Nobody should be expecting the trial results. It's very unlikely we'll hear them anytime soon, and Shiseido doesn't seem to be in a hurry to hand them over to RepliCel. Especially if they have a working, marketable product.
If not for RepliCel, the odds of any of us ever knowing the results of the trial would be basically 0. The only reason RepliCel publicly divulges such information at all is because they desperately want to attract investors. Shiseido is not concerned with that.
Cosmetic companies are constantly running new things through trials and never talk about them publicly. Because A: Competitors are watching, and B: Nobody gives a sh*t but us, and some guys in suits.
If not for RepliCel, the odds of any of us ever knowing the results of the trial would be basically 0. The only reason RepliCel publicly divulges such information at all is because they desperately want to attract investors. Shiseido is not concerned with that.
Cosmetic companies are constantly running new things through trials and never talk about them publicly. Because A: Competitors are watching, and B: Nobody gives a sh*t but us, and some guys in suits.