Rate My Norwood, Fellas. It's Over For Me.

Murkey Thumb

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Dude I'm sitting on 2properties over a half a mill in Savings a great pension Already retired u think I give a rat's *** weather u listen to me or.not
Don't give a flying f*** how much your worth it has absolutely no relevance here just sick to death of half assed theories like the no fap bull sh*t, which has been disproven a thousand times. If you had been on this forum longer you would know not to advise such crap! If you have nothing productive to say then say nothing!


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f*****g moron

your a fullhead

you insult the poor fuckers here with real issues

'its over for me'

jesus christ

i hope you do actually go bald you pussy


I think the guy is serious. We look about the same. I just wish I could have started Rogaine sooner.

I think guys with anxiety issues are quick to freaking out. Either TS is a troll or is actually a anxious duck.

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Don't give a flying f*** how much your worth it has absolutely no relevance here just sick to death of half assed theories like the no fap bull sh*t, which has been disproven a thousand times. If you had been on this forum longer you would know not to advise such crap! If you have nothing productive to say then say nothing!
I've been reading this forum for. while just started to write in it I've been in a.lot of your guys situations meaning hair loss has always bothered me so in other words I feel your pain your probably right some of what I said was irrelevant. But there is.no need for u to cuss me out if u disagree with me. Everyone is entitled to their oppinion we can agree to disagree I wish u the best

Murkey Thumb

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I've been reading this forum for. while just started to write in it I've been in a.lot of your guys situations meaning hair loss has always bothered me so in other words I feel your pain your probably right some of what I said was irrelevant. But there is.no need for u to cuss me out if u disagree with me. Everyone is entitled to their oppinion we can agree to disagree I wish u the best
Fine then i apologise for the bad language and i don't want to discourage you from posting your experiences but be careful what you say, as you will get called out on half assed theories.


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I think the guy is serious. We look about the same. I just wish I could have started Rogaine sooner.

I think guys with anxiety issues are quick to freaking out. Either TS is a troll or is actually a anxious duck.
what u mean 'i think he's serious?', of f*****g course i am serious, i am balding in my mid 20s, cant be more serious than that.

i cant wear my usual hair styles anymore, sh*t looks ugly as f***.

and its not even about that, its about the fact that its progressing, and i will be nw3 in half a year or less.

so u have better or worse hairline?


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How are you not on finasteride already? You have a lot of hair left to save so give it a try. There's a 90% chance you'll maintain when you're using finasteride. I had to start using it when I was 19 and of course I'm among the 10% who don't maintain. Now I'm forced to start using dutasteride in a few weeks at 20 years old and I will at the same time start dermarolling. You have to try everything possible right now to improve your situation. I think once you're NW3+ (Which is inevitable without treatments) you won't care about the small possibility of side effects anymore so better at least give finasteride a try right now, as your hair is still ok atm.
yeah, man. prolly that is correct idea. im just scared about brain fog, cuz i need sharp mind now as never and obviously possibly gyno and impotence.

plus finasteride will force shed and then hair line wil get fucked even more, but yeah, looks like i i dont do sh*t i will get nw3 and then it will be really over for me

where did u get ur finasteride? whats ur hair now like?


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I would normally tell someone in your situation (i.e. NOT substantially balding & still 95% fullhead) not to go forward with a transplant, but since you're so hostile and are clearly just a BDD case, I say go for it. Blow your $$ and risk making your existing hair worse due to the risk of shock loss. Goddamned drama queen.
BDD case? Dude, what are u on about. Looks are almost everything in this life, they are only besides talent in social capital ladder.

Just look at how much appearance of this guy changed who isnt even balding but was born with such hair line.



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BDD case? Dude, what are u on about. Looks are almost everything in this life, they are only besides talent in social capital ladder.

Just look at how much appearance of this guy changed who isnt even balding but was born with such hair line.
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lol first all of that aint no high hairline mate

that is balding

the dude is just lucky enough to have decent density

having that transplant what idiotic of him

its now left him with a thin *** hairline which emphasizes his balding even more

he needs at least one more pass to match his native density which he probably didnt get because like you, he is a f*****g moron


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lol first all of that aint no high hairline mate

that is balding

the dude is just lucky enough to have decent density

having that transplant what idiotic of him

its now left him with a thin *** hairline which emphasizes his balding even more

he needs at least one more pass to match his native density which he probably didnt get because like you, he is a f*****g moron
that aint balding, read his story, u imbicile

amazing of him to have hairtransplant, it boosted his overall apperance by 2 points and he looks much more younger and healthier just from it

he still has amazing density and on top of that improved hairline


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yeah, man. prolly that is correct idea. im just scared about brain fog, cuz i need sharp mind now as never and obviously possibly gyno and impotence.

plus finasteride will force shed and then hair line wil get fucked even more, but yeah, looks like i i dont do sh*t i will get nw3 and then it will be really over for me

where did u get ur finasteride? whats ur hair now like?

