Refuse to post here anymore.

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Not while rawbbie is around and allowed to get away with posting insults towards my (albeit bad) hair. I don't need somone like him insulting it and telling me how bad it is, in a non-constructive manner.

He’s done it unprovoked for the best part of a year now. I get enough of that off the internet, so to come here and have the same stomach churning feeling, isnt the kind of help I'm looking for.

It’s much safer on hairloss help where insults *do not* happen. I can post my pictures, like I do on here on a monthly basis and have comments, positive and negative with construction. Not to have someone without male pattern baldness, like rawbiee telling me to

“cheer up, life isn't all about your bald headâ€


If rawbbie is allowed to post here, I won't.

It's no big deal really.

I just prefer to be at other places that offer the same information, without the malicious insults.

Like I say, no big deal.


Just to throw in my two cents, I was a bit surprised that the extent of the moderators' response was: here are some tampons for you pussies. Less incendiary than Floyd and Rawbbie's posts, possibly more obnoxious.


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Alopecia-Nate said:
Just to throw in my two cents, I was a bit surprised that the extent of the moderators' response was: here are some tampons for you pussies. Less incendiary than Floyd and Rawbbie's posts, possibly more obnoxious.

People will complain no matter what we do. People are more prone to make a comment when they don't like something.

I understand what your saying Nate, but to throw out a horrible cliche' "Damned if you do, damned if you don't."


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C-ya Gunner I'll miss reading your stories. You have a true talent there. I was even thinking this forum should have Gunner comic strip to accompany your stories if we could only find someone that draws well.
Keep in mind there's plenty of personal insults flying around HLH as well. I was a victim of a totally unprovoked one there. Luckily Cassin stepped in to hellp me out. Farrel never stepped in and I didn't expect him to either. A site owner can't watch every single post and this is why HLH has the problem as well. I'd even go as far as saying the problem is much worse over there, but it's still a good site. Anyways, sorry to see you go man and I wish you the best of luck.
BTW don't forget your "HairBag" :wink:


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gunner- sorry to see yo go.

For the record: I also post serious messages combined with humorous and also get-under-your-skin messages, too. Read up on my history.

You might want to 'up' your threshold on your sensitivity meter there. Bump it up a few notches because you are more fragile than an egg shell.

Anyways this is some attempt on your part to woo all the users onto your 'side' by saying you won't post if I post. I don't have anything against you Gun, this is the internet- a faceless medium where absolutely NOTHING should ever, ever be taken personally. Ever. You don't even know me, I don't even know you. So why let some guy like me get under your skin who probably lives in a different country that you have never met? Gunner, you also post nagative messages in here, especially the one we're both talking about- where you tried to undermine someone else's success. Is it okay for you to cast doubt on someone who is feeling good about their situation just because you're feeling bad about yours? No, it isn't. So the old saying goes, if you can dish it out, you have to take it, too.

You don't want to hear a straight-shooter. You don't want the truth, you want someone to pet and comfort you and say your hair is full. If that's what you want then fine, I'm sure there are users who will lie to you.

And once more, I'm a Propecia user who started the medication because I suspected I may have began male pattern baldness. To this day I do not know if I am a male pattern baldness sufferer- maybe I am, and the Propecia is working its magic. Or maybe not. Nonetheless, it is reason for me to be here and share information and advice based on what I have done about my possible hairloss problem.

Anyways, we'll see you soon Gun, everybody goes through a phase where they say their 'last goodbyes', but always end up coming back a little while later, lol. Remember I said that. See you in a while. And good luck to you, the meds may still work for you.


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Good luck Gunner i'm sure one day you will get your locks lookin how you would like. Try not to take Rawwbie's 'pull no punches' style to seriously...Its Christmas for fucks sake.


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Recognize that you're allowing someone who posts behind what is essentially an anonomous handle drive you off.

The Gardener

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Gunner, I really don't want you to go. I honestly hope you reconsider. I hope you appreciate how much you will be missed here. If you are set on taking time off, then I hope you pop back in a bit later and rejoin us.


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Damn you for leaving. I always crack up while reading your stories. If you're going to leave at least link us your stories :lol:


i just read some of your past stories gunner and they made me feel good and have a good laugh, i refuse to let you leave. If you leave that will have mean rawbie has achieved what he wants. dont let some insecure f*** who talks sh*t to people he knows he'll never see drive you out of a community you abviously like and are very much wanted in. Stay, cuz your stories are golden so ur personality must be great too


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I totally agree about it being wrong for people to make snide remarks about your pics. It's a hairloss website, so this should be the one place where such comments would be off limits. Unfortunately, some people lack the common sense to see it that way. Whatever.
You've always been able to laugh (and make others laugh) at your own issues; I think sometimes people just believe you'd never get upset if they joke along with you. Don't worry...I'm nominating you for an award, but you've got to be on the site to collect it. It'll all come down in a'll see.

too bald too furious

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I urge you to re consider your decision. Your stories are fun and have always given me laughs. Without you, this forum be like simpsons without Krusty. :p

As far as you leaving because someone is making fun of your situation, dont take it so seriously. Rawbbie is not even sure that he has male pattern baldness. This re-instates the fact that people without male pattern baldness are not as understanding towards people having male pattern baldness regarding this situation.

In any case, if you still decide to leave, good luck with your hair transplant. I sure hope it works for you. :hairy:

Once a while i will peep into HLH to read your stories when i need some laughs. :ninja:


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Dude, where is everyone going!?!?!?!

Gunner my friend, good luck!



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Best of luck Gunner..dont get to down on yourself man.
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