Late to peanut gallery but have 2 yrs experience
I read all of this thread in 2013 before I started my regime of 1.25 mg of generic proprecia and 1 ml of generic rogaine.
All I can say is WOW thank the higher powers for generic Proprecia! I know, I know there are sides to the Finasteride (generic proprecia) but they've been all beneficial for me. Check yourself though. Before I started, I had blood samples to see where my T-levels where. I was on the upper end of normal - honestly, this was causing a lot of problems in my marriage because even in my mid-30s, my younger wife teased me for having a teenager libido. Really, this might seem like I'm bragging but because of my sex drive, I've longed for the days when I'm so old that I don't care about women anymore and want to talk with other retirees rocking chair for 6 hours a day.
Anyways, point #1 is get your T-levels checked before starting a finasteride treatment. If you're on the higher end of normal or above normal, then finasteride might help you too!
Next, point #2, generic Rogaine can work wonders on all areas; even the temple region. But, the temple region is tricky. Tap the applicator in the thinner areas; don't squeeze the ball to push out any liquid. Or, if you can afford the form or spray version, use this until you have have grown enough hair to hold the liquid dabber type.
I did a Tim Ferris approach on experimenting with generic Rogaine on my temple regions - only applying to the right side for 1 year. I did see improvement! But the cost was lost minoxidil running down my forehead until I finally relaxed to dab (tap) the applicator.
Tip #3, tell your close family and friends your starting treatment. They can tell you if something is going wacky with your personality. And by the way, they'll start to see a headful of difference so they're going to know something is up anyways. Surprisingly, coworkers are clueless.
But back to this topic, after 2 years on generic Proprecia, I'm thankful and thinking clearer with both sides of my brain. My wife says I've found my superpower in my verbal ability - I'm able to connect my thoughts to words and present them in a coherent argument (warning: this means 1-2 months of relationship stress where your wife might be bewildered how you can spar verbally; possibly remind her you're less demanding sexually). For my muscle mass, I'm still able to maintain a cut body and almost find it easier because I'm more consistent and focused in my short workouts (I'm an IT pro, surfer, rock climber, snowboarder, never cared to look like a body builder, and weight train do High Intensity Interval Training 10 min 3x per week).
I am 38 years old, 5'9", weigh 170 lbs.