Saw this post on Follicle Thought:
"Hi guys,
I would just like to start by quoting some of the claims Yeditepe University spoke about so that we dont forget and we can use as measure of the honesty in the claims.
From the Yeditepe University website:
Important points by Professor Sabin –
“hair loss is prevented, *hair is grown in bald areas*, existing hair is thickened, and hair greying is prevented.”
“they applied stem cells isolated from foreskin of newborn babies, molecular coctail produced in culture medium and formulation prepared in order to remedy the defiences of vitamins and minerals that cause hair loss”
“even though age, sex and genetic factors affect the results, they managed to make new hair grow in approximately 10 days.”
But what we are being told by ReBoost recently is in essance to ignore the last 2 statements. So moving along.
1) From a Turkish Website quoting the University:
Important points:
“in 1 week it stops hair loss, after 3 months it thickens existing hairs, after 6 months users will have new hairs if they have healthy hair roots.”
So with the above being said, has anyone using ReBoost noticed that their hair loss has stopped after 1 week? Or is this just another claim to ignore."