Replicel Is On Fire Lately — Data In Feb.


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ITT: Everyone swinging low to brace for anything negative because their tenuous egos can't handle their crumbling vanity.

Just f*****g wait. And if nothing comes out, well that's nothing new, is it? As has been mentioned close to a billion times (rough estimate), we're still on schedule. So since there is no news, feel free to project your disgusting delusions of reality onto the blank canvas that is this forum. Or, you know, save yourself the anguish and just chill out. Smoke some reefer or something. Christ.

f*****g people acting like if the cure came out tomorrow, they'd naturally emerge from their festering cocoon of hatred, despair, fragility and negativity as a beautiful and confident butterfly. Get real. You are at least in part exactly the type of person you are projecting yourself to be on this forum, hair or not, cure or not. Why make excuses to act shitty, as though it were this company's fault or that person's fault or your scalp's fault that you act like this? I'm willing to bet that if it weren't baldness, it'd be the next thing. If the cure comes out, I guess I'll catch you fuckers moaning on the small penor forums or height forums or muscle forums or money forums or whatever other bottle you fancy yourself to be held prisoner in.

Hair is a luxury, not a necessity. Think about that, before you work yourself up to a furious anxiety about how things ought to be and how they aren't and maybe question where your suffering really comes from. Spoiler: it is largely self-inflicted. Everyone has problems, my dudes. There's no simple escape from the human condition. And I'm willing to wager that losing the hair on your head is probably not the most difficult thing you will face during your lifetime. It would be embarrassing if it were. But nah, let's just slip into an uncontrollable fit of dismay because on the off chance that the cure delivers us from the current predicament, the rest of our time on the planet will just be ice creams and orgasms, don't you know? Once you have those fibers on your head, all other problems will simply ricochet off your indestructible aura of confidence.
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That Guy

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ITT: Everyone swinging low to brace for anything negative because their tenuous egos can't handle their crumbling vanity.

Just f*****g wait. And if nothing comes out, well that's nothing new, is it? As has been mentioned close to a billion times (rough estimate), we're still on schedule. So since there is no news, feel free to project your disgusting delusions of reality onto the blank canvas that is this forum. Or, you know, save yourself the anguish and just chill out. Smoke some reefer or something. Christ.

f*****g people acting like if the cure came out tomorrow, they'd naturally emerge from their festering cocoon of hatred, despair, fragility and negativity as a beautiful and confident butterfly. Get real. You are at least in part exactly the type of person you are projecting yourself to be on this forum, hair or not, cure or not. Why make excuses to act shitty, as though it were this company's fault or that person's fault or your scalp's fault that you act like this? I'm willing to bet that if it weren't baldness, it'd be the next thing. If the cure comes out, I guess I'll catch you fuckers moaning on the small penor forums or height forums or muscle forums or money forums or whatever other bottle you fancy yourself to be held prisoner in.

Hair is a luxury, not a necessity. Think about that, before you work yourself up to a furious anxiety about how things ought to be and how they aren't and maybe question where your suffering really comes from. Spoiler: it is largely self-inflicted. Everyone has problems, my dudes. There's no simple escape from the human condition. And I'm willing to wager that losing the hair on your head is probably not the most difficult thing you will face during your lifetime. It would be embarrassing if it were. But nah, let's just slip into an uncontrollable fit of dismay because on the off chance that the cure delivers us from the current predicament, the rest of our time on the planet will just be ice creams and orgasms, don't you know? Once you have those fibers on your head, all other problems will simply ricochet off your indestructible aura of confidence.

Pure poetry


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f*****g people acting like if the cure came out tomorrow, they'd naturally emerge from their festering cocoon of hatred, despair, fragility and negativity as a beautiful and confident butterfly. Get real. You are at least in part exactly the type of person you are projecting yourself to be on this forum, hair or not, cure or not. Why make excuses to act shitty, as though it were this company's fault or that person's fault or your scalp's fault that you act like this? I'm willing to bet that if it weren't baldness, it'd be the next thing. If the cure comes out, I guess I'll catch you fuckers moaning on the small penor forums or height forums or muscle forums or money forums or whatever other bottle you fancy yourself to be held prisoner in.

Excuse me Sir but you are wrong.

Yes I am a smal fat unemployed bald virgin with the personality of a room plant and a small dick.

But let me explain what happens when the cure comes out tomorow.

1. With hair I ll look 5 inch taller so I wont be small anymore
2. With beautyfull hair all women want to have sex with me... With all that sex I loose my verginity and my fat.
3. With hair I can be a male model a p**rn star I can even make a fortune with being a waitress because of all the tip you get as a waitress with great hair.
4. With hair I ll be busy dating hot women and on the interesting dates and journeys they will invite me I ll build a personality in no time
5. Yeah technically my dick will still be small.... But a 3 inch dick on a bald guy is small. A 3 inch dick on a guy with great hair is sweet.

Yeah this was sarcasm and no I am not a virgin.
Last summer I had a romance with my right hand. And yesterday I confinced both my hands to a thresesome.


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ITT: Everyone swinging low to brace for anything negative because their tenuous egos can't handle their crumbling vanity.

