Recently had a haircut. What's your opinion on my hairline and sides?


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I will also start with microneedling again on the hairline and sides. I just stopped last time because I was worried about some doctors saying it can lead to fibrosis. Is 0.5mm depth still effective for hair growth?


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I don’t think your retrograde has worsened. It’s just more pronounced due to the haircut and hair length difference. I have a similar issue with my sides and I just get them shaved/tapered very close which masks the retrograde.


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I don’t think your retrograde has worsened. It’s just more pronounced due to the haircut and hair length difference. I have a similar issue with my sides and I just get them shaved/tapered very close which masks the retrograde.
That's a good one but I don't like the shave style on the sides.


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It is ok, I am still able to growth muscle, in fact I had my best body shape back in may when I started to work out, and I already was on dutasteride for like 7 month or so, but I stopped working out recently because I'm having some ferritin issues, which I used to have even before taking these drugs, just in case anyone thinks it is linked to the drugs or something like that.
Well whatever dude.

I think you're wasting your time on these forums and you're taking risks with your health due to something in your imagination. You hair is not only not balding, it's actually thicker than most peoples.


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That is simply not true.

Unless you think this little girl is also suffering from male pattern baldness (and her "thinning hairline" is much worse than his).

He just has a normal hairline. Which is not to say he will never go bald, but I don't see any evidence of it now.

This poster is just stressing himself out for no reason at all and would do well to stop examining his hair in micro-detail in the mirror and do something productive. My 2c.

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That girl has probably always had that thin hair at the front, OP has most likely noticed a loss in density


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That girl has probably always had that thin hair at the front, OP has most likely noticed a loss in density
OP is not even going bald and would spend his money better on a psychologist than hair loss treatments.