Regimen Questions


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Hey everyone,

I have devised a regimen that I plan on starting soon. I would appreciate anyone's feedback. I also have a couple questions about a couple of the treatments.


Propecia/Proscar: 1mg daily (I am going to make an appointment with my physician to prescribe this to me near the end of the month)
Multivitamin once a day
Rogaine: apply in morning, shower, and apply in evening
Nizoral 1%: use in shower every 3 days
Folligen: apply at night and leave while sleeping, rinse off in morning
Scalp Exercises


Does propecia inhibit facial hair growth?
I’m 22, do you think using propecia is wise idea?
Does rogaine increase facial hair growth?
What types of vision changes does rogaine cause (I read this to be one of the possible side effects)?
For those that are using Rogaine, what do you do as far as gel, hairspray,etc. goes? I would like to use gel in the morning with Rogaine.
Any weird side effects produced by any of these treatments, besides those already listed by the manufactorer?
Does this sound like a good regimen?

Thank you. I would really appreciate responses.



Rogaine: apply in morning, shower, and apply in evening

Make sure you leave the Rogaine on for 3-4 hours, so maybe change that to shower then apply


Established Member
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Looks like a strong regimen...thats basically what I'm on..

My shots @ the Questions:

Does propecia inhibit facial hair growth? Highly doubtful....
I’m 22, do you think using propecia is wise idea? Go for it!..waiting is your biggest enemy
Does rogaine increase facial hair growth? Impossible since you're not applying it there..
What types of vision changes does rogaine cause (I read this to be one of the possible side effects)? Huh?
For those that are using Rogaine, what do you do as far as gel, hairspray,etc. goes? Same stuff you normally would I would like to use gel in the morning with Rogaine.
Any weird side effects produced by any of these treatments, besides those already listed by the manufactorer?
Does this sound like a good regimen? YES


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I doubt you'll see any difference in facial hair. I have been using minoxidil for about three months, dutasteride for two months, and have seen no difference in my beard.

The multivitamin isn't going to do anything for hair loss. I won't hurt to take it of course, but not for combatting hair loss.

Otherwise, you're using the treatments that are known to be effective. I use a similar regimen and am definitely starting to see some regrowth. Even my wife noticed it the other day. I experienced a shed at first, so don't become alarmed if you do. But gradually the shed subsided, and now I lose less hair per day than before I started my regimen. I have better scalp coverage on the crown, and a little better coverage on the vertex.

You might want to experiment with other shampoos on the days you don't use Nizoral. If you experience scalp irritation, T-Gel 1% tar works good. Also, if Folligen causes scalp irritation, which it might since it's a strong copper solution, dilute it with water, and work up to full strength.


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Thank you everyone, I really appreciate your feed back. Take care.


P.S. If anyone else has other helpful advice please post it :)


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Cancel out that multivitiamin stuff. Stick to some more important vit's that will actually have an Impact.

I recomend taking MSM. It helps to improve joint, and also can have an impact on hair growth speeds.


Senior Member
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Multivitamins are good for you.. keep taking them..

Just don't use them for hairloss.


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There's nothing wrong with multivitamins, but don't take ones that include iron, if you're male. Some people think that only mega-doses of vitamins do any good. Actually, the opposite is true. For example, doses of vitamin e greater than 1000 mg daily are harmful. Vitamin cocktails in mega-dose quantities have been shown to increase the risk of heart attack, according to a doctor that I know. He cited the studies that showed this, but I don't have the citations handy.

But vitamins won't do a thing to combat hair loss.


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I disagree about multivitimins. Someone here made a post saying how the % of each vitiamin found in multivitiamins is so low that it's not detectable once taken.


mvpsoft said:
There's nothing wrong with multivitamins, but don't take ones that include iron, if you're male.

any reason for this ?

mvpsoft said:
Some people think that only mega-doses of vitamins do any good. Actually, the opposite is true.

what do you define as a 'mega' dose?

mvpsoft said:
For example, doses of vitamin E greater than 1000 mg daily are harmful.

This is not true, vitamin E is generally measured in International Units (IUs) not 'mg', doses as high as 3200 iu are considerd safe.

mvpsoft said:
Vitamin cocktails in mega-dose quantities have been shown to increase the risk of heart attack, according to a doctor that I know. He cited the studies that showed this, but I don't have the citations handy.

This is such a general statement as to be meaningless, I can show you numerous studies showing doses, many times larger than the RDA found in 'high street' multi-vitamins, have very clear benifits on heart health, cancer and a wide range of conditions.

mvpsoft said:
But vitamins won't do a thing to combat hair loss.

In general I agree with this


New Member
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Hey guys,

I just added the multivitamin in there for the hell of it. I take one everyday already, I thought I might add it in there. Thanx for your recommendations though, I'll take them into consideration. I think what I'll do is apply the Rogaine as soon as I get home from school, wash with something 3 hours later, put some more Rogaine on let it sit for 2 or 3 hours, shower, and apply Folligen and leave overnight. This all seems like a lot of work :p . Oh well... Thanks again.



