Regimen Questions



mvpsoft said:
What do you expect, ty? The supplement sellers are attacking the study because vit e sales in the US are huge, they don't want to lose their income. Of course they are going to be attacking the studies. But tell me, do you think the supplement manufacturers stand to lose money, and do you think they have a vested interest in attacking the study?

True, there are vested interests all around,

As you have pointed out the The Council for Responsible Nutrition (set up not to sell but to impose high standards on the research and promotion of supliments) but ultimatley a pro-supplimet group, although highly repected

Researchers often funded by pharamachutical companys (the worlds biggest bussines) also have reasons to produce certain results. A 4 year study to show that Vitimin C our preforms Statins in cholestroral reduction funded by the worlds largest statin producer will never conclude and release to the press a headline like "L-Ascorbic Acid outperforms statins in tests'

And a newspaper will never print a headline like "Vitamin E found to be OK" over a headline like "Vitamin E cause brain cancer!!!!"

These issues are distorted by all vested interests.

There are hundreds on studies on Vitamin E that conclude its health giving benifits, many many more thannegative ones, there will be from time to time those which label it a killer, you must read an awful lot (not just a recent exposé) to get a balance picture.

The American palm oil industry in the 50's managed to convince the whole world that coconut oil was very bad for your heart, coconut oil sales plumeted to be taken over by palm oil, pure bussiness, the science not only was untrue but infact coconut oil had many health benifits not present in palm oil (which essentially was an unhealthy product inmany respects). So powerful was this myth that is still lingers today.

It has been know for a long time that at least 400iu of vitamin E is needed to quench the free radicals produced by ascorbic acid in large amounts.

Also there is currently bussiness driven legislation to control and massively reduce vitamin avaliablity in Europe, so high dose vitamins would no longer be avaliable legally, this would return the ever growing market for theraphutic vitamin doses back into the hands of the large Pharamachutical companies (and I point out once more here that the Pharamachutical companies are now bigger than Oil and Arms!).

Why when cellualar saturation with ascorbic acid (vit C) has been show to beat all cold and flu remedies for the last 64 years (nothing has come close) would you want this to be widly avaliable when you are trying to promote a world wide multi million dollar campaign for some flu rememdy you have put together.


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right now, I would say I have receded roughly around an inch w/ thining at the front top portion and its starting to head back. I wanted to post a pic but I don't know how. My grandfather is completely bald, maybe 1 or 2 hairs here or there :hairy: . By the way my hair line is heading, that's where I will be and I don't feel like being totally bald by the age of 25 or at least close. I think I could deal with it a little better if it started when I was 30 or 40, 18 is rediculous though. How long have you been on procepia? Has anyone seen awesome results with my planned regimen? I ordered folligan yesterday off this website, I should have went ahead and added Rogaine too. I've been losing my hair for about 4 years now. It started when I was 18 and a half or somewhere around there. It's not BAD, but it is noticable that I'm going bald. It's going like a wave from the front to the back. The vertex area is as thick as it has always been. But, that's where I am right now. Thanks everyone. Rock on!



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I would say I'm right around where Martin was at the beginning of his treatment. If that helps give a better description.
