Reducing (Not Removing!) Unwanted Hair



HairlossTalk said:
A day hasn't gone by where you haven't made me crack up laughing like a fool sitting by myself at this computer Tynan. Thanks for participating here.

put your hand on the screen, I am doing the same now.


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Hey All - as has most likely been said somewhere in this post before, Laser treatment is the way to go. I can't be bothered reading the whole post.

Like you, I did NOT want to remove my chest hair, I merely wanted to REDUCE the... errr.... thickness of it (I was hairy... like Animal).

As most likely has been said, Laser treatment takes at least 4 and up to 10 to get you completely "bald". I have had 3 treatments on my chest, and now have it to a stage that I am comfortable with - still hairy, but much finer and more amenable to the opposite sex!

It will be the case that before each treatment they will have to shave your chest down completely in order to use the laser (otherwise the hair shaft absorbs all the energy rather than the follicle), however, this isn't too bad - the treatments are about 2 months apart, and if you do it over winter, you should have a nice, natural looking chest by summer time - with as much hair as you are comfortable with. YOU WON'T BE COMPLETELY BALD!

The laser works best on people with very dark coloured hair, and very light coloured skin. This way the skin pigment does not absorb any energy and the hair follicle receives the brunt of it. As I am a bit of a mongrel, I have black hair, but still fairly dark skin, so the treatments work on me, but are somewhat more painful.

All in all, I would say that the laser treatment option is what you are after, and it's lasted for me for over a year now, with no real change or ill effects. The pain is similar to someone flicking you with a rubber band - didn't bother me much at all, and will probably be less for anyone who is 'white'.



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Thank you Def! Im a little slow these days!

Here in san diego laser hair removal costs nearly $400 per session for a fairly small area (like the neck of a man who no longer wants to deal with shaving his neck) and you have to go, like you said between (well they told me) 2 to 4 times.

So you paid what ... $3,000 for this procedure ultimately?


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No - here (Sydney, Australia) laser hair removal seems to be much cheaper - anywhere from AUD$300 - $600 for each treatment of a full anterior or posterior torso. The clinic i went to cost $520 per treatment of your stomach (from the belt line up!) to the collar bones.

So all in all i paid about AUD$1500 or about US$1200. Well worth it as far as i'm concerned. I've since seen places doing it from $300 a session though... d'oh!!


PS - it's amazing what vanity can do... i'm trying like HELL to KEEP hair on one part of my body and then trying to permanently REMOVE it from other areas at the same time!!


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I think it is a lot cheaper in Tucson as well, fyi. I think they said around $60 per session. I can't help but think that the $300 figure might be a quote for either a large area, like the entire back, per each session. or for a few sessions.


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1, shop around. I have a friend who's dad got his back entirely done for around 1500 in San Diego. Call around to several clinics and get quotes. Also, they'll run specials from time to time. Ask the secretary when you call if there are any specials coming up.


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Darkly -

Can you get the name of the San Diego place? Not only do i like the price, ive been concerned about the quality of the work. Ive read some stories of bad work and permenant scarring so id like to go somewhere that others hve been too and had good results.


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Calling my buddy today. I'll get the info as soon as I can. It might be in Escondido because that's where they live but I think I remember him saying his dad went into SD to get it done. Let you know asap.


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Alright buddy, got you covered. My friend's dad went to Beauty Kliniek Day Spa to get the treatment. He said it's a great place because it's reputable and they don't scam you. You can apparently call them to set up a free appointment where you can tell them exactly what you want and they will examine you and quote you a price. I've got a link to their website and they list all the procedures they'll do and the price range per treatment. Since you want to keep the hair and just thin it out, the most you'll want is 2 treatments. One treatment may even be enough, which would be great for you price-wise.

Here's the link:

Hope this helps. Best of luck!