if it continues to grow, then I'll have to stop finasteride too. Really sucks as I haven't noticed any other side effects at all really...

I'm 6'2" / 187cm tall, and just over 90kg. I carry a bit of muscle, but i'm definitely not as lean as I used to be. I'll try losing some weight also to see if that helps.


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I took propecia 0.25mg for 3 weeks, got puffy nipples and stopped. Developed gyno anyway and when it got ugly i started on tamoxifen. First week 20 mg, 4weeks 40mg, then one more week 10mg. Lump is now very small bit still puffy nipple. But nothing to be ashamed for.

Then after 4 months i decided i'd rather have gyno and started on 0.5mg propecia again. Now i am 5 weeks later and i have no sides....

I read about a guy on this forum that also took propecia again after developing gyno on it but reduced it with tamoxifen. Mayne due some hormonal imbalance due tamoxifen you are able to take propecia once more if you lucky? He doesnt have an explanation but i hope this helps you.

When i start to develop gyno once more i will update.


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I took propecia 0.25mg for 3 weeks, got puffy nipples and stopped. Developed gyno anyway and when it got ugly i started on tamoxifen. First week 20 mg, 4weeks 40mg, then one more week 10mg. Lump is now very small bit still puffy nipple. But nothing to be ashamed for.

Then after 4 months i decided i'd rather have gyno and started on 0.5mg propecia again. Now i am 5 weeks later and i have no sides....

I read about a guy on this forum that also took propecia again after developing gyno on it but reduced it with tamoxifen. Mayne due some hormonal imbalance due tamoxifen you are able to take propecia once more if you lucky? He doesnt have an explanation but i hope this helps you.

When i start to develop gyno once more i will update.

@Sanchez1234 you still gyno free? i was on .7mg finasteride ED for around a month and a half when I got gyno. hoping i can go down to .25 with more success
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Go get a dexa scan. Your not 15% bf. That scan will give you the most accurate body composition reading. Your prolly a lot higher than you assume. Cost me 50 bucks where I'm from to get. You cant just use your weight and height to assume your body composition.


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@Sanchez1234 you still gyno free? i was on .7mg finasteride ED for around a month and a half when I got gyno. hoping i can go down to .25 with more success
Still same gyno as when i started 2 months ago at 0.5mg each day. I have absolutely no sides and i have no idea if i should be happy. Maybe i have fake finasteride because i am noticing no difference in shedding. I have ordered finpecia now instead of proscalpin.