RE: Flutagel


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Flutagel does nothing ror Male Pattern Baldnes ,why don you people stop the hype


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tchehov said:
Why the f*** is the other thread locked? I've seen a lot worse behaviour on this forum...

Anyway, looks like we all got suckered by Sinere over Flutagel - they are discontinuing it - ... adid=79142

I'd take my hat of to you Davidoff, if I wasn't scared you'd see my head.

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I respond to complaints...if a thread passes by with crazy content 9/10 times I will leave it alone unless I get complaints.


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I don't get some of you people... a company discontinues a product, one that's probably a money-maker for them and has one of the biggest buzzes in recent forum history, for SAFETY ISSUES, and you guys say "looks like we all got suckered by Sinere over Flutagel"??

Do you guys ever go back and actually read what you are saying? This "negative forum culture" never ceases to amaze me, and you guys have a lot of personal growth to do. Just, WOW.


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There is a direct answer form SINERE on
Too bad we have to suffer because of the tiny percentage of people with liver issues. Liver issues are also not good if you take dutasteride anyway.

We still have the new MDF solution avaialable since Sinere throws the towel.
That one has double the flutamide percentage AND a good dose of the best hairloss drug, Dutasteride.

I still have about 6 bottles of Flutagel in the fridge, this should last me about one year since I use just a little bit at the hairline now. I have absolutley no side effects using such a small amount.
I am also using much more Fluridil now, so far happy with the results too.

El Duterino


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somebody commented about liver problems in a previous flutagel thread and the claims were rubbished. I guess they had a point.

Not had any liver pain myself so intend to use the 3 tubs i have plus the nanominox-fms


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OverMachoGrande said:
I don't get some of you people... a company discontinues a product, one that's probably a money-maker for them and has one of the biggest buzzes in recent forum history, for SAFETY ISSUES, and you guys say "looks like we all got suckered by Sinere over Flutagel"??

Do you guys ever go back and actually read what you are saying? This "negative forum culture" never ceases to amaze me, and you guys have a lot of personal growth to do. Just, WOW.

Huh, what do you want me to do, fall at Fred's feet? Classic Scam #000000.0002 - Create a product based on one study, create a buzz around the product using online forums, market and sell it for no more than season so no-one can gauge results (if any), drop product and do a flit with the profits. Sound familiar? It's the way snake artists work. And if you're about to say they're not doing a flit with the cash, you're right - they know how gullible we are and they can put some of that cash into their next rip-off - some sort of dutasteride topical which they don't know the name of but which they're claiming is better than Flutagel already.

Roll u, roll up, it's The Fantastical Medicinal Sinere Show. Friends, do you have wobbly dentures...


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I agree with OverMachoGrande 100%, It amazes me too.

I can say for sure that I saw new hair growth around the temple area with this product with over 3 months of everyday use.

I thought It was common knowledge that flutamide one of the most potent anti-androgens available, which if I’m not mistaken a good thing for male pattern baldness??

There have been people claiming massive regrowth with the use of flutamide well before sinere decided to bring out Flutagel. That’s why there are studies like the Sintov study.

The problem was as Bryan said nobody really knows if it works with a local effect or through systematic absorption and if it is systematically absorbed then it could be dangerous.

It's obviously not snake oil though and to say it is I think is stupid.


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I didn't say Flutgel was a snake oil, simply that Sinere are behaving like a snake oil vendor. Are people so brainwashed that they can't allow themselves to feel disappointed when a treatment they've made a commitment to is discontinued?


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Cassin said:
tchehov said:
Why the f*** is the other thread locked? I've seen a lot worse behaviour on this forum...

Anyway, looks like we all got suckered by Sinere over Flutagel - they are discontinuing it - ... adid=79142

I'd take my hat of to you Davidoff, if I wasn't scared you'd see my head.

Honest answer

I respond to complaints...if a thread passes by with crazy content 9/10 times I will leave it alone unless I get complaints.

I was about ready to push the little red exclamation mark as well, but it would have been directed at Davidoff. Sure it takes two to tango but he was pushing pretty hard to get everyone else tangoing with him.

Calm yourself Davidoff, you tango crazy wild man. :beer:


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tchehov, I know you didn't say it was snake oil, It was davidoff who said it.

