For me, a cure would be something like a vaccination that we take when we're younger which would prevent all forms of hair loss for life. That would mean we'd never recede and have the same head of hair for life. It will never happen, because it wouldn't be a desirable outcome, many look better with a larger forehead/some recession. There's no market for this, as it would be expensive to create and not enough demand.
Instead we're looking for the best 'repair and further loss prevention methods'. At the moment we have options which you're probably aware of but there's significant problems with all those options and therefore we're hoping for better treatments that will give us the outcome we deem acceptable/normal. The issue essentially becomes a irrelevant to us. If we could just double the donor area, that would comfortably give all of us the option of having a full, decent head of hair with the hair transplantation method. Right now, someone with substantial hair loss cannot attain that with a hair transplant. We need to arrive at that point somehow.