Recovery from ZERO libido after Propecia


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Can dhea help

Hi swingline, I took propecia for about a year, stopped it a year ago, side effects (low libido, difficult to get hard, etc...) only appears a few months after stopping, after 1 year, still feeling the side effects, tried maca for 3 weeks now, no obvious improvement, I have done quite a lot reading online but most posts I read so far seem suggested no cure yet, so your answer above about dhea, is dhea the solution? And which dhea supplement you used? Thank you
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Hope this helps to someone like me. I used finasteride for a few months and it killed my libido. I did get some noticeable hair re-growth during that time, so at least that worked. It became very hard to get an erection and I became completely disinterested in sex. So, only magic blue pill and cia can help me.
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