Does anyone still say sh*t like this in 2018? Must be some idiotic sheltered teenager.Nadal and Federer’s hair make up a good case against those who say that hairloss is generated by not taking good care of your body.
I wonder if he’s gonna use finasteride since he’s a top tier athlete would he risking losing some of his athleticism?
it has got everything to do with it, since dht affects your bone density and muscle perfomancefinasteride has nothing to do with athletism lol. A lot of gym rats use finasteride and are doing just fine.
it has got everything to do with it, since dht affects your bone density and muscle perfomance anyone still say sh*t like this in 2018? Must be some idiotic sheltered teenager.
Most buff dudes I normally see at the gym are bald/balding.
Lol that's ridiculous. I remember that before I had a transplant, back in my combforward days, some girl noticed my bald spot and told me to put some type of oil on it to regrow it. LOL. She was fat but I didn't say anything negative in return.