Recession has accelerated


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Game is up guys, it is accelerating, definently a NW2 now on one side.




- temple points are now being hit hard

Recession is a b**ch because the changes are so subtle, the angle on my left hand side is much sharper then the right - hence before you know it one side is sharper then the other.

How life has changed with minor hairloss: less physically attractive definently. I have to rely much more on my personality now with women and that is what attracts them. With that said, I don't want to be bald, so it looks I will be jumping on propecia sometime soon - topical spironolactone does not seem to be doing anything.

Women do notice, today we were talking about baldness. The girl then says to me, "is your dad bald" I said yeah. Then she says "It looks like you are following his same pattern with the recession - hair transplant? :woot: ". Thats when I knew I was balding, and it stung, especially since I had a comb forwards hairstyle to hide my recession. Grandfather is bald, so no doubt I can hit there.

Hate this, really do. Only 2 years ago, had a perfect head of hair with people complimenting it, now people are starting to gaze at my head whilst I am talking to them.

I have no diffuse thinning yet, so I am lucky in some ways.


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I know temple recession sucks but mine is far worse when compared to yours and it started when I was about 15 or 16.My right temple has always been a bit round but my hair everywhere else was uber thick but in the last few years it has thinned down considerably and my left temple has receded at a rapid rate.I can style my hair only in two ways...The comb forward look or the middle parting.I am beginning to have more bad hair days as my hair looks pretty thin even when it is styled this way.If I part my hair from my left temple,it makes me look 6 years older. :sobbing:

I guess you are pretty young so start Rogaine now and you might be able to grow what you lost in your temples.The more you delay the less effective will be the treatments.My priority at the moment is to thicken up my existing hairs and regrow as much as I can at the temples with Rogaine 5%.Maybe throw in Propecia in the near future as well.I just want to have a decent head of hair till about 40.


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mpbsux20 said:
I know temple recession sucks but mine is far worse when compared to yours and it started when I was about 15 or 16.My right temple has always been a bit round but my hair everywhere else was uber thick but in the last few years it has thinned down considerably and my left temple has receded at a rapid rate.I can style my hair only in two ways...The comb forward look or the middle parting.I am beginning to have more bad hair days as my hair looks pretty thin even when it is styled this way.If I part my hair from my left temple,it makes me look 6 years older. :sobbing:

I guess you are pretty young so start Rogaine now and you might be able to grow what you lost in your temples.The more you delay the less effective will be the treatments.My priority at the moment is to thicken up my existing hairs and regrow as much as I can at the temples with Rogaine 5%.Maybe throw in Propecia in the near future as well.I just want to have a decent head of hair till about 40.

Thanks for your reply. My temple points I really would like to thicken up, and maybe lower my hairline. I have thought about minoxidil, but I am scared that I might end up losing more ground in the process. But yeah, I am starting to get concerned now, because the angle on the left hand side of my hairline is quite sharp, which means I could possibly hit a NW3 in the next couple of years. My hairloss seems to have started 2 years ago (I am 24 now), and is aggressive by the looks of it given the time frame.

Like you, I want to maintain by 40, if say my hair stays in the same condition by 35+ I will consider a hair transplant to lower my hairline.

Current regime is nano shampoo and topical spironolactone 5%.


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Try applying minoxidil only to your hairline.Many have experienced success in growing back some hairs by doing just that.I have been applying minoxidil to my temples for a few weeks and already I can see some tiny hairs popping up all over my hairline. :punk: I apply only at the hairline now and no longer in the crown & other areas.


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mpbsux20 said:
Try applying minoxidil only to your hairline.Many have experienced success in growing back some hairs by doing just that.I have been applying minoxidil to my temples for a few weeks and already I can see some tiny hairs popping up all over my hairline. :punk: I apply only at the hairline now and no longer in the crown & other areas.

Awesome can you tell me where you get your minoxidil from, and has it regrown hair on the slick bald areas of the hairline? Have you suffered from shedding yet?

Oh and will the hair surrounding the area you apply the minoxidil on become minoxidil dependent?


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I have bought the Rogaine 5% liquid which will last for another couple of months[3 months].No I haven't experienced any shedding as I have mainly applied it in the slick areas where I used to have terminal hairs before male pattern baldness kicked in.I apply it once a day 3 hours before bedtime and I also apply a little bit of it to the areas consisting of weaker-DHT affected hairs near the temples and so far so good I can see a decent bit of regrowth in my temples especially my right temple.

I dont really think the surrounding areas would become dependent on MIN but they might to a certain extent.I apply the majority of it to my hairline,DHT-affected hairs and temples.I initially had some mild head aches and itchy scalp but all of these sides soon faded.I also use a moisturizing lotion on my face an hour after applying MIN because the alcohol in it can dry your face out and make you look older.


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zeroheat said:
Hey, check out my story here:

I'm getting tons of re-growth in the temple region.. liquid minoxidil twice a day. Try it.

Jesus that is absolutely incredible. If I can get that much regrowth I will be a NW0!!!!!

I can't take propecia right now due to a major op coming up, will minoxidil be enough in your opinion?


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Oknow said:
zeroheat said:
Hey, check out my story here:

I'm getting tons of re-growth in the temple region.. liquid minoxidil twice a day. Try it.

Jesus that is absolutely incredible. If I can get that much regrowth I will be a NW0!!!!!

I can't take propecia right now due to a major op coming up, will minoxidil be enough in your opinion?
minoxidil alone should give you a good regrowth.. but as you know, you need finasteride to maintain. I'd start minoxidil right now then jump on finasteride immediately after your op.. good luck


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dudemon said:
mpbsux20 said:
I have bought the Rogaine 5% liquid which will last for another couple of months[3 months].No I haven't experienced any shedding as I have mainly applied it in the slick areas where I used to have terminal hairs before male pattern baldness kicked in.I apply it once a day 3 hours before bedtime and I also apply a little bit of it to the areas consisting of weaker-DHT affected hairs near the temples and so far so good I can see a decent bit of regrowth in my temples especially my right temple.

