I'll give a rough summary:
- they state there's a new solution to hair loss
- they explain the role of the dermal papilla
- they explain the whole hair cycle and miniaturization process, including weaker regrowth in following cycles after balding kicks in
- they proceed to give some details of RepliCel's RCH-01 procedure, most of which is known (the only new thing for me was the manual separation of DSC cells)
- they state that it is a full cure
- the part I am not entirely sure about: either first treatments will be available in 8 years, or in 2018. Two or three sentences later they say something about "in 8 years" which I don't fully understand. I'm pretty sure they say they aim for first treatment availability to patients in 2018.
- they state that the treatment site needs to cooperate with a cell multiplication facility
- new hairs generated by RepliCel's method will be less prone to balding, i.e. will be much more resistant
- the second part of the video speaks a lot about molecule interaction and my japanese isn't good enough to understand that