Replicel Is On Fire Lately — Data In Feb.


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Reading through some shallow and, yes, very offensive comments here (not to each other, but to someone who's not even taking part on the conversation) I start to agree that baldness could be some sort of punishment / karma. ..



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Retention was my issue too, I looked it up about a year and a half ago when reports of point of no return kept being brought up. I just never found any info on timeframe with regards to how long fibrosis takes to eliminate a follicle. I guess what I'm gathering from these pictures is it likely takes much longer for it to be an issue for many of us in here if something comes along in the next 3-4 years.

I know my Mothers biopsy came back technically as 'scarring alopecia' but she had Androgenetic Alopecia just very advanced so like 30 to 50 years of hair loss process.
I dont know if that helps you.


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"Overall" observed among ALL patients in the trial means 100%.

In the paragraph you refer to there is no mention of the 6-month non-responders so we can't be sure that the 6-month non-responders are included under the umbrella of "All'.


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In the paragraph you refer to there is no mention of the 6-month non-responders so we can't be sure that the 6-month non-responders are included under the umbrella of "All'.

But, they say "all patients in the trial"...


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Reading through some shallow and, yes, very offensive comments here (not to each other, but to someone who's not even taking part on the conversation) I start to agree that baldness could be some sort of punishment / karma. ..


What? I didn't see anything offensive. Then again I'm not offended by everything like some people.


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What? I didn't see anything offensive. Then again I'm not offended by everything like some people.

He gave his personal opinion about the transgender-woman that was unnecessary.


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He gave his personal opinion about the transgender-woman that was unnecessary.

I didn't see him say anything derogatory. Of you're referring to him calling it a man instead of a woman then nameless injected his Personal opinion first by calling it a woman. They can both call it whatever they want, it's not offensive or unnecessary


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I didn't see him say anything derogatory. Of you're referring to him calling it a man instead of a woman then nameless injected his Personal opinion first by calling it a woman. They can both call it whatever they want, it's not offensive or unnecessary

I dont know your calling a person who shared there photos and their information with us to help us an 'it'.
So whatever.


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But, they say "all patients in the trial"...

What if the non-responders were no longer in the trial at that point? They could have dropped out after they lost hair. It's common for test subjects to drop out of clinical trials.

That aside, I think you're probably right. That's why I'm feeling some optimism. I think there's probably a logical explanation but we need them to specifically state that since they told us there were non-responders in the first place. They need to clear the issue up.
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If they dropped out its statistically irrelevant. This treatment halts hairloss for almost everyone. Maybe two people also had AA or thyroid disorders and dropped out. Or doesn't matter. Goal one is done. Now we need regrowth. Actually I just need this and a hair transplant, but regrowth would be preferable.

That's fine for you. I still want the 6-month nonresponders issue cleared up before I'm satisfied. I'm a stickler for detail. If you want to assume the best case scenario regarding the non-responders issue you can, but I'm not assuming anything. The stakes are high.
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Worst case scenario you are going to beca very unlucky man if it doesn't stop your hairloss. Knowing this now won't change anything, so just be happy that you're virtually certain to have your hairloss stopped soon. Are you really going to do anything different if Lee Buckler comes out and says that for 1% of patients it isn't effective?

Not if he says it didn't work on 1% of test subjects, but keep in mind that at 6-months 30% of the test subjects were non-responders.
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I think the likely explanation is that 30% were in the middle of a shed at the time of treatment, sms didn't recover intil after the 6 month mark. The hair that had already entered catagen would not be helped, and woul the six month results look bad, but going forward they wouldn't lose any more.


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I think the likely explanation is that 30% were in the middle of a shed at the time of treatment, sms didn't recover intil after the 6 month mark. The hair that had already entered catagen would not be helped, and woul the six month results look bad, but going forward they wouldn't lose any more.

If they didn't recover enough hair to go back to baseline that means that they should show up as test subjects who lost hair, and if that's the case then ALL patients did not arrest hair loss. We need to clear up what happened to them.
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Well, if they didn't go back to baseline that would mean that "ALL patients didn't arrest hair loss. It starts at baseline, not 6-months into treatment. If they didn't recover enough hair to take them back to baseline then they lost hair.

I really need to look at their study to know, but it wouldn't necessarily mean that. It could be that they all had less hair loss. Arresting hair loss at the 6 month mark would still be a success.


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I didn't see him say anything derogatory. Of you're referring to him calling it a man instead of a woman then nameless injected his Personal opinion first by calling it a woman. They can both call it whatever they want, it's not offensive or unnecessary

He refused to call her a woman and he questioned her integrity. And I have to tell you that calling her an "it" is as bad as what occulus said. She is a she, period. We don't like it when people are prejudice against bald people so we bald people should be learning not to be prejudice against others. But some of us have not learnt that.
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Pegasus, the same way bald people don't like the prejudices against them, transgender people don't like prejudice against them. She defines herself a woman...that's why she's trangender. She is a woman

If I define myself as a fish does that mean I can breathe under water? I'm not prejudiced against anyone, but I'm not going to enable their delusions. These people are struggling with identity issues. They need mental help, not enablers.


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Some did, some didn't. 30% didn't.
I meant from the 6 month mark. Apparently all did. Yes, we do need further classification on that. It's not going to change my plans though.


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If I define myself as a fish does that mean I can breathe under water? I'm not prejudiced against anyone, but I'm not going to enable their delusions. These people are struggling with identity issues. They need mental help, not enablers.

The mental health professionals, not you, decides who does and doesn't need mental help. The mental health professionals say that if people would stop picking on transgender people then transgender people would be better adjusted. That means what they need most is for people like you and occulus to cease being monsters towards them.
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