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Not really, I was being objective and skeptical, he was the one refusing the give any information. If you wouldn't ask the questions I did about what is going into your body, then obviously you don't care enough about yourself. Just give them your money and be done with it.


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Skepticism does not equal objective

Not really, I was being objective and skeptical, he was the one refusing the give any information. If you wouldn't ask the questions I did about what is going into your body, then obviously you don't care enough about yourself. Just give them your money and be done with it.

Critical minded means youre open to evidence but will carefully examine it with an open and objective mind. Skeptical implies you are biased or closed against evidence, it implies a pre disposition towards disbelief, which does not really connote the idea you're open minded or objective. Its an utter contradiction to say you were being skeptical AND objective. If you were objective you'd ask open ended questions out of curiosity and learning, if youre acting in skepticism you would assume its false, that hes guilty before you have even made an inquiry, and thats how you acted.. hostile, combative and not constructive.. That helps no one including yourself. You'll just end up ending where you began, with disbelief and learning nothing. If you want to do that that's up to you, but please don't call that being objective. You were flat out rude.

I asked those questions, had him on the phone for a very long time before I ordered, and ended up getting a discount and an extra discount for my next purchase, because they sold out of one thing on my order and I had to wait till it came back in stock first. Being objective, patient and nice can tend to work better. It seems to be working (saying this conservatively as more and more little hairs are popping up everywhere I had nothing growing), I got a discount and didn't give myself acid reflux with the self cause acidity.