Hello all! Well i've been absent for a couple of months and gotta say new website looks pretty ace! If anyone has been following what i've been saying, my apologies for not posting recently, i've had a whole world of stuff going on, i finished my finals and graduated so i'm a fully fledged medical doctor now, ready to be set loose on the public, which is great news. However, both myself and my girlfriend have both had some problems with illnesses with family members so i haven't had anytime for anything else recently and have been under a super amount of stress. If there's one thing i can says it's that serious stress makes you shed hair...lots of hair. Can't say that my hair has got much worse but i was definitely shedding a lot over the past month.
Anyway....It's coming up to 10 months for me on propecia now and it all seems to be good, i actually get complements by people now saying that my hair looks thicker, i'm not saying it's all come back but it does look a little better (excluding recent shed) and as an extra piece of good news, still no side effects as of yet, so i'll keep on with the finasteride and continue to see what happens. With all the cool things that are on the way (histogen, replicel, aderans, bitmoprost etc....) i think maintenance is the name of the game and finasteride seems to be doing that for me.
On to something interesting now, i'm going to tackle the lovely prospect of finasteride and sexual problems, bear with me because i need to set the scene first. About six months ago myself and my girlfriend had a long talk and to cut a long story short we both decided that we would like to start a family sometime soon. Naturally being on finasteride i wanted to know if this was going to affect my chances of conceiving etc.... There was an interesting paper written in the journal of urology that stated that finasteride does not affect spermatogenesis or semen production in young guys. You can see this paper here:
Well there's a catch, whilst in a healthy guy finasteride doesn't affect fertility if you have an underlying fertility problem then the effect finasteride can have on your sperm can actually push you into dangerous territory and make you sub-fertile (however this clears up when finasteride is stopped). I had mumps when i was in my late teens, if anybody knows anything about mumps as an adult you'll know it can cause orchitis, this can seriously affect fertility to the point of making you infertile. Well this made me slightly worried as the only proof i had of my fertility was a couple of pregnancy scares with ex-girlfriends over the years. Being in the medical field i decided to get a full semen analysis and also a testicular ultrasound. Fortunately for me, everything checked out fine (i'm super fertile apparently and everything feel within normal parameters, but enough about me...) but anyone else who is thinking about starting a family i fully suggest getting yourself down to the fertility clinic and getting a test, just for piece of mind, in fact i would go as far as saying to everyone that is thinking of starting finasteride to go down and get a fertility test, i wish i had done it so i had something to compare my results with from pre-finasteride to now but considering i'm super-fertile i'm not too worried.
Also i wanted to get into another point as well and for this i'm not citing any science but just anecdotal evidence so take what i say here with a pinch of salt. When i first started on finasteride i read all the forums, include the dreaded propecia help and was scared ****less by the side effects that i could potentially get. I've stated a number of times on this forum that not only do i believe finasteride causes side effects i also believe that we should all pay attention to those who report them and give them the support they need. I have been very luck in not getting any side effects and i've also been particularly meticulous with my record keeping so here's what i've noted so far (i'm going to get pretty graphic so get ready):
Libido: Still as horny as i think i should be, waxes and wanes, some days i can spend the whole day going with the lady and other days i can't think of anything i want to do less. My libido seems largely unchanged and i think it's pretty average for a guy of my age (almost 27)
Erection quality: I don't think my erections have changed, still wake up with morning wood sometimes, no problems getting hard, all seems the same as pre-finasteride, penis has same amount of sensitivity, again seems normal for a guy of my age
Semen quality: In retrospect i think my semen was a bit more watery in the early days of propecia, seems to be fine now and as i mentioned earlier, the fertility tests i had proved that everything, sperm count, motility, morphology etc... were fine
*Ahem* Size: As weird as this is going to make me sound, one of the side effects someone reported on another website was that since taking propecia their penis and balls had shrunk, well i measured both each month, had a testicular ultrasound and have been using an orchidometer and there has been no change in the size of anything over the 10 months i've been on finasteride
Mood changes: Mood is really subjective and again i don't think that i've changed, no one has mentioned that i'm any different except being a bit insufferable to live with during finals but no depression or anything, i've always been pretty happy go lucky and that hasn't changed
Brain fog: Again difficult to judge although i passed my medical degree with a merit whilst on finasteride so if it did affect me it wasn't noticeable.
Exercise and body fat: To be honest i think i've got stronger since taking finasteride, as i've mentioned before i'm a proper fitness freak and since being on finasteride i've benched the most i've every done in my life (120kg ORM) and shoulder pressed a personal best also (100kg ORM) as well as hitting my fastest ever mile time (4mins 18sec, desperately trying to break a four minute mile!). I've also maintained a very low body fat percentage so finasteride hasn't affected this side of my life, although i should mention i keep a rigorous diet, don't drink, don't smoke and take no other meds but finasteride.
Well that's my update for now, hopefully will post a little more often now, until then peace out y'all!