Results with no masturbation. Also, giving it a 2nd try-Blog

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Damn surely in 4 years there should be some picture evidence of this working?!


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My Regimen
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lol reporting decreased shedding after a week. You are full of ****. Hair shedding is triggered long before 7 days from the actual shedding of the hair. Delete this thread and post 6 month before/after pics in the success stories forum when that time comes


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Six days since I last jerked off, I damn near almost gave into temptation today but I wanted to test my willpower so I didn't. Also, do I think that not jerking off would prevent hair loss? Hell no. But anything is worth a try at this point.

No difference as of yet nor is a difference to be expected but I am doing this for the hell of it as I said and no negatives could come from it.


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It is said that masterbating can have some relation to male pattern baldness. I think the amount of time you took to do this was too short. But I don't blame you, **** is mad hard lol. I'm actually doing it myself, 1 week strong. Maybe combined with other treatments? No or significantly less masterbating + finasteride + growth stimulant then we might see something , since alot of studies I've read so far pretty much say, masterbating only adds fuel to the fire


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maybe that's why they say there's a relation between p**rn and balding?

Tbh after I read about that, I would look at balding people and try to tell if they're the kind of people that LOOK like they masturbate alot. I gotta say, for the most part, it sure as hell did fit.


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Tbh after I read about that, I would look at balding people and try to tell if they're the kind of people that LOOK like they masturbate alot. I gotta say, for the most part, it sure as hell did fit.

Well, a person suffering from baldness could fall into depression, then isolation … and they certainly can lead to pornography abuse.

I'm not ruling out what's been already said in this thread. I do think that we wash our brain in dopamine and other hormones during the act and after the ejaculation, then into the refractory period.

A rebuttal to some or most pornstars not going bald is that actual sex is different because prolactin is elevated after real sex, but not so much after solo masturbation.


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There's no doubt in my mind that excessive masturbation caused my hair loss. I've been battling hair loss for 5 years. It started when I was watching a lot of p**rn. I started using nizoral shampoo, and coincidentally I cut way back on masturbation at the same time. I didn't stop because of my hair loss, and it didn't occur to me that there could be a connection at that time. Anyways, it all grew back in a few months. I stopped using the shampoo, and life was good for about a year. Then my life turned sour, and I fell into a deep depression. I started watching a lot of p**rn again to take my mind off my problems. When I say a lot, I mean A LOT. I don't think normal levels of sex or masturbation are a serious cause for hair loss, but mine was beyond excessive. I would literally edge for more than 24 hours straight at times, and 12-18 hour sessions were common. I noticed that the more I masturbated, the faster my hair would fall out. After a long session of edging I would see tons of hairs come out in my hands when I washed my hair. Whenever I would try to quit masturbating the shedding would slow or even stop, but whenever I would relapse and have a long edging session I would have a handful of hairs after I showered.

My hair is really bad now, my hairline is shot and there is major diffuse thinning all over the top. I have been using lipogaine sporadically since December 2012, and while I think it helped a little, mostly when I wasn't masturbating as heavily, my hair has only gotten worse. The last few months I have been taking it, and neogenic, more regularly, but I hadn't noticed any improvements as I was still masturbating excessively. For the last two months I have cut way back on my masturbation. More especially during the last month, although I still edged for a few hours a few different times when I was really stressed. Other than that I have limited masturbation to ten minutes once or twice a day for the last month, and have not had sex in that time. Going forward I will try to limit masturbation to ten minutes once a day. On July 25 I started taking premixed RU 8%, and I'm using about 1.25ml/day at night before bed. I am also applying 1ml of Lipogaine and a small amount of Neogenic in the morning an hour before showering. My hair loss has stopped for now, and indeed it seems to have thickened up some already, although not enough to make a cosmetic difference. On my hairline I am seeing a few new hairs where I was worried I would never see hair again. Hopefully more will follow. I plan to maintain this regimen, and will post my results on the board later on. I have four more bottles of RU on the way. Maybe by the time I'm done with those my hair will be noticeably thicker. I don't know how helpful my testimonial will be given that I am trying four different things at once. It will be impossible to scientifically say what helped if anything does, but my money is on RU and cutting back on masturbation being the keys in my case.


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God damnit. Admin closes one nofap thread and you jackasses go and resurrect another one. :doh:
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