Just get in fina, wait a year and if you’re good on it then get a small transplant. You definitely have hairloss.


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what u mean 'i think he's serious?', of f*****g course i am serious, i am balding in my mid 20s, cant be more serious than that.

i cant wear my usual hair styles anymore, sh*t looks ugly as f***.

and its not even about that, its about the fact that its progressing, and i will be nw3 in half a year or less.

so u have better or worse hairline?

It's not a competition. I don't know the scale. Maybe a 2. I don't know.

Bro, don't go Elliott Rogers on the world or get stuck in your head.

I love my hair. I will enjoy it and this life for however long it is with me. The same with family and friends. I will give my gifts. I will approach lots of girls. I will take my shot in this life.

I will backslide at times but, I will do my best. Checkout ecky. Read power of now. Study eastern philosophy (read), seek knowledge, and consciousness.

I smoke dmt. Little matters once you trip and blast off. Exploring consciousness is fucken unreal. It was like I watched the creation story. Checkout Jordan Peterson. This life is marked with an abundance of suffering and tragedy. I buried my father and sister. I am drowning in loss and tragedy but I have faith. There is a arbitrary element of life. What little success and happiness we acquire is short lived and fleeting.

Good luck and God bless.


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In my opinion this guy is balding.
I know his hair loss is nothing if compared to most users', BUT
- when you start balding, you cannot style your hair anymore. Best hair styles for men are based on the premise you have good density everywhere. OP lacks hair on the temples. If the thing proceeds as it seems it does, his main preoccupation in front of the mirror will be "how do I manage this sh*t to make it look decent?"
- he does not know how it will go on. When your temples are eaten by the disease, you are always scared the rest will and, of course, the CROWN.


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BDD case? Dude, what are u on about. Looks are almost everything in this life, they are only besides talent in social capital ladder.

Just look at how much appearance of this guy changed who isnt even balding but was born with such hair line.
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This is the worst sh*t I have seen in my life.


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f*****g moron

your a fullhead

you insult the poor fuckers here with real issues

'its over for me'

jesus christ

i hope you do actually go bald you pussy
@sunchyme1 Yeah, can you imagine some guy in his 50's complaining of having that much hair. How insulting?:D


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I don't know what happened with you guys but OP has visible receding. He is at least NW2 on one of his temples and temples asymmetry gives damage to his looks.


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In my opinion this guy is balding.
I know his hair loss is nothing if compared to most users', BUT
- when you start balding, you cannot style your hair anymore. Best hair styles for men are based on the premise you have good density everywhere. OP lacks hair on the temples. If the thing proceeds as it seems it does, his main preoccupation in front of the mirror will be "how do I manage this sh*t to make it look decent?"
- he does not know how it will go on. When your temples are eaten by the disease, you are always scared the rest will and, of course, the CROWN.
yeah, basically it seems that it keeps going and if it progresses anymore further to nw3 its death sentence for looks, its already highly noticeable. just bunch of bitter old cue bald heads here whinning and talking sh*t.

haven't read thread but you are you on finasteride op?
i'm not, scared shitless of sides, not only gyno and impotence obv, but also brain fog since im at the stage where u need to perform at job at the highest right now. what would u advse for starters?

@sunchyme1 Yeah, can you imagine some guy in his 50's complaining of having that much hair. How insulting?:D
is that clown in his 50s?

Got mine from a german online pharmacy, but it's expensive af here. I think it worked well in the crown area, but my hairline is still losing ground. I'd say I'm NW2.75. I started Minoxidil at 18 and finasteride at 19, without them I'm convinced I would be NW4+ right now
yea, nw2.75 so we are the same basically, got any pics on how u wear ur hair with it? just wonder what to do with styles at this point. any sides from minoxidil or finasteride u r havin so far? also i heard minoxidil doesnt help that much to save hair on temples, works mostly on crown.

I don't know what happened with you guys but OP has visible receding. He is at least NW2 on one of his temples and temples asymmetry gives damage to his looks.
exactly, at least nw2 and it's progressing. also i have one of the temples receded more since i had bald spot there genetically. are u on meds? any suggestions?


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You are definitely receding. I would look into a topical minoxidil finasteride combo. That is really all you have as an option if you won't take the finasteride orally. Your hairstyle is not bad at all. It's not over for you as you have enough hair to save. It's over if you don't do anything and your are destined to go bald quickly. @sunchyme1 is not in his 50's. He is a young stud who knows it's over for him.