I dont really think the surrounding areas would become dependent on MIN but they might to a certain extent.I apply the majority of it to my hairline,DHT-affected hairs and temples.I initially had some mild head aches and itchy scalp but all of these sides soon faded.I also use a moisturizing lotion on my face an hour after applying MIN because the alcohol in it can dry your face out and make you look older.

Liquid minoxidil may work, and it's cheaper, but I like the foam. The foam is formulated much better and doesn't leave your head feeling as greasy as liquid. But foam is significantly more $$. A lot of guys don't like liquid (myself included) because it can be a quite harsh on your scalp and cause scaling (peeling like a sun-burn) which can be quite severe - especially after an hair transplant. This can actually accelerate hairloss because it creates a bad environment for hair to grow in when it peels all the time. After my1st hair transplant, I could no longer tolerate liquid minoxidil and had to stop using it for a couple years until the foam came out.

Anyways, a lot of guys use minoxidil over their entire balding region, not just in the front on their hairline, or only on the crown. But be careful with liquid minoxidil because it can and will make your scalp peel - you don't want that. Too much of it will cause your hair to fall out faster, and peeling or excessive dandruff is a sure sign of that. You have to see what works best for you.

If you use minoxidil, I would recommend Head & Shoulders to control your dandruff, as it probably will increase from the use of minoxidil. You could try it, and see, and if after a few months of minoxidil and you start to see little "flakes" of skin coming off your head (or worse peeling like a sun burn) then definately get on an anti-dandruff shampoo like H&S.

Ok thanks guys. I have ordered minoxidil (kirkland liquid). I have used it in the past, didn't experience any sides. (used it for 3-4 days). Should arrive soon, how should I apply it, should I dip my finger in the liquid and just spread it over the slick bald areas?


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Oknow said:
Ok thanks guys. I have ordered minoxidil (kirkland liquid). I have used it in the past, didn't experience any sides. (used it for 3-4 days). Should arrive soon, how should I apply it, should I dip my finger in the liquid and just spread it over the slick bald areas?
It comes with a dropper.


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zeroheat said:
Oknow said:
Ok thanks guys. I have ordered minoxidil (kirkland liquid). I have used it in the past, didn't experience any sides. (used it for 3-4 days). Should arrive soon, how should I apply it, should I dip my finger in the liquid and just spread it over the slick bald areas?
It comes with a dropper.

By the way I noticed that you are the big 3. Is it the propecia growing your hair or the minoxidil? How much did you fill the dropper by?


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Oknow said:
zeroheat said:
Oknow said:
Ok thanks guys. I have ordered minoxidil (kirkland liquid). I have used it in the past, didn't experience any sides. (used it for 3-4 days). Should arrive soon, how should I apply it, should I dip my finger in the liquid and just spread it over the slick bald areas?
It comes with a dropper.

By the way I noticed that you are the big 3. Is it the propecia growing your hair or the minoxidil? How much did you fill the dropper by?
temple regrowth is 100% minoxidil, finasteride gave me a big shed, then grew it all back on the top and made it thicker. I use around 1.2ml in the morning then 1.5ml in the evening.. most of it applied in the temple region.


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mpbsux20 your hairloss pattern matches mine. Mine started with the right temple. I have a prominent v hairline, which i can no longer hide. Growing my fring out helps but i am thinning on top now too. are you using any other treatments to deal with this?

Oknow, minoxidil works well for the hairline in my experience. My hair looked like your at 23/24 and minoxidil definetelly grew and thickened a few of those hairs even in bald temple area's.


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@follicle84:I have been taking saw palmetto for a while now[4 months] but I have doubled my dosage from 250mg to 500 mg....So far no difference apart from an increase in libido :hump: .I am planning to jump onto propecia soon after I run out of saw palmetto.I also use nizoral 2% thrice a week to reduce Sebum build up and dandruff.

@Irishpride:I am afraid of shedding :( and at the moment I do not have any bald spots apart from the rapidly receding hairline and hair thinning in the sides and front.

@Dudemon:I have been using Nizoral 2% 3 times a week and a neutral Ph shampoo on off days.I apply Aloe Vera gel[Banana boat] after I take a shower...It has more or less become my styling gel. :)

uncomfortable man

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God forbid, one day you will be able to relate with me.


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follicle84 said:
Oknow, minoxidil works well for the hairline in my experience. My hair looked like your at 23/24 and minoxidil definetelly grew and thickened a few of those hairs even in bald temple area's.

How long did it maintain for?

If you are thinning on top, does this mean I need to use propecia afterwards?


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uncomfortable man said:
God forbid, one day you will be able to relate with me.

Sarcasm UCMan?

My dad is a horseshoe. Abeit in his 40s, and grandad is one....So it does not look good either way. male pattern baldness runs in both sides of the family (to varying degrees)


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Oknow, I hope you will be able to deal with the sides of a bloating face, induced wrinkles, and acne. For some reason the foam gives me the most sides but seems to be the most effective. I don't use the foam anymore because of the sides being too much.


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DoctorHouse said:
Oknow, I hope you will be able to deal with the sides of a bloating face, induced wrinkles, and acne. For some reason the foam gives me the most sides but seems to be the most effective. I don't use the foam anymore because of the sides being too much.

Honestly, I really didn't want to use any meds. But what can I do :dunno: , if I wait and the recession gets worse I will be fucked. And by then it will be too late. At least right now I can try and get back to being a NW1.