Just f*****g wait. And if nothing comes out, well that's nothing new, is it? As has been mentioned close to a billion times (rough estimate), we're still on schedule. So since there is no news, feel free to project your disgusting delusions of reality onto the blank canvas that is this forum. Or, you know, save yourself the anguish and just chill out. Smoke some reefer or something. Christ.

f*****g people acting like if the cure came out tomorrow, they'd naturally emerge from their festering cocoon of hatred, despair, fragility and negativity as a beautiful and confident butterfly. Get real. You are at least in part exactly the type of person you are projecting yourself to be on this forum, hair or not, cure or not. Why make excuses to act shitty, as though it were this company's fault or that person's fault or your scalp's fault that you act like this? I'm willing to bet that if it weren't baldness, it'd be the next thing. If the cure comes out, I guess I'll catch you fuckers moaning on the small penor forums or height forums or muscle forums or money forums or whatever other bottle you fancy yourself to be held prisoner in.

Hair is a luxury, not a necessity. Think about that, before you work yourself up to a furious anxiety about how things ought to be and how they aren't and maybe question where your suffering really comes from. Spoiler: it is largely self-inflicted. Everyone has problems, my dudes. There's no simple escape from the human condition. And I'm willing to wager that losing the hair on your head is probably not the most difficult thing you will face during your lifetime. It would be embarrassing if it were. But nah, let's just slip into an uncontrollable fit of dismay because on the off chance that the cure delivers us from the current predicament, the rest of our time on the planet will just be ice creams and orgasms, don't you know? Once you have those fibers on your head, all other problems will simply ricochet off your indestructible aura of confidence.

I’ve actually always treated people here with respect, as long as they give it to me. It is not I who is in a dozen different flame wars with members here. Or calling people names every time I log in. As for the given startups and companies, healthy skepticism isn’t acting “shitty” to them. Intelligent companies who enter the hair loss restoration field should understand how frustrated and skeptical their target audience is, if they want to be successful anyway. And there’s no need to feel grateful to them, they are by and large businesses looking to make a profit. One doesn’t need to take a boot-licking posture towards any of them. If that’s what you want to do cool, make your posts into little gratitude journal entries.

The rest of what you wrote is your imagination. Like, this is HAIR LOSS talk dude, we’re probably going to discuss hair loss and the fact that we’re upset over it. It’s not JUST WAIT talk. The fact that some of us are more upset about it than you think appropriate is....really none of your business. But feel free to wag your finger at everyone and project your superiority on to us.

I’ve never said anything about slaying hoes or becoming a rock star if the problem of hair loss is solved. I only know of one poster who seemed to engage in such fantasies, he’s no longer here.

So yeah, you can reassure yourself that we are still “on schedule” (whatever that means). I’m guessing it wasn’t orgasms and ice cream that made you register an account here, nor your penchant for moral posturing. It was because you are bothered by your hair loss to a significant degree, much more than the average male in fact. Should I launch into a tirade about how selfish and “vain” you are to do such a thing? Why are you focused on “luxury” items, such as hair? Running water is a luxury too. Anything can be conceptualized in that moralistic way if you want to go Ned Flanders about it, which apparently you do.

I suggest you take your own advice and just wait® for a significant development in a treatment for hair loss. No need to post anything until then.


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Dad ily pls don't fall for the confidence meme

Hair is a luxury, not a necessity.

Some people's lives are over when they already look weird and having George Costanza hair just pushes it too far. Sad but true


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I' am in a network of scientific advisors in the field of hairregeneration. Here i present you all information I was able to gather on the new treatments that are about to come out in the next 2 years. Excuse my english i m not a nativ speaker.

Results from phase 2 Study. 17% regrowth and 85% of tested person responded above 10% regrowth.
The results will be published 1st october and the treatment will be available starting february 2019 (only in japan). The plan is offer the treatment in china in 2020 as well.

i saw this info other thread.
is it true infomaition?


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Hi moderator @Roberto_72 , can you explain a bit more why that user insider was a troll ? Many many thanks
He was a pre existing user (who never said he was a scientific advisor and was clueless about release dates) who created a new account and pretended he was an insider.


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I' am in a network of scientific advisors in the field of hairregeneration. Here i present you all information I was able to gather on the new treatments that are about to come out in the next 2 years. Excuse my english i m not a nativ speaker.

Results from phase 2 Study. 17% regrowth and 85% of tested person responded above 10% regrowth.
The results will be published 1st october and the treatment will be available starting february 2019 (only in japan). The plan is offer the treatment in china in 2020 as well.

i saw this info other thread.
is it true infomaition?
Did you even READ the whole thread and why it was closed?


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That Guy

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He was a pre existing user (who never said he was a scientific advisor and was clueless about release dates) who created a new account and pretended he was an insider.

Really don't understand what possesses people to do sh*t like that. It's probably some sort of (probably sadism or histrionic) personality disorder at work


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Really don't understand what possesses people to do sh*t like that. It's probably some sort of (probably sadism or histrionic) personality disorder at work
Probably a combination of several PD's (atleast symptomatic-wise) xD

In any case, we should all take a step back and relax, even though this kind
of build up was expected when 4th biggest cosmetic company in the world
is about to disclose whether or not it will launch first treatment for Androgenetic Alopecia in 20ys.

Imo, this just shows how desperate Androgenetic Alopecia sufferers are for another tool in this
battle, and how even the most pessimistic of users really do have some kind of
hope for this treatment, though they wouldn't admit it. We are all affected in
different ways, so tolerance should prevail...



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Really don't understand what possesses people to do sh*t like that. It's probably some sort of (probably sadism or histrionic) personality disorder at work

Strange thing is the guy was quite empathetic in a venting thread of mine and not trollish in any way. He really seemed to suffer from hairloss as well which makes it even weirder to go down that scammy route after knowing rhe constant disappointment connected with this industry.