Reducing (Not Removing!) Unwanted Hair


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Okay so as guys, some of us are more hairy than we want to be. Im doing okay but I have always wondered ...

We have three options:

1. Shaving (and dealing with odd looks, comments about your sexuality, or just plain looking ridiculous)

2. Trimming (and dealing with odd looks because it looks so unnatural, comments about your sexuality)

3. Doing nothing and being completely unappealing to the opposite sex.

For quite some time I have been wondering if there really is a product out there that can, over time, CAUSE THE MINIATURIZATION PROCESS to occur. Over time, reduce the length, thickness, and pigmentation of hair in a certain area.

Do any of you know of any such product?

Even if you go for laser hair removal, you are stuck with the same problem. You go completely bald. How great would it be if you could regulate the density of the hair? Or even just reduce it to a tolerable density?

I found this, but it looks like a scam site. Look at the image about halfway down the page:


Hey guys how are you doing "buddy" (american)

I have such prablems with many hair (except no on top of head of course)

I use cigarette lighter (for make cigarette in fire) to make hair off, is also cheap and also quick. You can prassably also use it on you childs and also on you wife (who marry) so to save all money with hair cutting.

thank you



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Have you looked into Laser Hair Removal or is that out of your price range? They do usually about three treatments and it eliminates the hair for life. Reputable places will guarantee you that if it ever grows back, you can get another treatment for free.

The Gardener

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An old ex-gf used to enjoy using Aussie Nads on my back hair... I think she had a sadistic streak in her, and she enjoyed hearing me scream in desperate mother f*****g pain.

Tried electrolysis once too.. worked well, but took forever and, again, hurt like a mother f****r. I mean, hours of bite the bullet pain.

Wanted a little cleanup work done, and was referred to a laser hair removal place. Took a fraction of the time of the electrolysis, it still hurt like a mother f****r, but not quite as bad, but was a fraction of the price and got my sh*t baby butt smooth. I love my chest hair, but the back hair had to go and this is THE way to do it. I highly recommend it,


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I heard laser hair removal doesn't *permanently* remove the hair- that it grows back every month or so, perhaps thinner, but it still grows back. Is this true?

I was thinking about getting this for my beard. I hate shaving my neck, and my beard grows thick and starts low down my neck, not right beneath my jaw like a lot of other guys.


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DarklyCharming said:
Have you looked into Laser Hair Removal or is that out of your price range? They do usually about three treatments and it eliminates the hair for life. Reputable places will guarantee you that if it ever grows back, you can get another treatment for free.
This was mentioned above.

HairlossTalk said:
Even if you go for laser hair removal, you are stuck with the same problem. You go completely bald.
The idea is to somehow reduce the density of the hair and the prominence of it ... without having to be 100% hairless like your favorite gay p**rn star.


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elguapo said:
I heard laser hair removal doesn't *permanently* remove the hair- that it grows back every month or so, perhaps thinner, but it still grows back. Is this true?
From the girls I know who have done it, it does work permenantly. There are always dormant hairs, so you have to go back every few weeks or every few months, and 2 or 3 treatments is usually needed to get all of them. Even body hair cycles!

But again, you go smooth. Im not looking for a completely hairless body. Id be happy to just reduce the density in some areas like the chest/stomach or on the legs.


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Man I'm blind. Sorry I skipped right over you mentioning laser hair removal. You can actually ask them to thin you out as well. Tell them what portions you want to keep. This is way more tricky because they have to remember what areas exactly they did before but worth a shot.


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The Gardener said:
got my sh*t baby butt smooth. I love my chest hair, but the back hair had to go and this is THE way to do it. I highly recommend it,
Guys, guys guys! Read the title of the Topic!

Hair reduction (NOT REMOVAL!)

The Gardener

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elguapo said:
I heard laser hair removal doesn't *permanently* remove the hair- that it grows back every month or so, perhaps thinner, but it still grows back. Is this true?

I was thinking about getting this for my beard. I hate shaving my neck, and my beard grows thick and starts low down my neck, not right beneath my jaw like a lot of other guys.

It is true, it will take more than one laser session to make the hair go away.

Here is how it works... the laser is tuned to obliterate tissues of a certain color. So, they set the color to try to obliterate only the hair, but leave your skin intact. The problem is, that with folks like me who have some natural olive tint to the skin, the process takes a bit longer as they have to do the max number of sessions because the contrast between my hair color and my skin color is not as pronounced as someone with lily-white skin.

Then again, many people may have fair skin, AND fair-colored hair. This, again, reduces contrast and makes the process a bit more lengthy.

Now, laser hair removal will, in time inevitably get rid of the hair, it is just a question of time and a few more sessions depending on your own personal melanocyte makeup particulars. Usually, the laser damages the follicle enough to kill it. But, you most always need a follow up session about two months later to kill the hairs that were in resting state during your first visit, and a third visit to clean up the remainders.

Any remaining hair that was not 'killed' by the laser will grow back, but the follicles are damaged enough so that the hairs grow back much much thinner... which I kind of like because it left my back with enough small and tiny ambient back hair to keep it from looking unnaturally bald.

This is what I really liked about laser treatment... even if it isn't a 'direct kill' on a particular hair, it is still a substantial and very nice cosmetic improvement.


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Okay, just an idea, but what about buying those hair thinning "scissors"? You know, the once that they use to thin out thicker spots?

I think they might simply cut hairs at random. I can't really explain it better than that. But the tool doesn't cut all hairs, just a few, unless it actually thins out the hairs along the length. But I don't see how that's possible without the hairs eventually breaking.

But I think the overall effect might be what you are after.

Just a thought.


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I was just thinking that, they may help.....thinning shears....hmmmm...


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Why not tryyour topical dht inhibitors? Maybe that would help prove whether or not revivogen actually works to inhibit dht in vivo. I stumbled across some people discussing at length a homeade topical for this exact purpose. It was a body building web site called avant labs forum. Heres a link to the discusion. Maybe you could search that site or even post this question there.

You have to read through a little junk first... ... t=316&st=0


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tynanW said: do you suffer with excess hair on your palms?
A day hasn't gone by where you haven't made me crack up laughing like a fool sitting by myself at this computer Tynan. Thanks for participating here.