I started shedding and balding in a Norwood pattern, which became a major noticeable issue this time last year. Around this time one year ago I had a feminine hairline, just noticed increased excessive shedding. Now I’m a full on Norwood 2 or 3 with diffuse loss as well. This seems incredibly fast. Anyone here move from no visible hair loss to a Norwood 3 in just one year? Doesn’t help that I’m a woman and just keep hearing over and over that “females don’t lose their hairline” from doctors and hair loss medical sites. Well, this one did. Also my entire sides have receded with vellus hairs left in replace, I’m assuming this means I’m doomed to become an advanced Norwood, like a 7? Is this DUPA? My center part is still intact though.
In a weird way I am semi-grateful the pattern is going this way, all underneath, and not classic female Ludwig, as I am able to hide it with long hair, bangs, and extensions for the time being. I’m just dreading the day when these don’t work and I progress. I have been on spironolactone for a year with no improvement, topical minoxidil for 7 months with no improvement, and just picked up a prescription for oral minoxidil. Worried to start it as I heard many women get a bad shed and it didn’t end up working for them and nothing grew back.
I’ve attached photos of how my hair looks when I pull it back and underneath and how it looks when my hair is down. My hair when styled and with the tape in extensions looks totally fine to me and I would be ecstatic if I could keep it at this state for as long as possible, but how do I do this??
Is it normal for balding to progress this rapidly? Female hairline to this in just one year? Would you say this is a Norwood 3? Does anyone ever hit a Norwood 3 and just stop there? Or does balding always progress with time?
I don’t have high androgens but do struggle with high prolactin and high cortisol. Pituitary tumors have been ruled out. Saw two hair loss derms without a biopsy. Both said Telogen Effluvium then one told me CTE and possible mild Androgenetic Alopecia. I’m certain is Androgenetic Alopecia but I can’t believe it’s going sooo fast.
In a weird way I am semi-grateful the pattern is going this way, all underneath, and not classic female Ludwig, as I am able to hide it with long hair, bangs, and extensions for the time being. I’m just dreading the day when these don’t work and I progress. I have been on spironolactone for a year with no improvement, topical minoxidil for 7 months with no improvement, and just picked up a prescription for oral minoxidil. Worried to start it as I heard many women get a bad shed and it didn’t end up working for them and nothing grew back.
I’ve attached photos of how my hair looks when I pull it back and underneath and how it looks when my hair is down. My hair when styled and with the tape in extensions looks totally fine to me and I would be ecstatic if I could keep it at this state for as long as possible, but how do I do this??
Is it normal for balding to progress this rapidly? Female hairline to this in just one year? Would you say this is a Norwood 3? Does anyone ever hit a Norwood 3 and just stop there? Or does balding always progress with time?
I don’t have high androgens but do struggle with high prolactin and high cortisol. Pituitary tumors have been ruled out. Saw two hair loss derms without a biopsy. Both said Telogen Effluvium then one told me CTE and possible mild Androgenetic Alopecia. I’m certain is Androgenetic Alopecia but I can’t believe it’s going sooo fast.
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