
Ryan reynolds going bald


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Ryan reynolds going bald

So what??? He's been going bald for ages!!!

barcafan said:
Can people read? I said shes overrated not that i wouldnt give her a good time.

She is a bit of a "girl next door". I don't really like her as an actress, it could be because she's never had the chance to act in a big role. I agree she's overrated.

IMO, she's cute. In some hypothetical scenario where she asks me to show her good time, I would give her a good time but I wouldn't chase her based on her looks.
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I've always wondered this: do celebrities like Ryan Reynolds, Bradley Cooper and Ben Affleck have access to some incredibly good hair restoration surgeons, or is it a combination of special effects, wig pieces, lighting, etc?


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anabolicmind22 said:
I've always wondered this: do celebrities like Ryan Reynolds, Bradley Cooper and Ben Affleck have access to some incredibly good hair restoration surgeons, or is it a combination of special effects, wig pieces, lighting, etc?

I'd say all of the above.... but it's mostly clever make up, camera angles, and lighting.


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I'd say its just proffesional stylists.


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I think I know why they seem to have curbed the hair loss.

Let me tell you a story
I am 28 male and have had a full head of hair up to now. I've been using Retin a micro .1% for acne for 2-3 months. I read that retin a is good for hair loss so I put a bunch of it around the hair line every day too. And now I have just started to notice hair recession at the temples. Also, I have been strength training pretty intense and increasing my testosterone to very high levels daily as a result. I have started to notice hair recession around the temples.

I don't know that the retin a played any role And I'm pretty sure the high t levels caused the acne which caused me to resort to retin a and now my hair line is receding. My dad's hair line has never receded and he's in his fifties.

I'm going to have to quit lifting weights now because I don't want to lose my hair. I look at all of the famous bodybuilders and they are all losing hair to some extent. I have read that Sylvester Stalone has had a transplant so he is no exception.

On the other hand. Endurance athletes like David beckham, Mark Spitz(has a full head of hair at 60+ years of age) and guys like Keanu Reeves who don't have large muscles have full heads of hair. Which means that cardio may be good for maintaining hair growth

I think guys like Ryan Reynolds only go into the male pattern baldness stages when they are in an anabolic state and are actively building muscle mass and the hair loss stops when the testosterone drops back down to normal levels.

So that would mean their are a few types of males.
1. Those who genetically go bald without lifting weights. And still can't keep all of their hair even if they do plenty of cardio.
2. Those whose hair is able to resist balding at standard levels of testosterone. And only start to bald when the testosterone goes abnormally high from strength training.
3. Those whose hair follicles are not affected by even the highest testosterone levels produced through strength training. Rare examples being Andy Haman and Ronnie Coleman(has hair but prefers to shave his head)

Please let me know if that theory seems logical to any of you because I've been trying to figure out why I only ever noticed recession in my life at 28 years old when I started to build substantial muscle. I always though that male pattern baldness was supposed to start much sooner than that.


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Phil said:
I think I know why they seem to have curbed the hair loss.

Let me tell you a story

Way to bump a almost 2 year old thread with the theory we've known here for eons, that men with hairloss are sensitive to androgens.


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i am fairly certain cooper wears a piece... his hair is way to thick for it to be a transplant.

It is also a lot of lighting and camera tricks..


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DavisNY said:
i am fairly certain cooper wears a piece... his hair is way to thick for it to be a transplant.

It is also a lot of lighting and camera tricks..

Nah, he has had a transplant in the front. I think the rest of his density is OK...he probably hopped on finasteride, plus a transplant, and he's got plenty of hair now. When he has it cut shorter you can tell really easily.


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Not everyone can have a head of hair like Jason Bateman. I envy his hair in every movie I see him in.


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Thom said:
Not everyone can have a head of hair like Jason Bateman. I envy his hair in every movie I see him in.

Seriously. Even if my hair was at 100% like it was in my late teenage years, it still couldn't be as good as Bateman's.

The three best heads of hair in the movie star world, in my opinon, is Jason Bateman, Christian Bale, and Brad Pitt. No one else comes close, which is saying a lot.


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Definitely! Like you said, even in my hair's best years it still didn't compare to theirs.

I think Michael Palin deserves a mention as well. He's almost in his 70's and his hair looks just as good as it did in his python years. Besides the distinguished graying of course.


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Thom said:
Definitely! Like you said, even in my hair's best years it still didn't compare to theirs.

I think Michael Palin deserves a mention as well. He's almost in his 70's and his hair looks just as good as it did in his python years. Besides the distinguished graying of course.

Oh he's got plenty of hair it just isn't the real "pretty" type of hair I wish I had lol.

What's amazing is all those actors I mentioned will have hair kind of like Palin's in their late 60s and 70s--plenty of it, it just won't be as thick as it used to be. But they'll never have to worry about actual balding.


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Of course there is always the chance that they actually did have high-end work done and we never knew about it. They definitely have a lot more options. Palin had the best hair of all the pythons back in the day (except for Idle who had a brilliant mane until his 50's or so).

Cleese admitted to getting a hair transplant due to his oddly shaped head! :)


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Wonder what Ryan Reynolds will look like when receding continues. No doubt he looks great now, but that won't be forever and these are some seriously low temples he got now. :whistle:


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TheGrayMan2001 said:
The three best heads of hair in the movie star world, in my opinon, is Jason Bateman, Christian Bale, and Brad Pitt. No one else comes close, which is saying a lot.

Agreed but what about Patrick Dempsey? Admittedly he's not a movie like the guys above but his hair is phenomenal and except for some graying, it hasn't changed since he was a teenager.


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SuprisedGuy said:
TheGrayMan2001 said:
The three best heads of hair in the movie star world, in my opinon, is Jason Bateman, Christian Bale, and Brad Pitt. No one else comes close, which is saying a lot.

Agreed but what about Patrick Dempsey? Admittedly he's not a movie like the guys above but his hair is phenomenal and except for some graying, it hasn't changed since he was a teenager.

Yeah, he's got pretty good hair too. I wouldn't necessarily choose his hair over Bale's if I could pick one for myself...but I have heard my sister and a couple of other girls say they love this Dempsey guy before.


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monty1978 said:
You haven't mentioned Colin Farell. His hair line is ridiculous, he's gotta be pushing 40!

Old dudes with far better hair than me!

Gary oldman = amazing hair

William hurt = amazing hair

Nope, he's like about your age I think (and mine).


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Gary Oldman almost looks like he's had a hair transplant or something. His hairline seems a little too perfect in the sense that it looks like a mature hairline was made for him. Not sure though.


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monty1978 said:
You haven't mentioned Colin Farell. His hair line is ridiculous, he's gotta be pushing 40!

Old dudes with far better hair than me!

Gary oldman = amazing hair

William hurt = amazing hair

Hurt is bald, maybe your confusing him with someone else.

TheGrayMan2001 said:
Gary Oldman almost looks like he's had a hair transplant or something. His hairline seems a little too perfect in the sense that it looks like a mature hairline was made for him. Not sure though.

Notice his hairline too, seemed a bit fishy. Great actor though.