Repsonce from RU media rep


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i have got a responce from the media rep for RU and this is what it said:

The information you have read is correct: PSK 3841 is currently in
Phase IIA and should be in Phase IIB before year-end. We expect
registration and launch in 2007.
Philippe Ballero

P.S. RU58841 is PSK 3841 its just a new name for it.

thats means il be 26 when this treatment all going well is released(not thats anybody needs to know that lol) 8)

hair mchair

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f*** that. I will be a Norwood 6 by then, for sure :(

I've read that some people are somehow getting their hands on this stuff, even though it's not cheap. You have any info on this rockstar?


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they are getting it from chemists that are willing to run a batch up on the back-hand....while this is good that some will do this it resents one huge problem in my it is

You get 1 years supply of RU55841 and it works great etc for that year then next year rolls around and ur source has dried up for what ever reason....ur hair receptor site has not been exposed to any male hormanes in 1 year then suddenly bang it gets re intorduced....this may cuase a masive shed etc and u have to wait 2/3 years for the stuff to be released offically....thats my view on the matter.

I do belive though once this treatment becomes avaible it will be bought as commonaly as strepsils are for a sore throat!!!!!!!!!!! 8)


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Lol....7 Years later, and not much has changed for the RU situation :p


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would be really useful to contact one of the people who was involved with RU at that point in time to see if we could get clarification on why , a product that is supposed to work as good or better than finasteride, with potentially LESS side effects, did not make it.
It is also important to see if they know something about long term side effects, if they had any reason to believe it's harmful.


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waynakyo said:
would be really useful to contact one of the people who was involved with RU at that point in time to see if we could get clarification on why , a product that is supposed to work as good or better than finasteride, with potentially LESS side effects, did not make it.

Simple: they didn't have $500,000,000 lying around in the Petty Cash Fund, just to get FDA approval for it.


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Agreed, If there was some devistating impact from using RU we would probobly hear about it. People have been using it for years, without dropping dead or getting cancer from it.

If they found serious safety issues it would have been posted somewhere online, and besides nearly everything you do/eat/drink aparantly `gives you cancer`, and if this is the case your chances would be slim, ive eaten many a pot noodle and (so far) no cancer.


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Ok so, natural products don't need FDA, but a drug like RU does? like they couldn't release it without one or it would be illegal?


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My Regimen
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Lol another seven years has passed... 14 years on... everyone still alive and kicking with a full head of hair?....


Senior Member
My Regimen
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lol these threads are weird

its like looking at the old generation of hair loss sufferers. excited about 'new' treatments coming soon. only to fade away into oblivion.

that will be us in another 7 years.

op hasnt logged into forum for over 13 years lol


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My Regimen
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Hes probably given up and just gone for the razor definitely!

Rockstar is probably in his late 30's if anything and probably just accepted hair loss,

Back then I was 13 years old.... simple times! Had an amazing head of hair back then...


My Regimen
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lol these threads are weird

its like looking at the old generation of hair loss sufferers. excited about 'new' treatments coming soon. only to fade away into oblivion.

that will be us in another 7 years.

op hasn't logged into forum for over 13 years lol

f*****g eerie right?

Like a weird Twilight Zone episode is in there somewhere.


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Well at least after 15 years of illegal ru usage we can assume it's safe lol.


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what a mind f***

he was a 20/21 year old kid when he joined here. hes nearly 40 now



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