
rogaine side effect?


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I've been using 2% Rogaine (not the generic stuff) 2X/day for about 10 days now. In the past day or so, I've noticed that when I apply it to my scalp I get this weird "mediciny" taste in the back of my mouth. I've also been using the Tricomin spray 2X/day for just over a month, and when I spray that on now I get the same sensation.

Has anyone else experienced this? I don't think this is in my head. I've been keeping the applications of Rogaine at least 8 hours apart and I've been keeping it to 2mL per day. The Tricomin I spray in twice a day when I remember, but never around the same time as when I use Rogaine.

Can anyone tell me what's going on here? The taste is pretty bad, sticks with me for quite some time, and is giving me a bit of a sore throat/head cold kind of feeling. I'd rather not have that.



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thats weird, ive been on minoxidil 5 weeks now(5% night and morning ml)
never experienced that
just a massive ongoing shed


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I have seen reports of a "metallic" taste in the mouth. Be sure you do not apply it after a shower. The scalp is too raw and you may absorb it too much.



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Hey West - Thanks for the tip. I have been applying Rogaine right after I shower. I've been showering all the time lately, trying to get the greasiness that Rogaine leaves behind out of my hair.

What a pain in the *** - I'm ordering Dr. Lee's soon, hopefully that'll make all of this easier.....


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Another question for people who've been using Minoxidil for a long time: how do you not let it interfere with your life?

You know what I mean? This stuff isn't exactly convenient. I live a busy life - I'm a graduate student, I work part-time, and I have an active social life. Often Monday through Friday I've got to be somewhere by 9 or 10AM and then I don't get home until midnight. It's hard to make time to hop on the subway, ride it for 20-30 minutes, shower, wait for my scalp to dry, apply Rogaine, wait for the Rogaine to dry, and then take the subway to go somewhere else. And I can't put the stuff on right before I go to bed because apparently you're not supposed to do that.

I realize there's Dr. Lee's quick drying stuff available and I'm going to give it a shot, but how do you guys who use the regular stuff do it? I don't mean to sound whiny, but I really am curious. I realize it might be easier if you work 9-5 and have a good routine going, but I just don't have that yet.

Please let me know. I'd love to hear some suggestions....


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ive been getting the same taste in my throat , im wondering do you smoke cigarettes ?


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I don't smoke - why do you ask?

It has helped not putting the stuff on right after I shower. My throat still feels a little off, but definitely better.

I'm not sure what to do about this - I can live with this side effect, but it's not a great feeling. Maybe stop using Rogaine if I'm still feeling this way in a week or so? What do you think Joe?


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Make sure your scalp is not wet when applying minoxidil.

I would bet the taste is more from the Peptide, make sure you're not over-applying.

Honestly, minoxidil has been pretty convenient for me. I don't see a problem with applying it and going to bed? Don't know where you heard that one?

For the mornings I suggest #500 5% minoxidil from Dr. Lee exclusively, the stuff is amazing and if you style your hair after using it, it acts as a thickener/gel for me.


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CJ -

I read on the Rogaine website to apply the stuff 2-4 hours before going to bed. I guess the concern is that the stuff will come off your head and onto your pillow, which is a waste and also raises the chances of getting minoxidil onto parts of your body other than your scalp (your face?).

I dunno. Now that I've actually typed that, it seems a little ridiculous.

As far as that metallic taste goes, I actually just narrowed it down to the Tricomin. In an attempt to just get it on my scalp, I think I've been spraying it too close to my head. Does that make sense? Instead of holding the container an inch or so from my head and spraying, I've been spraying it almost directly into a small area of my scalp. The result - too much absorption I think.

Stupid, I know. And, yeah, I'll make sure to dry my hair a lot after I shower. Looking forward to getting Dr. Lee's stuff, too.....


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jimmyjames said:
CJ -

I read on the Rogaine website to apply the stuff 2-4 hours before going to bed. I guess the concern is that the stuff will come off your head and onto your pillow, which is a waste and also raises the chances of getting minoxidil onto parts of your body other than your scalp (your face?).

I dunno. Now that I've actually typed that, it seems a little ridiculous.

As far as that metallic taste goes, I actually just narrowed it down to the Tricomin. In an attempt to just get it on my scalp, I think I've been spraying it too close to my head. Does that make sense? Instead of holding the container an inch or so from my head and spraying, I've been spraying it almost directly into a small area of my scalp. The result - too much absorption I think.

Stupid, I know. And, yeah, I'll make sure to dry my hair a lot after I shower. Looking forward to getting Dr. Lee's stuff, too.....

I have never used Rogaine brand minoxidil, so that might be true for their stuff, but even still I would sleep, haha.

I figured it was the Tricomin, you may want to try using a dropper then spread it around with a finger if you feel it's concentrated in an area.

I usually blow dry after a shower when I need to apply minoxidil quickly. Hopefully you'll have good luck with Dr. Lee's.