Rate My Norwood With Conealer Does This Look Below Norwood 2?


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Yup I'm apparently the crazy BDD trans regimen guy on here. They don't know nothing though.. I really need a better camera as my current one captures very little detail and shadows seem to render as grainy for some reason.
Thanks, my hair isn't too bad yet but the recent shed has thinned out the sides of my hairline pretty bad :( I'll try post some pics tomorrow but I doubt I'll capture it on this camera, its useless!

Yeah, I have the same potato camera problem too, lol. Makes it hard to detect thinning on the scalp due to the issue with shadows, even in good lighting. I also have curly hair, which means the hair tends to clump in certain places, which might hide possible thinning spots (though, from my wet pics, I haven't noticed any scalp yet) that are hard to catch dry.

Keep in there man, I admire your dedication and having the balls to experiment with a bunch of sh*t other members won't do for the sake of your hair. You simply just don't give up when one treatment fails, unlike others I've seen on this forum. Keep strong.

Hopefully you'll regain your dick someday :S. I can't imagine v**** slavery to be pleasant.
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Yeah, I have the same potato camera problem too, lol. Makes it hard to detect thinning on the scalp due to the issue with shadows, even in good lighting. I also have curly hair, which means the hair tends to clump in certain places, which might hide possible thinning spots (though, from my wet pics, I haven't noticed any scalp yet) that are hard to catch dry.

Keep in there man, I admire your dedication and having the balls to experiment with a bunch of sh*t other members won't do for the sake of your hair. You simply just don't give up when one treatment fails, unlike others I've seen on this forum. Keep strong.

Hopefully you'll regain your dick someday :S. I can't imagine v**** slavery to be pleasant.
I've not tried v**** yet, but im seriously considering buying some. I can't have sex with my gf anymore I just go soft so quickly ( TMI? )
Yea most users wouldn't touch most of the stuff I've tried. I definitely don't want to be on these medications but its either that or a worsening of my already crippling depression.. Gotta go with the lesser of two evils!
I think you should try worrying less about your hair, I didn't really think about my hair loss until is was quite a bit worse than yours lol but its easier said than done.


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I've not tried v**** yet, but im seriously considering buying some. I can't have sex with my gf anymore I just go soft so quickly ( TMI? )
Yea most users wouldn't touch most of the stuff I've tried. I definitely don't want to be on these medications but its either that or a worsening of my already crippling depression.. Gotta go with the lesser of two evils!
I think you should try worrying less about your hair, I didn't really think about my hair loss until is was quite a bit worse than yours lol but its easier said than done.

Good luck man. ED's common with what you're taking, so I don't judge you.


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Scroll down to the bottom of the first page I have before and afters. Its gotten worse since then unfortunately due to some freak of nature shed where Ive been losing literally over a hundred hairs in the shower alone for the past week. All that shed hair has done a number on my thickness behind the sides of my hairline and looks to be thinning almost up to NW3. I'll try take some pics tomorrow but its hard to clearly show anything with my potato camera.

Okay, how is your father's hair?


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My dad is an early NW3v at 52 and my brother is 32 and NW1.5

Then you shouldn't have much to worry about. I would only stick to finasteride in your case but of course, it's totally up to you. If your vertex is going then maybe you need to go to duta or add minoxidil otherwise I would just stick with fina if it still has an effect. :)


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Then you shouldn't have much to worry about. I would only stick to finasteride in your case but of course, it's totally up to you. If your vertex is going then maybe you need to go to duta or add minoxidil otherwise I would just stick with fina if it still has an effect. :)
What's bizarre is I checked my crown again and it seems to have thickened up but my density behind the hairline has dropped :confused: I'm so confused, what the hell is going on? lol


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What's bizarre is I checked my crown again and it seems to have thickened up but my density behind the hairline has dropped :confused: I'm so confused, what the hell is going on? lol

As far as regrowth goes, anti-androgens have had more success filling people's vortex out than their hairline. Some people get both, some people nothing (like me... sigh).


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Well, I didn't bother reading any of the above, but what I can suggest is a Diy Hair Transplant. I'll go on to list the following materials essential to perform the previously mentioned.


1.) FUE extractor kit w/various punch diameters. 0.8mm

2.) 3 Choi Implant pens

3.) Surgical Scalpel, Surgical soap, Surgical Tray, Surgical grade numb creme, Gauze, Petri dishe, Wound healing stem cell Creme (Optional) , Surgical tweezers/ scissors, Non toxic black marker, measuring tape

4.) Adjustable Halogen Lamp (Wall mounted preferably)

5.) USB Trichoscope 50x for viewing rear of scalp on monitor.

6.) Magnifying glasses for dissecting grafts excess tissue.