I decided to stop the Flutagel before I found out about it was being discontinued. Anyway, I saw new hair growth but I did also get sides albeit very little. So far with my years of testing things I’ve only found minoxidil, finasteride and flutamide to cause regrowth.


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Yup...i think people (and i include myself to, cause i'm not smarter than the others), still have the idea that snake oil products are selled in front of a Saloon in a some small town in Texas, by a moustache pimpy suite person...come on, we're in the hi tech/internet days..they changed thire places and customs, that's all!! I'm not saying that Sinere did exactly that, what i'm saying is that we'll must be very aware, and i'm not talking only about the new stuff, or limiting the suspections to just "chemicals" or "naturals", i'm saying to ALL, even the current existing FDA ones...let's never forget that both were previous prescripted to other diseases/causes, and just by acident they were found to be RELATIVLY sucessfull for male pattern baldness, cause it wouldn't be the 1st time that large companys, seel us a component/product, that in long term and further studys showed not to be as safe or efficacy as the original company studys said so...and don't tell me that bull sh*t of conspirancy theory, cause we all know that when interest and money are involved...EVERYTHING is corruptible and possible to achieve...don't believe me, read the studys and history of things like Aspartame, and the likes...and besides, if i recall even Upjohn in the 1st studys stated that SIGNIFICANT (what ever that is :innocent: ) regrowth was shown only in a small percentage of users, wich was also the case of Propecia/Finasteride...the proof of that is that, after some years, the forms, %/amounts, vehicles, combinations of diferent actives, etc...are still in order of the day, if those called FDA treatments were so highly sucessfull, those new combinations and formulas would never appeared in the number they are appearing now, i think it's simple to see, right?!... :whistle:
But the naturals, have always been the best suited "enemys" to report in what concern the so called "studys", why?!..1st because it's true that in many cases they are nothing but..."snake oil", but also because if someone presents a study in individual name, people assume that it can only be false, but if a study is presented by a BID company, people almos always assume it's true, most important, people are much more precise and waste more time in getting counter-proofs against naturals, than if the studys referes to a chemical presented by a big one...and if we look at some of those "oficial" studys, SOME of them don't present any more substantial cientific proof or methods, than the others people don't hesitate to descredit...socially/educationally predisposed, is what i think is the disease that we suffer :$

Oh well...let's be happy with whatever make us feel can be minoxidil, it can be finasteride, encapsulated naturals, flutamide, nettles, trasplants...cause in the end of the day (and at the present state of the art, before genetic engineering), the result is much closer than we would/want to expect...not to mention the ever so powerfull...PLACEBO!!! :hump:


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You sound like a christian talking about evolutionism.

There's no cure for hair loss dude, just treatments. If they work for one person, it doesn't mean they'll work for everyone and vice versa. You're going to have to keep playing the lab rat with snake oils if you want to see any maintenance or regrowth.

Good luck man, you'll need it.


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Ehmmm...i know i have problems with english (i can only imagine yours with portuguese :hump: ), but guess that you also must have some problems reading, cause what i said was very explicit (bad writing or not), wich was basicly that untill no ABSOLUT, BULLET PROOF... treatment comes out (wich i supose, will only be related to future genetic engineering), we're all in the same boat...that is the lab rats boat...of course that there are a few treatments with more consolidated studys backing them, but even them still raise some questions and the results are far from beeing totally satisfatory...and as most of us here are all interested guys about these subjects and nothing more, we should pick whatever those WE think are more suitable and be always carefull and self-mindind about possible risks and cheat(er)s...(ehmm i hope i wrote well, i don't want to mistake that with"someone full of sh*t)...wich in conclusion is not much diferent than what you said after, advising me...must be something new...people advising, based on what the people beeing advised ALREADY said...but hey, what do i know, i'm just an ignorant Portuguese Christian, that just by "coicidence" happens to be atheist!!...I really have a problem expressing myself!! :jump:


I still think el duterino is a shill for sinere.I wouldnt put it past him.


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I don't know why you guys drama about everything...just received 2 bottles of flutagel this week??WTF??


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"...I seek no science when there is no shape..." - Interpol

I always prefere good endings, to bad starts... :)