Recall of oral spironolactone users


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I'm using oral spironolactone since April 2007 50 mg/day. I'm satisfied with the results. It maintained my hair with finasteride and minoxidil.

How long you're taking oral spironolactone and what is your results?


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check out HLH's threads.

there has been plenty of discussion there.


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IBM said:

I'm using oral spironolactone since April 2007 50 mg/day. I'm satisfied with the results. It maintained my hair with finasteride and minoxidil.

How long you're taking oral spironolactone and what is your results?

So since april 2007 you're on oral spironolactone, finasteride and minoxidil?


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been there done that neli :whistle:


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Planning on using the drug myself, 100MG daily, taken every morning.

Have already bought, am waiting for it to arrive (hopefully sometime this week)

- edit, it arrived today, this Tuesday!
Taken my first pill three hours ago, and I feel no different. My Aldactone smells like MINTS! posts on the female PCOS forums suggest that is normal, thankfully :)
Oh, and my willy is still working at this stage in the game. Will post more as the days go on.


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100 mg? Should u gradually increase the dose? I heard that it could cause a spike in testosterone. Been on 25 mg now for about two weeks. It reduces sebum, but also give me low libido and makes me tired.


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been on 200MG daily for 6 days now. I upped the dose as I didn't feel it was doing anything.

My libido was higher for the first few days, as was my sperm volume. I noticed no other effects.
Now, my libido and all other "functions" are back as they were before I started the drug.
I won't say there has been a decrease in libido, I certainly don't feel that this is the case.

Only has been 6 days though, will need to wait much longer for any sides to show themselves.


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Are you checking your Potassium levels while taking oral spironolactone? As spironolactone will cause Potassium to build up in your body, which in the end can be fatal.


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That's why we must not eat food rich of potassium like bananas.


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IBM said:
That's why we must not eat food rich of potassium like bananas.
That's quite a bit of food to give up though.

Such as fish, tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, soy products, beef and so on.

Though I suppose it is most vital to get rid of the worst culpits.


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My Regimen
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first said:
IBM said:
That's why we must not eat food rich of potassium like bananas.
That's quite a bit of food to give up though.

Such as fish, tomatoes, strawberries, mushrooms, soy products, beef and so on.

Though I suppose it is most vital to get rid of the worst culpits.

Is that sarcasm? Why fish and soy?


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Hyperkale is the side that bothers me the most about spironolactone.

I also watch out for mineral water - that usually contains potassium (read the label on the bottle). Best not to go through bottles and bottles of mineral water.

Most young people go on spironolactone and can eat bananas, etc, fine. Those with decreased kidney function usually have a problem with Hyperkale on spironolactone. I'd certainly not take any risks and am getting monitored, just incase.

The second side that bothers me is the fact that it lowers blood pressure.


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Can I ask where people are ordering their spironolactone from?

I'm considering trying this to help with my frontal shedding that's been happening since I've been on Propecia.