Removed nizoral from my regime.



Since I started scalp massage I have been able to remove nizoral from my regime (well might use it once a week or every 10 days).

Scalp feels 110% better then it ever has. Lost about 20 hairs last time I washed my hair - can´t remember when that was by the way.

Peace all.


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Yeah I removed nizoral a while ago too. The shampoo dried my hair out and made it look like sh*t. Every time I would use it I also would shed more that day. I don't care how good it is to use I will never touch it again.


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Cassin said:
To bad, I love the way it smells and makes my hair look.
Then why would you drop it? It may be doing good, it certainly isn't doing any harm, and you like it, but you're going to drop it? What am I missing here?


Cassin said:
This ridiculous notion of scalp massage being of any benefit aside.

Like I give a flying f about that. I´m gonna keep doing it as long as it keeps giving me this kind of progress.


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And your evidence that the scalp massage, and not something else, is giving you the progress is what, exactly? How long have you been doing scalp massage by itself?

Red Rose

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Cassin said:
I am considering dropping Nizoral as well. I am not having any problems with it what so ever, but considering my regimen, I am starting to doubt Nizoral has the slightest impact on me.

Cassin, with respect, how do you know that nizoral isn't complimenting your other treatments? I remember for one saying that it wasn't until he started nizoral that finasteride started working for him.

Or is the case that you have controlled inflammation (with copper peptides etc) and you no longer need it for that reason.

Finally, in your experience do you find T-sal (which I presume is what you are referring to with Salycylic Acid?) to be a better option than nizoral.


Oh you've already answered my question - don't worry about it.


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Red Rose said:
Cassin said:
I am considering dropping Nizoral as well. I am not having any problems with it what so ever, but considering my regimen, I am starting to doubt Nizoral has the slightest impact on me.

Cassin, with respect, how do you know that nizoral isn't complimenting your other treatments? I remember for one saying that it wasn't until he started nizoral that finasteride started working for him.

Or is the case that you have controlled inflammation (with copper peptides etc) and you no longer need it for that reason.

Finally, in your experience do you find T-sal (which I presume is what you are referring to with Salycylic Acid?) to be a better option than nizoral.


Oh you've already answered my question - don't worry about it.

Just a thought anyway.......

Well to be honest, it could very well complimenting my regimen to some point. I just couldn't imagine it being a intricate piece to the big picture. But hey, I could be totally wrong. Things have indeed taken an upward swing since this summer when I added T/SAL, Tricomin as a CP, and nizoral. But again, I doubt it is the nizoral and not simply time with everything else kicking in.

I consider T/SAL more of a scalp cleaner than anything else so to me it is two very different things


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nesta said:
Cassin said:
This ridiculous notion of scalp massage being of any benefit aside.

Like I give a flying f about that. I´m gonna keep doing it as long as it keeps giving me this kind of progress.

Tell you what nesta, you sit there at home, don't have sex, don't exercise, massage your scalp and report back with a full head of hair. :lol:


mvpsoft said:
And your evidence that the scalp massage, and not something else, is giving you the progress is what, exactly? How long have you been doing scalp massage by itself?

Never said that!

I´ve been on finasteride for 11 months. 10 Of those where nothing special and even some loss. I thought it was crazy since all my bodyhair is thinning so DHT is being eliminated and then it hit me - it´s just the poor scalp cirkulation - Just like it´s so damn hard getting rid of nailfungus because the meds aren´t reaching the damn place of impact.


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nesta said:
I´ve been on finasteride for 11 months. 10 Of those where nothing special and even some loss. I thought it was crazy since all my bodyhair is thinning so DHT is being eliminated and then it hit me - it´s just the poor scalp cirkulation -

What in the world makes you think your just not circulating more DHT to your scalp. Hey I agree, a good scalp massage feels awesome. I used to do them for headaches, but as a tool for hairloss? C'mon.


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Cassin you are removing a cheap, easy to apply (5-10 minutes before washing out) proven mild anti-androgen, that makes your hair look good and smells great?

You have even seen an improvement since adding T/SAL,Tricomin and Nizoral !!??

