RIKEN Announcement: Succeeded in Developing Tech for HF Regenerative Medicine: Study to be Published Feb 10


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Ok they must be crazy if they are doing all this just to report a new study on mice.

It looks like they are going to pull a YOLO and announce the start of clinical trials out of the blue.

And I expect no explanations about what happened with their research at Organ and the reason the company failed.


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Leading in "Regeneration of Hair and Teeth", Unusual Researcher​

Takashi Tsuji, Team Leader, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Biosciences​

Clinical research on regenerative medicine to regenerate the organs of the human body will soon begin. Targets are hair and teeth. The researcher who conducts has a unique background and has lived a life of twists and turns.
Asako Tsukasaki : Journalist
"RIKEN Center for Biosystems Biosciences Team Leader Takashi Tsuji | Lead in" Hair and Tooth Regeneration ", Unusual Researcher's Ripples" added to Hatena Bookmark2
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Good news for thin-haired men. Clinical research to revive bushy hair using regenerative medicine technology will soon begin. This is the world's first regenerative medicine for body organs. The cells that form the basis of hair collected from the scalp are cultured, and a large amount of hair follicles (the organ tissue that creates hair that wraps the hair roots behind the pores) are transplanted.
Unlike so-called hair restorers, this is a new approach based on cutting-edge regenerative medicine. Takashi Tsuji, who leads the team, is the leader of the organ induction research team at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Biosciences (Kobe City).


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Ok they must be crazy if they are doing all this just to report a new study on mice.

It looks like they are going to pull a YOLO and announce the start of clinical trials out of the blue.

And I expect no explanations about what happened with their research at Organ and the reason the company failed.
It should be obvious now that the company folded because Tsuji succeeded and wanted to get rid of certain partnerships/obligations in advance of the announcement. I told you it was just business.


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Natural hair needs androgens, without DHT sebaceous gland don´t operate and then the hair will be without
luster, shine, unmanageable, a type mummy hair
Ok, but I s your occipital hair mummy hair? What I'm saying is it will be like that

Armando Jose

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Occipital hair, as top scalp hair, make sebum, but in the sides there is no problem of accumulation. Do you know why?


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Occipital hair, as top scalp hair, make sebum, but in the sides there is no problem of accumulation. Do you know why?
Occipital hair has less AR, 5-ar, and more aromatase. Your Tsuji hair will be lustrous, but not subject to balding