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ty, check out the latest study on vitamin e. Doses as low as 200 IUs were found to trigger higher death rates, starting at about 5% higher than those not on any supplements. The study looked at the results of several other studies, involving 136,000 people in several different countries. All the studies came to the same conclusion. This huge meta study is being widely reported today. There have been several studies in the past that showed that does of vitamin e greater than 1000 IUs has led to greater risk of stroke and heart attack. I can probably dig up links if you need them, but the latest study was discussed on today and presumably elsewhere. A doctor friend of mine told me about these studies and said that he had personally discontinued taking even moderate doses of many vitamins as a result of reading them. The doses in most multivitamin supplements are low enough that they are generally not harmful. They may not be necessary, but they are generally not harmful.

The reason that males and post menopausal women should not take iron supplements is that iron increases the damage from free radicals. Most people have plenty of iron, probably too much on most western diets. Pre-menapausal women often need extra iron, of course.


erovc said:
Hey guys,

I just added the multivitamin in there for the hell of it. I take one everyday already, I thought I might add it in there. Thanx for your recommendations though, I'll take them into consideration. I think what I'll do is apply the Rogaine as soon as I get home from school, wash with something 3 hours later, put some more Rogaine on let it sit for 2 or 3 hours, shower, and apply Folligen and leave overnight. This all seems like a lot of work :p . Oh well... Thanks again.



with your final application of minoxidil (Rogaine) you can let it dry a little (a hour or so, much less if you are using Dr Lee's stuff) than apply your folligen without having to wash off the minoxidil, apparently the minoxildil helps the absorbtion of folligen. And leave that combo on overnight.

have fun and enjoy the green pillow.


mvpsoft said:
All the studies came to the same conclusion.

are you sure about this?

this is from the page you posted the link for:

Other researchers, however, questioned the new findings, saying the new analysis was flawed and that other studies have shown a benefit from taking vitamin E and other antioxidants.

"There is a small statistical effect here that they have found, but we don't believe it's necessarily an important biological effect," said Annette Dickinson, president of the Council for Responsible Nutrition, an industry-funded group. "We think they've overstated the importance of the findings."

While there is only weak evidence that antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer, there is strong evidence that vitamin E and vitamin C reduce the risk of heart and kidney disease, said Ishwarlal Jialal, an antioxidant researcher at the University of California-Davis.

"Vitamin E is clearly an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent, and it's been shown in some studies to reduce heart disease either alone or in combination with vitamin C," he said.

this is from

WASHINGTON, Nov 10, 2004 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- A meta-analysis on vitamin E and all- cause mortality (ACM) from today's on-line issue of Annals of Internal Medicine inappropriately tries to draw conclusions for the whole population based on a combination of studies of people who were already at grave risk with existing diseases including cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and kidney failure, says the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN).

The researchers themselves noted limitations in their meta-analysis, stating "the generalizability of the findings to healthy adults is uncertain. Precise estimation of the threshold at which risk increases is difficult." Yet they go on to make sweeping generalizations about the use of vitamin E and all-cause mortality for the whole population, although they provide no evidence that these kinds of effects would occur in healthy populations.

"This is an unfortunate misdirection of science in an attempt to make something out of nothing for the sake of headlines," comments John Hathcock, Ph.D., vice president, scientific and international affairs, CRN.

The meta-analysis combined 19 individual studies, eighteen of which showed no statistically significant increase in mortality, squeezing out an overall finding of risk. Combining numerous clinical trials into a single large cohort gave greater statistical power but failed to capture the limitations of each study included.

Most of the trials involved middle-aged to elderly persons who had heart disease or other serious conditions or were at risk of disease. The placebo groups had an ACM rate of 1022/10,000 and the high-dose (defined by the researchers as 400 IU and up) vitamin E subjects had an ACM increase of 39/10,000.

Says Dr. Hathcock, "The overall conclusion of this meta-analysis is driven by the results from a few of these clinical trials, some of which are suspect and/or dated. For example, the WAVE trial (Waters et al., 2002) made no correction for multiple comparisons, and found one of 22 comparisons 'significant.' This is 1/22 whereas 1/20 would have been expected on a random basis. In other words, they found nothing."

Dr. Hathcock added, "In reviewing the totality of evidence on vitamin E, including all clinical trial data and several large observational studies, CRN agrees with the Institute of Medicine in finding vitamin E supplements safe at levels of at least up to 1,000 mg (1,600 IU) for normal, healthy adults. This meta-analysis provides no convincing evidence to the contrary."

The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), founded in 1973, is a Washington, D.C.-based trade association representing dietary supplement industry ingredient suppliers and manufacturers. CRN members adhere to a strong code of ethics, comply with dosage limits and manufacture dietary supplements to high quality standards under good manufacturing practices. For more information on CRN, visit


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What do you expect, ty? The supplement sellers are attacking the study because vit e sales in the US are huge, they don't want to lose their income. Of course they are going to be attacking the studies. But tell me, do you think the supplement manufacturers stand to lose money, and do you think they have a vested interest in attacking the study?


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Would you guys suggested using Nizoral or T-Gel? Also, how long have each of you been using propecia? Does stop working after about 3 years or so? Thanx



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Yes, to both Nizoral and T-Gel.