Risk Factors For Men That Increase The Likelyhood Of Hair Loss.


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what the two of you don’t get, is that this theory was popular like 70 years ago. They looked into this. It was largely dismissed. It is clearly androgens. I’ve seen guys with PERFECT hair take steroids, and they started rapidly balding. Their headshape did not change. For them, the excess dht either sped up their balding process like 20 years, or their hair couldn’t handle the excess dht. Prior to steroids they had great hair. The X factor is the androgens, and your sensitivity, not the head shape. And then on the other coin, Arnold shwartezenager had perfect hair during his bodybuilding career, and pretty much all of his adult life. As an older man, he’s almost completely bald. His head didn’t change, this sensitivity to androgens did. That is why some older women even thin out, because their androgens raise after menapause, and they also become more sensitive due to age. Their head shapes don’t change! Why is this not obvious? Even if head shape DID contribute, it’s still the ANDROGENS causing it, you can change your hormone levels you can’t change your f*****g head.

The DHT is not the problem. The problem is low oxygen environment. In low oxygen environment DHT promotes hair loss while in rich oxygen environment it promotes hair growth. I already explained this things. Check my post history. I don't want to repeat the same thing again and again.


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The DHT is not the problem. The problem is low oxygen environment. In low oxygen environment DHT promotes hair loss while in rich oxygen environment it promotes hair growth. I already explained this things. Check my post history. I don't want to repeat the same thing again and again.

Hypoxia significantly increased the proliferation and delayed senescence of DPCs



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First one is not a mice study, you'd know that if you could read. Everything is downstream of androgens, it all starts with DHT. I'm curious, where are you from? I want to avoid ever going there if all your countrymen are this dumb

"Conditioned medium obtained from hypoxia increased the hair length of mouse"

You are dumb. And I won't tell you.


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Mouse follicles, but it was an ex vivo experiment. Anyways, the same studies have been done in human follicles. You aren't smart enough to understand when mouse study vs human study makes a difference, so stop crying about mice studies. Mouse hair and human hair cycles exactly the same. They are nearly identical. The difference is that mice don't have Androgenetic Alopecia. For an experiment to show the effect of hypoxia on dpc cells we don't need Androgenetic Alopecia, so a mouse follicle is as good as a human follicle. You are the most retarded person on this forum, all you do is waste everyone's time.

The studies are useless don't prove nothing. They say nothing about TGFB1 PGD2, Hi-pac. In the second study is mentioned that hypoxia increases ROS activity which is strongly involved in male pattern baldness. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4133876/

Induction of TGF-B1 mediated by ROS connects with DHT and promotes fibrosis. This process requires low oxygen environment to occur. Oxidative stress is bad for human hair see:


