it wouldn't make any sense to completely scrap this since they have opened an entire research laboratory. if anything they weren't satisfied enough with the results and will do further research. its not like this is something that goes away, stem cell research is still in the early stages and they have invested so much already. its even on their website. so worst case is they will do more research and maybe one more study
its not like they are sitting there "well that only gave minor regrowth lets just throw this stem cell regeneration thing into the trash"
But the most interesting for the researchers is of course, why some lose density from the treatment and others increase in density. And that might be what is keeping them behind and trying to understand the mechanism of it all.
The facility is theirs and they can use it for basically whatever they want. Building it wasn't a waste.
It was explained by RepliCel when they released the data that there was a storage/handling f*** up that compromised the one guy's treatment. So there's no mystery.
The fact that they don't seem to be doing that, after months, with major competitor launches just around the corner, does suggest things aren't looking good for it.
But, it's also possible that there is some other reason for the delay.
The facility is theirs and they can use it for basically whatever they want. Building it wasn't a waste.
It was explained by RepliCel when they released the data that there was a storage/handling f*** up that compromised the one guy's treatment. So there's no mystery.
It is possible that this was indeed scrapped. The last treatment that could do this was.
I'm not saying that I necessarily think that's what happened or didn't happen here, but like...we need to be honest with ourselves about these things — if the test didn't offer superior results than RepliCels, then there are reasons to jettison it from a business standpoint.
• The market is, and always has been, in growing new hair.
• Two technologies will be available over the next two years that can do that, and with superior results to RepliCel's phase 1
• If they had a real winner and money-maker on their hands, they wouldn't hesitate to launch this, regardless of bickering with RepliCel
For each month that will tick by in 2020, it will be less and less likely that this is a greenlight. The hold up IS getting a bit suspicious at this point.
They have had plenty of time by now to get those results evaluated, shared with RepliCel, and then proceed to make money with a revolutionary new solution to men with hairloss.
The fact that they don't seem to be doing that, after months, with major competitor launches just around the corner, does suggest things aren't looking good for it.
But, it's also possible that there is some other reason for the delay.
Two technologies will be available over the next two years that can do that, and with superior results to RepliCel's phase 1
What technologies are those?
Tsuji and Follica.
If products are on the market that can provide regrowth superior to RCH-01, and in Follica's case, definitely at lower prices than FUEs, and the technology to grow new hair from cells is a thing — it will make little sense for them to continue since the former beats them results-wise and the latter is a more attractive pursuit from a technological standpoint and is kind of their end goal anyway.
The fact that what they have now still has utility and value on its own will likely be of no concern to them — just like it wasn't with Aderans.
You really think Tsuji will be available soon after Follica? (Even if it’s a price point not feasible for the majority)
LolWith Japan's expedited stem cell laws, and the two trials of the respective companies poised to take place very close together, I'd actually say it's possible Tsuji could hit the market before Follica.
Dialogue of the deaf.
None knows. Speculating is waisting your own time and rubbing salt on the psychological wounds.
Wait and see. If anything happens, you can be sure it will be posted on this thread.
i have been here for a year now and what i learned has made me realize that tsuji will most definitely not be "one the market" in the next 10 years
I don’t think blood flow is a problem as it’s none with conventional hair transplant either. I just want to see it on a human
Tsuji and Follica.
If products are on the market that can provide regrowth superior to RCH-01, and in Follica's case, definitely at lower prices than FUEs, and the technology to grow new hair from cells is a thing — it will make little sense for them to continue since the former beats them results-wise and the latter is a more attractive pursuit from a technological standpoint and is kind of their end goal anyway.
The fact that what they have now still has utility and value on its own will likely be of no concern to them — just like it wasn't with Aderans.
With Japan's expedited stem cell laws, and the two trials of the respective companies poised to take place very close together, I'd actually say it's possible Tsuji could hit the market before Follica.
I totally disagree.
What we have now doesn't even guarantee 100% of people will stop hair loss, let alone grow any new hair. Plus, the use of minoxidil is messy and a little inconvenient and there is risk of sides with every other treatment available now and you have to keep using what we have now every day for the rest of your life, except hair transplants.
If Replicel can stop hair loss in 100% of patients plus grow a little new hair without any sides then I think it will find a place in today's marketplace, especially considering that once the injections are administered you don't need to keep using it daily like other treatments.
Yes and Replicel is on fire, oh but also it could be dead in the water. Follica is poised for imminent release, unless of course it’s not close at all and Tsuji will be first. It’s all in the Brotzu FAQ I wrote. Just look at that, then it’s clear.
Follica has been a year away since 2012
Replicel's technology has been in animal and human trials since 2009 and we are still unsure if it will ever be released.
Histogen has been one year away from release since 2013.
Tsuji will require substantial trials and modifications before it's ready for prime time.
CB was first synthesised in 2001. It was theorised that it may be beneficial for Androgenetic Alopecia in 2002. The current pipeline timeline estimates it to be released in 2021. That's a whopping 20 years. Mind blowing when you think about it.
I highly doubt Tsuji will be available to the public before 2028
Doesn't matter its OVER for you anyways you acne ridden manletim not that sure about this. it could be for example that it grows only very weak hair or hair like minoxidil that is cosmetically irrelevant. or it could grow hair in bad directions. there is a difference between growing it in a lab or growing a single cloned human hair and making it so that it is cosmetically a good result. thats a lot more challenging i think. we will probably see cloned hair grown in humans in the next few years but there is a path from that stage to having thousands of grafts planted on your scalp in an aesthetically solid manner