Replacement for finasteride?


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I started to notice side effects around a month after taking 1mg of finasteride, i.e some gyno, sore nipples, ball ache ( which I'm unsure if this is all attributed to ) and ED. I tried reducing to 0.5mg but I've stopped until the sides hopefully go. In the meantime and if this doesn't work out I could do with something else. I'm currently using minoxidil twice daily and nizoral 2x a week. I've heard about Topical Spirolactone but heard it's either not effective or that it has the same sides as finasteride basically. I also heard about topical cetrizine. Any ideas? I just want to get onto a solid regime. I'm 20 and probably around norwood 3 I'm unsure.


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I'm the same on finasteride. Except it gives me brain fog and low libido!
RU58841 is the closest to it in a topical. I can use this (at careful dosing) without sides. Topical spironolactone for me did not have any sides but seemed ineffective.


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With finasterade, I knew fairly early on that treatment wasn't going to work for me. Regarding sides.
With RU58841, I don't really get any sides. But I feel them a bit if I increase my dose.


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Right okay, so after stop finasteride how long did your sides take to diccipate. I'd say mine have just become noticeable in the past week or so anyway


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Oh ok, I get you now. My sides went away in about 1 week after stoping.


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my sides went away about 2-3 week ... finasteride gives me gyno and low libido ... ofc gyno hasn't gone but it not that big gyno. now it has been 1 year without any medicine and now i am going bald... but seriously i prefer to be bald and less handsome than be without balls ... if there will be any good treatment without effect manly hormone i wil ldefinitely use it but just not finasteride man. dont do this to yourself.


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Have you tried minoxidil and nizoral? and also I'm hearing about topical cetirizine

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Also what dose of RU58841 do you take, what is this? and where do you even get it etc?
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20 and around NW3 is tough man! I heard that pumpkin seed oil can actually have some effect as a DHT blocker. But as always there is not much evidence for that. You can just try 1g of that oil as a supplement.