Receding Hairline.


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There were a few occasions where Minoxidil done wonders.

I don't want to use dht inhibitors.

Then you will eventually go bald, you could looking into hair transplants when you do, but it won't have a great amount of density.


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Hello comrads. It's been almost 4 years since I started to recede. The first year when I've noticed that was a nightmare. But now, it seems that I've accepted it, and somehow managed to be OK with that. Found how to best to hide it etc, but, eventually that feeling that I could've looked much better than now is kinda creeping inside. So, in February I plan to make my first hair transplant. It seems that my hairline has stabilised, and I'm not expecting much hair lose any time in the future. I'm still against any dht inhibitors, because, still, I don't want to mess with hormones.
Anyways, what do you think about my current situation ?



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Hello comrads. It's been almost 4 years since I started to recede. The first year when I've noticed that was a nightmare. But now, it seems that I've accepted it, and somehow managed to be OK with that. Found how to best to hide it etc, but, eventually that feeling that I could've looked much better than now is kinda creeping inside. So, in February I plan to make my first hair transplant. It seems that my hairline has stabilised, and I'm not expecting much hair lose any time in the future. I'm still against any dht inhibitors, because, still, I don't want to mess with hormones.
Anyways, what do you think about my current situation ?


That's bad. The vertex/crown is on it's way out now, barren temples, you're balding in that classic fashion, but you seemed to have accepted it sp kudos to you dude.


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Hey everyone. So it's been 7 years since I started the thread, now I'm 32 and it's probably time to get hair transplant.
The ironic thing is, that I've been rocking the bald look for 2 years, it wasn't perfect, but I got used to it. It wasn't as bad as I thought. It was pretty good actually, at the beginning I thought that's it, no female attention for me, but it was all good. Then, an accident happened, I got a head injury, and long scar through the scalp and a little dent on the left side (got cranioplasty). I don't want to shave having all this, and probably it's my destiny to get a hair transplant. So now then I had to face the same issues again, balding, how hair looks e.t.c. It's definitely easier to shave it and forget about it. But it is how it is. So guys, what do you think, how many grafts will I have to have ? After hair transplant probably would have to get on finasteride and all this stuff. Would you suggest Turkey? This clinic is local anyone heard anything about it ?


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I am having a similar issue, and I am looking for some solutions these days. What Male hair loss supplements do you recommend, guys? I would like to find out more about different options and solutions, thanks a lot for any responses here, they are pretty helpful to me :)