question about revivogen


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Why don't the makers of Revivogen undertake some tests of their own? The one they did didn't even involve independent verification of results or hair counts. Surely if they have confidence in their product, they could carry out a test. I don't mean they have to undertake tests as rigorous as the FDA requires for product approval, but my goodness, the test they report on their website is a joke. Some of the respondents say that they think perhaps maybe they have seen a slowdown in hair loss, and the makers of Revivogen say that 77% of users in the study report positive results. No placebo group, no third-party evaluation of the study participants, no hair counts or weights. Something just smells wrong when they can't even reasonably test their product.


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It's been a long time since I have posted here. I have been using Revivogen, Dr Lee's spironolactone 5% cream once a day, and Nizoral every three days for a few years now and I can say that these treatments have definitely slowed down my hair loss. I tried other treatments like Propecia back when I was 24 but had really bad Telogen Effluvium reaction from it.

I am 30 now and over the years the frontal portion has been thinning slowly. I am a diffuse thinner so there is no real bald spots yet, but my hair has gradually thinned out all over, but more in the frontal portion. When I use a good shampoo like Revivogen shampoo or Nizoral, it hides the thinning but you can still see through the hair, especially under bright light. However, I am doing better then some younger family members who are fairly bald and others are just thinning.

Anyway, I was thinking of trying Fluridil and alternating it with Revivogen / spironolactone 5% cream nightly. So I would use Revivogen / spironolactone 5% one night, and then Fluridil the following night and then wash my hair in the morning. I want to see if Fluridil would offer any benefit over Revivogen / spironolactone 5% cream. Perhaps if I did respond better to Fluridil, I could slowly phase out Revivogen / spironolactone 5%, or just one of these treatments for Fluridil. I have had the thought of jumping on the Fluridil bandwagon for awhile now, but have not fully made up my mind.

Also, I know there is no data out there to compare, but which regimen do you think is more effective (Revivogen + spironolactone combo every night) or just Fluridil? I would still use Nizoral every three days like I am currently doing.

Your feedback would be appreciated (Bryan,, or anyone else).

Thank you.