Quitting Smoking


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Solo said:
I tried to quit cold-turkey. I couldn´t.

I was fantasizing every single second with a cig. I was in a very bad mood until I smoked again. I yelled at every person around me, and I felt the urge to punch every little object, thing and person that disturbed me. And almost everything disturbed me when I was not smoking.

I couldn´t.

I understand it's hard, but it's very possible to stop cold-turkey.

It's no so much a physical necessity as it is a psychological one.

With having a pleasurable habit removed, one is unaccustomed to coping with day-to-day problems and simple, yet stressful activites.

Cold-turkey is the most efficient and quick method to quit...

During the first few weeks of quitting smoking, I found these to be of great help:

1) Eventually cut down to Lights... although, I missed my full-flavors.

2) Smoking hookah (flavored tobacco minus the nicotine and tar :) )

3) Drinking beers... Not hard alcohol. Drinking (1) one beer for every time I NEEDED a cigarette.

4) Some form of anti-anxiety...


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does nicotine cause hairloss? or is the tar? i love smoking hookah, i feel the need of nicotine but i think i can quit cigarettes.

Hawaii male

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I ve been trying to quit for awhile now myself. I guess you have to really want to quit and be ready to quit. Ive went through the patch and gum systems so far. Its really expensive and I still find myself smoking in the end. :shock:


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does nicotine cause hairloss? or is the tar? i love smoking hookah, i feel the need of nicotine but i think i can quit cigarettes.

its not a good idea to use the word 'cause'. however most would agree that smoking will probably accelerate or exacerbate hairloss. it wouldnt be the nicotine though, it would be the carbon monoxide you inhale, as it does lots of nasty things to your blood, skin etc.


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Guys I can totally relate to the struggle. I smoked from 18 until 28ish. I really rev'd up when I went away to college. Pack+/day for many years. Sick as it is, I tried to quit by simply switching the nicotine vehicle. Yes, I started the Copenhagen. Damn, that sh*t is nasty...but let me tell you, once you're addicted you'll crave it like it's caviar. Wouldn't take much to get me to suck down a Camel or 20, nor shove a big fatty behind my lip. To this day, if I took a smoke or a dip I could be back in the game full-time. I still chew an occasional Nicorette. Nicotine is one evil mother f****r...I'd love to be able to take a smoke every once in a while, but I have an EXTREMELY addictive personality.

Good luck.