Quit Finasteride 8 Months Ago. Still No Libido.


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Not sure what you want us to say to you..we've been more than willing to give you advices. If you feel like you can follow them. No one can tell you when you're going to recover because you re not a software that need to be fixed but a human being.
Hope it has been helpful


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Not sure what you want us to say to you..we've been more than willing to give you advices. If you feel like you can follow them. No one can tell you when you're going to recover because you re not a software that need to be fixed but a human being.
Hope it has been helpful
Yes, sure, and i'm grateful for your counseling. I'm really exploring them.
What i want to know is how long it took in your case.


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Yes, sure, and i'm grateful for your counseling. I'm really exploring them.
What i want to know is how long it took in your case.
When i used medical dopamine agonists (7/8months)
But im quite sure that blasting 70iu per chilos of vitamin E tocopherol will drop prolactin where you want it to be


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When i used medical dopamine agonists (7/8months)
But im quite sure that blasting 70iu per chilos of vitamin E tocopherol will drop prolactin where you want it to be
1.you have recovered twice? ("when i used"...)
2.your assumptions is that libido is knocked from the central nervous system rather than receptor expressions changes in penile tissue?


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1.you have recovered twice? ("when i used"...)
2.your assumptions is that libido is knocked from the central nervous system rather than receptor expressions changes in penile tissue?
2 - no one knows and every case is different.
In my anecdotal opinion dopamine and Gaba receptors are pivotal for sexual desire.
So you cant recover if you dont restore allopregnanolone and Gaba glutammine balance (time is your best ally)
But still, its just my personal story.
I did not recover twice but when i used medical dopamine agonists i felt immediatly better even if i was under fina.
Of course im talking about cabergoline drugs or Picamilon at high dosage.
Not a candy.
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Anyone has been in the same situation at the 8 month mark, and could tell if the situation resolved or improved?
I'm really scared right now.
I mentioned this in other threads and my own threads...some ppl get sides after quitting finasteride...when I quit (i tapered off it first), i had low libido and barely any semen output...I went back on finasteride again, my libido and semen level went back to normal again..though i developed Telogen Effluvium again from finasteride...i regret taking this drug.


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I mentioned this in other threads and my own threads...some ppl get sides after quitting finasteride...when I quit (i tapered off it first), i had low libido and barely any semen output...I went back on finasteride again, my libido and semen level went back to normal again..though i developed Telogen Effluvium again from finasteride...i regret taking this drug.
how ended eventually? When did the side effects disappear?


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Have you had your bloods done yet ?
I'm in the process.
To be honest, i would prefer that the bloods show an anomaly/deficit to be corrected via replacement/drug rather than nothing.
The last option would left me without explanation.


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I've just received my blood tests
17-alpha estradiol
below lower limit range
touching upper limit range
approaching lower limit range.

Any thoughts?


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Would bet here on mental problems. Blood test came very good besides prolactin which is still in range but you might be sensitive to this hormone.

I have done blood tests on finasteride 3 years ago

didn't checked prolactin tho

my libido was always a little bit above normal, but i always needed psychic stimulation or excitement to get hard and turn into sex beastly mode. Physical stimulation doesn't work for me.

When i broke up with my ex-girlfriend and was single freelancer for few months i wasn't even thinking about sex or masturbation or whatever connected to it, wasnt even depressed either or so. Just i didn't need it and also it was not necessary at this time to be horny (lol). When i meet my current girlfriend and we started to be in relationship and again i felt psychical stimulation and atraction, my dick was always rock solid and ready when pants were going to be down. Dont know my blood tests on dutasteride now but still my sex performance is 10/10 when needed.

Maybe you should go this way? Brain is a b**ch, and masturbation is not a great option to check this evidence.
Get a comfortable long-term girlfriend, f*** together nicely and have fun all the way from it.



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Your E2 is in the upper limit and your DHT in the lower limit so I'm guessing these levels were taken while on Fina?


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Tamoxifen will bring your test back up and proviron is a DHT derived steroid - smooth muscle tissue (dick) and GABA.
@Ollie you are akways commenting but you never answered if it happen PFS to you... time to resolve.. actions taken..
I would be glad to hear it!