

Senior Member
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too bad the stains don't work like Dermmatch.

i think the stains are from saw palmetto and maybe some acids helping it.

You need some free fatty acids without all the other stuff. Breaking them from their glycerol is as easy as making soap and adding acid and water.


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Well here is my success story (and before the sceptics start, I dont work or promote revivogen or regaine, I am just an everyday guy trying to get his hair back).
My hair can be described as slightly thin at the temples and slightly thin at the crown. It has been like this since I was about 22 (I am now 32) and hasnt really got much worse. But it was obvious enough for people to make comments about, and this is what made me want to regaine the original quality of hair in these areas. I put up with it for about 8 years, shaving my head to grade 4, having short back and sides etc, until I saw the advertisements for regaine. I also noticed advertisements for propecia and finasteride, but although it all sounds good and easier to do, I didnt want to spend the rest of my life taking a pill that had side effects, no matter how small. So I thought lets give minoxidil a go. So I tried regaine for about 2 years, but nothing appeared to regow, at least I didnt notice. So i then decided to try revivogen. I have been using rev now for about 4 months, and at first I noticed a few very small hairs growing at the temples, but only 1 or 2. However, I noticed a short while ago that my hair seemed thinner when I was combing it, and to my horror I noticed with a mirror that my temples were a lot more thinner than before and more importantly my crown looked so thin, that for the first time I could see bare skin showing through. But this thinning was only in the areas of rev application. I didnt know what to do, because this had not happened with using regaine. I decided in the end to come off rev and purchased some more 5% regaine. I used this for about 2weeks and then decided that the thinning may now have been due to a natural shed of the DHT responsive hair follicles, but I wasnt sure. I spent many hours reading peoples stories on this website and learnt so much. I noticed a lot of people were using rev along with regaine (minoxidil), because one of these products blocks the nasty DHT's and the other just gives your follicles the boost needed for regrowth. So it seemed sensible to suggest that the 2 work well together. So I plucked up the courage to try using the regaine in the morning and evening, as I already was and also start use rev again last thing at night. Just recently I have had a very noticeable regrowth and strenthening of hairs at the temples and crown. New hairs are appearing all the time. I have recently also started using 1% nizoral shampoo, 2 or 3 times a week and it makes my hair feel great. The only complaint I have right now is I still get some brown staining where I apply the rev, but Im hoping the nizoral will eventually take care of this.
One other thing I am also doing different to before, is I am putting my rev and minoxidil in the fridge, because I noticed that after a short while the rev kind of oxidizes with the air and goes a darker brown and starts to seperate in the applicator . I dont know if this degrades its quality, but I do know that it makes the brown stains a lot darker and obvious on the head. I got this idea about storing the products in the fridge from a forum somewhere on this site, where it was discussed as to what was the best way to store revivogen, because it had been noticed by people that the rev was looking different after a few weeks of use.
I am going to continue this natural regimen and hopefully I will regaine the hair to its original full strength in the distant future. Will keep postered.


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I can do what the hell I like, there are no rules about how many times you post your views, or where you post them. Im just trying to spread my success story as far a field as possible, so other people may benefit and because not everyone visits all the forums.


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Revivogen is a perfectly legit hair loss treatment. The fatty acids are well backed with many studies, and the procyanins might stimulate growth too. The other ingredients are mostly for show, since some people will buy it just for them.

I know revivogen is good, I just don't know if it is as strong as propecia. I think it is best for people who can't handle propecia or are in puberty, but that other people should combine the two if they don't already have a good regimen. I think people with agressive male pattern baldness shoud not rely on revivogen, even with minoxidil. They should use an internal as well, or at least add topical spironolactone.

Bryan approves of Revivogen. It definitely is not a scam. But the shampoo and conditioner are not worth any more than ordinary shampoos and conditioners. Better to get nizoral 1%.


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message to collegechemistrystudent

I must agree with you about REV'S shampoo and conditioner. They seemed to be getting good reviews, but I must admit although I have said that the rev solution is working well, I didnt feel that the shampoo and conditioner were anything special. However I only used them a short while before deciding I didnt really like them, maybe a little longer may have brought some better results....but that is just my personal opinion.
I have also recently bought some of Jasons Thin to Thick because of the good reviews, but havent used it yet so I cant give my own opinion right now.
Good look to one and all!!


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tonybmx said:
One other thing I am also doing different to before, is I am putting my rev and minoxidil in the fridge, because I noticed that after a short while the rev kind of oxidizes with the air and goes a darker brown and starts to seperate in the applicator . I dont know if this degrades its quality, but I do know that it makes the brown stains a lot darker and obvious on the head. I got this idea about storing the products in the fridge from a forum somewhere on this site, where it was discussed as to what was the best way to store revivogen, because it had been noticed by people that the rev was looking different after a few weeks of use.

YIKES!!! That's something that I don't like to hear. The fatty acids in Revivogen absolutely MUST remain stable (not oxidized) for them to be effective as 5a-reductase inhibitors. I wonder if the people at Revivogen really do have the oxidation problem licked. What you describe isn't PROOF of oxidation, but it troubles me.



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any updates with Revivogen???? I just started back on it with minoxidil foam..

whats the best way to apply revivogen and minoxidil? right now i shower, then I needle my head with the scalp roller, then I immediately apply the revivogen all over my head, then I wait about 15 minutes and apply minoxidil foam.... this is my routine before I go to bed.... should i change anything? maybe apply minoxidil foam first wait 10 minutes till it dries then apply revivogen?


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revivogen doesnt stimulate hair growth its only a Dht inhibitor


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so i started putting it in the fridge hopefully this wards off any oxidation problems, it definityly "feels" like its doing something


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I was thinking of starting revivogen as Im worried about sides with finasteride. It seems there is some good feedback about this treatment except for the one ive just read about strange brown stains appearing on application. Anyone else had this problem?
Dont wanna be bald but not sure staining my head is the answer!
earlier in this thread someone mentioned it could be saw palmetto to blame. If so I was thinking of trying another topical dht blocker without SP.
thanks for any info/advice!


monty1978 said:
Where the hell did you get that from. R u a shill or what. I have read through at least 20 pages of this 5 year thread and not one person has reported anyhting sounding like success. :dunno:
You assume that because he's heard good things, he's a paid spy for Revivogen? Maybe you're a shill for a competing product. :dunno:

If you were aware of what we've done with Revivogen you'd know that we tracked people we actually had proof were using it, for 6+ months, and well over 80% of them had seen maintenance and or regrowth. Undocumentable unverifiable forum posts from people whom you know nothing about isn't how you determine the effectiveness of a hair loss treatment.



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yeah i dont see many (if any) stories where revivogen helping anything. reading user accounts of revivogen reads more like a scam/worthless product.


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i've been using this stuff alone now (not consistently - maybe 2-3 x a week ) for 4 years and have maintained pretty well, still a little bit of hair loss but not much. like i said i haven't been consistent with it though. i'm going to try it using it again every night.


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badasshair said:
i've been using this stuff alone now (not consistently - maybe 2-3 x a week ) for 4 years and have maintained pretty well, still a little bit of hair loss but not much. like i said i haven't been consistent with it though. i'm going to try it using it again every night.
revivogen only?


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i'm gonna try revivogen.

been on spectral and Revita shampoo and a ton of other shite and i donno if i'm mantaining. Hair might be getting slightly worse i really donno. Will ADD revivogen. In theory, i can see it being useful for people who want to keep their hair the way it is. definitly wouldn't regorw or anything and i'm fine with that