Flashback to 2015:
I was at a store and I saw an old friend of mine from highschool, and I noticed he was starting to suffer from diffuse hairloss. At the time, it didn't seem that bad, and the dude was his usual cheerful (almost annoyingly so) self that I remembered.
I saw him at the mall, and at first I didn't recognize him. Dude's gone the "Just shave it bro" route and buzzed it right down; appears to be NW4 or maybe even 5 and has grown out the beard in attempt to pull off the "stone cold" look every guy hopes will compensate.
and he didn't even say a word. Just looked at me, nodded, and kept on walking.
Maybe it was just a bad day or something, but for this guy, that seems like a REAL bad day to wind up like that. I also notice he hasn't uploaded a new facebook picture in about 4 years. He just seemed dead inside when I saw him.