I can asure you the T/SAL will not grow you hair so why choose Nizoral to be removed ??

You say it is to make your regimen simple and keeping it simple will mean your stick to it...

....surely T/SAL is as much hassle to use as Nizoral as they are both shampoos?

Ketoconazole has been shown to have an effect on hair weight similar to minoxidil 2% (although utilizing a different pathology) and to increase hair weight by upto 8%.

ketoconazole's effects are most probably increased when used with T/SAL and synergistic when used with minoxidil.

I would recommend using a ketoconazole shampoo to anyone who is trying to combat male pattern baldness.


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Guest said:
Cassin you are removing a cheap, easy to apply (5-10 minutes before washing out) proven mild anti-androgen, that makes your hair look good and smells great?

You have even seen an improvement since adding T/SAL,Tricomin and Nizoral !!??

I can asure you the T/SAL will not grow you hair so why choose Nizoral to be removed ??

You say it is to make your regimen simple and keeping it simple will mean your stick to it...

....surely T/SAL is as much hassle to use as Nizoral as they are both shampoos?

Ketoconazole has been shown to have an effect on hair weight similar to minoxidil 2% (although utilizing a different pathology) and to increase hair weight by upto 8%.

ketoconazole's effects are most probably increased when used with T/SAL and synergistic when used with minoxidil.

I would recommend using a ketoconazole shampoo to anyone who is trying to combat male pattern baldness.

Well yeah..........your right on every count. LOL, well scratch dropping it. 180 within a few posts. Record?


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Now I know that Nesta often comes up with some pretty spurious claims and "advice", however, I'm not sure why everyone is ratting on him about his scalp massage habits.

Everyone knows that massage of any sort helps to increase blood flow to the areas that are massaged and surrounding tissue. Massage has been shown to be beneficial in reducing stress, stimluating circulation and tissue rejuvenation. It is therefore relatively clear that massaging one's scalp regularly will help to increase blood flow in the scalp generally, and the supply of nutrients to cells in the scalp, such as our follicles and papillae. Really, the only kind of result to be achieved from scalp massage is a beneficial one. It may not regrow new hair, or perform major cosmetic miracles, but it will, at the very least, be beneficial. Hey - you might even find it relaxing, thereby stopping any stress related loss(?!).

Whilst no one is exactly sure about the mechanism by which topical minoxidil assists in the regrowth of hair, the mechanism most commonly attributed is that minoxidil increases blood flow to the capillaries around the hair follicle. This in turn assists in the increased supply of nutrients to the follicle. The lasercomb is another treatment, the true mechanism of which is not known, which may assist in regrowth by helping to increase blood flow to the scalp capillaries (as well as generally 'stimulating' the follicles).

It follows that, whilst not causing regrowth or inhibiting DHT by itself, massage would be a very beneficial adjunct to the BIG 3 or the other treatments we use. I can easily see how such massage just prior to the application of topicals would increase absorption and just generally give an extra boost to our treatments.

Hell - the Indians and East Asians have been practising scalp massage for thousands of years and absolutely swear by it. They generally have some pretty damn good hair too!

Anyway, I am going to start incorporating 10 mins of scalp massage a day into my regime... until I purchase a lasercomb later this year that is. Thanks for the heads up and reminder in this case, Nesta.




Def said:
Now I know that Nesta often comes up with some pretty spurious claims and "advice", however, I'm not sure why everyone is ratting on him about his scalp massage habits.

Everyone knows that massage of any sort helps to increase blood flow to the areas that are massaged and surrounding tissue. Massage has been shown to be beneficial in reducing stress, stimluating circulation and tissue rejuvenation. It is therefore relatively clear that massaging one's scalp regularly will help to increase blood flow in the scalp generally, and the supply of nutrients to cells in the scalp, such as our follicles and papillae. Really, the only kind of result to be achieved from scalp massage is a beneficial one. It may not regrow new hair, or perform major cosmetic miracles, but it will, at the very least, be beneficial. Hey - you might even find it relaxing, thereby stopping any stress related loss(?!).