Total: approx 825$
Step 1 /. Consultation

Going in for a consultation with a reputable dermatologist will certainly pay off in the long run, moreover, when it comes to performing a procedure typically unadvised. The information to be sought after should be an assessment of the extent of hairloss via microscope. The condition of the donor area should be in scope. In addition, information about the texture/type of hair will serve greatly in your personal endeavors.

Step 2 /. Preparation

Disorganization could sacrifice time that could be spent placing the grafts immediately into the recipient area. Choosing to neglect the organizing of materials at this stage could have a hinderance on the survival rate of said grafts. Ideally, materials should be in a concert orientation (secondary hand side). FUE Extractor should be on one side away from obstruction ( Primary hand side).

it is best to avoid having a dysfunctional workspace given that you do not have a rotating staff aiding in the procedure.

Step 3 /. Sanitization

Before performing such procedure, it is always wise to practice modeling hygiene safety. This insure that the environment that you'll be working in won't harbor any bacterial organisms/pathogens that could increase likelihood of infection. This in turn, would jeopardize the success of the procedure early on, so it is crucial to thoroughly spend time at this step. Rule of thumb, if you can't put your tongue on it confidently, it's not clean enough; or you're simply in the wrong room setting.


Step 4
/. Beginning


It's my new meme... Relax.

Funniest troll I've seen in a while.


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Nah, you're not. And I had a similar hairline with MUCH more diffuse thinning when I was your age.
When I saw my dermatologist almost 2 years ago he diagnosed me as a NW2 and gave me a free 6 month supply of propecia. I've lost ground since then so I most certainly am past NW2. I'm sorry to hear that, how are your treatments going? Any success?


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When I saw my dermatologist almost 2 years ago he diagnosed me as a NW2 and gave me a free 6 month supply of propecia. I've lost ground since then so I most certainly am past NW2. I'm sorry to hear that, how are your treatments going? Any success?
I think I'm maintaining for the time being. Still shedding a lot of miniaturized hairs though, despite having been on the Big Three for almost a full year now.


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Even without concealers, most on here would kill for hair like that. If I didn't see how many posts you've posted I would have thought it was a wind-up. You're obviously doing something right. Keep on doing what you're doing


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I think I'm maintaining for the time being. Still shedding a lot of miniaturized hairs though, despite having been on the Big Three for almost a full year now.
If you're maintaining you've succeeded. Maybe its time to start saving up for a hair transplant? :)
Even without concealers, most on here would kill for hair like that. If I didn't see how many posts you've posted I would have thought it was a wind-up. You're obviously doing something right. Keep on doing what you're doing
My hair was way better when I first started treatments, I've only lost ground since then unfortunately.


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I’m glad this dude posted pictures. Because what it confirms is that he as well as many other users are hypochondriacs. You have a better hairline then me and I’ve had a hair transplant.
I think it should be compulsery that people post pictures when writing a thread. Just so we can all determine whether the user is over reacting or not. I read a few threads this guy has written and I could’ve sworn his hair was non existent. They definitely will scare the newer hair sufferers visiting the site.
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I’m glad this dude posted pictures. Because what it confirms is that he as well as many other users are hypochondriacs. You have a better hairline then me and I’ve had a hair transplant.
I think it should be compulsery that people post pictures when writing a thread. Just so we can all determine whether the user is over reacting or not. I read a few threads this guy has written and I could’ve sworn his hair was non existent. They definitely will scare the newer hair sufferers visiting the site.
What makes you say that? My hair loss isn't bad at this stage no but being only 21 with treatments not working is not exactly an ideal situation to be in now is it? There are plenty of members on here 5 - 10+ years older than me with better hair so I'm not exactly a hypochondriac.. I just moan about it more. Why would my threads scare new members? I always post pics of my hair and explain what treatments I'm using and for how long in them.. I'm pretty transparent about it. NW2.3ish at 21 is not a good place to be. It could be worse, but it still bothers me. That's why I made this thread to show the difference concealer made! For the record, here are other photos of my hair to give you a better look.


  • IMG_20180502_233803.jpg
    62.3 KB · Views: 382
  • IMG_20180502_233923.jpg
    70.7 KB · Views: 374


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Hair looks like it’s gone from juvenile hairline to mature hairline. Your hairline looks good to me and dense. Do what you feel happy with and gives you confidence.

Did we establish if the temple/sideburn area is normal to be slightly thinner or not? Mine is exactly the same and I am concerned. How can a dr test to see if you’ve got it?

Edit: I also mean mature hairline in a positive way, whilst it’s not that Norwood 0 hairline it still looks good and normal.


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Hair looks like it’s gone from juvenile hairline to mature hairline. Your hairline looks good to me and dense. Do what you feel happy with and gives you confidence.

Did we establish if the temple/sideburn area is normal to be slightly thinner or not? Mine is exactly the same and I am concerned. How can a dr test to see if you’ve got it?
I have no idea, some say it's normal and others ( like myself ) say its another form of hair loss. Thanks for the compliment bro! Concealer has given me confidence again.