This thread really speaks to how we need our hair back not only to get women, but for our precious identities, self-worth, self-esteem, and the ability to feel comfortable in our own skin. I think the answer would be different for men and women though. I think that men crave sex like a drug, while women crave attention like a drug. Guys will put up with all kinds of unconscionable behavior from women, just for a shot at having sex with them. I've seen it time and time again and I've even seen it with married couples. I remember buckthorn once saying (and forgive the vulgarity): women possessing a vagina + guys craving a vagina like nothing else = women's ability to manipulate. Lots of them know that they can get away with all kinds of sh*t, and guys will keep coming back because they crave having sex with them.
On the other hand, I believe that women have that same craving, but for attention. I know a married woman who used to have 5,000 friends on facebook. If that isn't extreme, then my name is Mikey Jackson. I know another married woman who has over 100 likes on many of her facebook photos. What is the point of that, other than attention whoring? I know others who post hundreds of photos to everything from facebook to Instagram, yet I've never known them to have true boyfriends. With many of them, it's not about the sex, but it's all about the attention.
Oh, and speaking of which, I just saw a quote on social networking from a woman I know, which reads "my boyfriend has long hair, and I love him". Coming from a former long-haired rocker now suffering from hair loss, this was a real kick in the set.