Whilst no one is exactly sure about the mechanism by which topical minoxidil assists in the regrowth of hair, the mechanism most commonly attributed is that minoxidil increases blood flow to the capillaries around the hair follicle. This in turn assists in the increased supply of nutrients to the follicle. The lasercomb is another treatment, the true mechanism of which is not known, which may assist in regrowth by helping to increase blood flow to the scalp capillaries (as well as generally 'stimulating' the follicles).

It follows that, whilst not causing regrowth or inhibiting DHT by itself, massage would be a very beneficial adjunct to the BIG 3 or the other treatments we use. I can easily see how such massage just prior to the application of topicals would increase absorption and just generally give an extra boost to our treatments.

Hell - the Indians and East Asians have been practising scalp massage for thousands of years and absolutely swear by it. They generally have some pretty damn good hair too!

Anyway, I am going to start incorporating 10 mins of scalp massage a day into my regime... until I purchase a lasercomb later this year that is. Thanks for the heads up and reminder in this case, Nesta.



My god I´m stunned!! Someone actually thinks I´m not from outer space. Def I´m not sure why people here pay more attention to the golden shower theory and fail to see how PS1 is a cellular A-bomb ATM then accepting the benifits of massage. Beside working supplying fresh blod it also takes away lymfatic fluid which doesn´t drain correct due to the inflammatory process - this builds up a pressure that is damaging to cells in the scalp - increases inflammation.

You see inflammation is like dropping a snowball from a hill - it builds momentum. TNF-a and IL-8 released from acumulated Makrofages attracts neutrofils - they release major basic protein among other small bombs which causes celldamage and the released lipidfragments are also proinflammatory and chemotactic. In the end the fibroblasts will have laid down a layer of kollagen which calcifies effectivily destroying all hope that ANYTHING will ever grow there again - probably regardless of HM or not.

The Gardener

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Personally, I find that oral dihydrogen oxide is an outstanding addition to any regimen as well.

Fallout Boy

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WHAT??!!? if there is a study that shows Nizoral is bennificial to male pattern baldness why in the world would you drop it?!? unless it was giving your scalp problems i dont see why you would .. becuase i mean its a shampoo and takes 5 minutes while youre in the shower...


fallout boy said:
WHAT??!!? if there is a study that shows Nizoral is bennificial to male pattern baldness why in the world would you drop it?!? unless it was giving your scalp problems i dont see why you would .. becuase i mean its a shampoo and takes 5 minutes while youre in the shower...

There are reasons why it´s a perscription shampoo.

1) It has antifungoral properties and in the long run fungus grows immune to nizoral and you could end up with a skininfection that you can´t get rid of.

2) It has antibacterial properites which changes the flora of the skin making way for opportunistic bacteria.

3) It dries your skin and it fries your hair - yes that´s right nizoral makes your hair crocked and thin.

nizoral is first and foremost a anti-inflammtory treatement. When you start this anti-hairloss battle it´s easy to get caught up in "the big three". While I do belive that both finasteride and minoxidil need to be used constantly without slipping I refuse to accept the same for nizoral. nizoral is for use when your scalp feels moist, itchy and hurting - most people in here use nizoral every 2 - 3 days and never even question why.

It´s a topical DHT inhibitor and according to a study it made hair 8% thicker then people not using it - 8% thicker, that´s like a nanoinch and it won´t make a difference (chances are the fried hair effect will more then nullify the positive effect).

Do pay attention - I´m not saying that you should resign nizoral if your scalp feels inflammed but for those using Revivogen, finasteride, nizoral and spironolactone - what´s left? Revivogen blocks 90% of the receptors, spironolactone is a potent enzyme inhibitor, finasteride takes away 70% and then you add nizoral - come one you are block 300% and still you are losing hair!! Think about it and go a different route.


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Nesta, what kind of scalp massage do you do?

Red Rose

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On the subject of scalp massage I have, without prejudice, posted some links on the subject for anyone interested.

1. Massage oil treatments for alopecia, including home made recipes:

2. Study on essential oils useful for hair loss:

3. Scalp massage product for hair loss:

4. An entire site dedicated to reversing hair loss from scalp exercises:

5. A link from HLH of people who have followed #4 approach with
results: ... SGDBTABLE=