Quitting Smoking


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Day 2 of "trying" to quit. I guess the best I can say is that I cut back drastically.

Smoked some ciggies this morning w/ my coffee - but have been in cessation mode for the last 6.5 hours (doesn't sound like much, does it?).

Back in the late 90s, I managed to quit for almost 13 months, and I quit simultaneously w/ starting proscar. I often wonder if quitting smoking PLUS being on proscar was the main reason for my regrowth back in those days.


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Red Rose said:
Damn I miss those little guys.

I haven't had one since last Saturday :bigcry:

THAT"S FKIN GREAT! Hang tough brother!

Red Rose

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hair_tomorrow said:
[quote="Red Rose":b20fb]Damn I miss those little guys.

I haven't had one since last Saturday :bigcry:

THAT"S FKIN GREAT! Hang tough brother![/quote:b20fb]

Cheers boss.

The thing is that I can't avoid the inevitable equation:-

Friday night :beer:(s) = :smoke:


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20 days for me today. i still put on half a nic. patch before dinner untill I go to bed though. But not one cigarette smoked (and feeling good too, to my surprise), just have to get off the nicotine now.


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man im exactly like you i quit smoking 6 months ago just as i started using propecia i guess i was thinking from this day on im gonna take care of myself lool


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ive tried to quit smoking cigs 3 or 4 times. Surprisingly this time around im doing pretty good considering its been just a couple of weeks. I am noticed im eating like a muderficker, so i try to pack some carrot sticks and snacks to satisfy this oral fixation of mine.

well, fight the good fight


PS (Ronny)- sweet avatar, great albulm


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Aplunk1 said:
Gum, man... It helps.

Yeah - I need to do something. I backslided big-time and back puffin' away like a chimney.


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I know this is bad, but everytime I wanted to have a cigarette, I'd have a beer instead.

Lol, not the safest thing ever, but I did quit cigarettes after two years of chain smoking. Now, I still don't smoke or even get the urge. Yay.
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I gave up cold turkey 4 years ago. Found some liptons green tea and ginger tea bags in the cupboard and was dissapointed with the flavour so I went out and bought some real ginger and better quality green tea. I just grate a fair amount into the cup and throw in a green tea bag. You can keep filling the cup with hot water because the ginger retains flavour for quite a while.
Apparently chicks use ginger tea for pmt pain, sailors use it to ward off sea sickness and body builders use the green tea for thermogenic weight loss. I lost weight while giving up.
Good luck! :hairy:


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Using Zyban (Buproprion) worked great for me. That is the treatment of choice for giving up smoking.


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wanna hear something weird? i've never really smoked but i use nicotine patches all the time. absolutely love them.

that zyban drug was used in a study here in the downunder involving chronic gamblers. australia has a huge poker machine problem. anyway, it was about as effective in treating the gamblers as it has been with smokers. that is to say, very effective. at least i think it was zyban, it was an anti addictive and i think thats the only one is it not? interesting stuff either way


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I might give Zyban a try. I´ve been reading about it lately.

It seems to interact with every drug available, but luckily you can have finasteride while having Zyban.

I hope this sh*t will keep me away from cigs.

Btw, do you know any online source for Zyban??


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It takes about 7 years after quitting cold-turkey until you become officially non-addicted.


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My dad quit 10+ years ago.

He says even now he feels the need to smoke when he sees other people smoking.

I can´t believe how stupid I was the day I started smoking this sh*t.

Also, wishing to quit and not being able for myself makes me feel angry and out of self-control, but I can´t do anything about it.

Every hour of the day I lose, cigs win.

Definitely, I´m going to give Zyban a try.


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Cold-turkey, my friend.

I chain-smoked for two years. Two years.

I quit cold-turkey for a girl. It was the best thing I ever did.

Sure, it was hard at first... but working out, eating healthy, getting good sleep, and lots of gum all help!


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Its been a b**ch trying to quit smoking, especially because i get so nervous and anxiety kicks in when im in school.
After this finals week, im going to try to go cold-turkey, again. With hopefully ssome success this time around. If that doesnt work, im gunna look into Zyban, ive been hearing nothing but good things about this.



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I tried to quit cold-turkey. I couldn´t.

I was fantasizing every single second with a cig. I was in a very bad mood until I smoked again. I yelled at every person around me, and I felt the urge to punch every little object, thing and person that disturbed me. And almost everything disturbed me when I was not smoking.

I couldn´t.