
Sandalore - Chemical Used In Perfumes To Mimic Sandalwood Triggers Growth?

Dardo Bartolli

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For anyone who's interested here is my status and Sandalore approach (been lurking here for some time):
53, UK, bald spot growing since hitting 50. Good health, eat well (ie minimal processed foods) and gym most days (non smoker and little alcohol).

Saw the Sandalore research early October around the same time as I was actively looking for ways to self help hair loss, so since October 2018, I have been doing the following:
  • Stopped all commercial shampoos and conditioners
  • Daily supplements of Ginkgo Biloba, Biotin, Vit D
  • Sandalore @ 0.1% to 1% in a daily application made from some or all of the following:
  • Coconut cream
  • Argan oil
  • Castor oil
  • Aloe Vera
  • Vegetable Glycerin
Plus Shampoos with various concoctions and mixes of the above items (including Sandalore) plus:
  • Castile Soap
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Few Essential oils
I have this week added Collagen and Aloe Vera juice to my diet.

Additionally, in the early days, I tried the Onion juice cleansing approach, but it was horrible and too smelly (what's the point of nice hair if no one comes near it).

So as you can see, I have a shotgun approach, but no alcohol as a carrier, as I cannot get my head around what alcohol is suitable and available here in the UK. I tried Isopropyl for a short while (I had stock) until I kept getting headaches and then saw the health warnings about it :-(.

So what is the result ... well, I still have this massive bald spot and dependent upon the photo I take, looks worse or better than the ones I've collected over the last 4 months. Even with an SLR, it is difficult to observe any new hairs or growth which suggests nothing is happening.

But I think that hair loss has stopped, I don't see any in my brush or shower or bath now (obviously not right now as using a PC in the bath is less than ideal). My hair does feel thicker and after a wash looks better than it has in an age.

Thanks to many here on this thread, it is possible to understand the approach, allow us to develop our own and even get some confidence that given time and patience we may see some benefits.

Thanks again everyone for sharing, and I will keep lurking and just maybe my next post will have some real evidence that something good is happening with my depleting bonnet.


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You’re using 1% right?

Sorry guys I don’t have time to go dig through over 70 pages.
Please put your vehicle and % concentration in your regimen so we don’t need to ask anymore thanks
He’s using a tub of 450g Vanicream with 4.5ml of Sandalore mixed in! Comprende.


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Hey there, I know this question was already answered in this thread but can't find the info any more. So I want to mix sandalore with liquid minoxidil (60 ml Bottle)...and I don't now how much ml of sandalore I have to add Into 1 bottle. Thx ;)
Now that’s just pure laziness. It’s literally on the previous page!


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He uses vanicream as his vehicle? Do you think that is the best vehicle to use?

VANICREAM Ingredients
Purified water, white petrolatum, sorbitol solution, cetearyl alcohol, propylene glycol, ceteareth-20, simethicone, glyceryl monostearate, polyethylene glycol monostearate, sorbic acid, BHT.

The thing is, alcohols are very well-known, tested and proven penetration enhancers. I don't know a lot about oils as deliver agents.

1. there is a reason why the sandalore patent uses ethanol and Ethoxydiglycol (a type of alcohol) in the lotion
2. there is a reason why minoxidil vehicle is a mixture of different alcohols and not oils.

so, maybe that's the reason why Dardo Bartolli is not getting any visible changes.


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VANICREAM Ingredients
Purified water, white petrolatum, sorbitol solution, cetearyl alcohol, propylene glycol, ceteareth-20, simethicone, glyceryl monostearate, polyethylene glycol monostearate, sorbic acid, BHT.

The thing is, alcohols are very well-known, tested and proven penetration enhancers. I don't know a lot about oils as deliver agents.

1. there is a reason why the sandalore patent uses ethanol and Ethoxydiglycol (a type of alcohol) in the lotion
2. there is a reason why minoxidil vehicle is a mixture of different alcohols and not oils.

so, maybe that's the reason why Dardo Bartolli is not getting any visible changes.
Thank you, much appreciated.

I don’t know why but I’m a bit wary of using alcohol, but will definitely give it a try. Could anyone recommend where to buy vanicream?


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Also, I don’t mean to sound negative, but is anyone else slightly suspicious of all these ‘new member’ accounts posting in here with their similar sandalore success stories?


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Also, I don’t mean to sound negative, but is anyone else slightly suspicious of all these ‘new member’ accounts posting in here with their similar sandalore success stories?

There was probably a huge investment laid out for Sandalore as a fragrance, which then turned out to be a commercial failure (understandable considering everyone here says it has a weak odor). Now the manufacturers need to sell the excess somehow, and they found the suckers on this hair loss forum who will try anything


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Hello guys,

For my mix I plan to do:
- ethanol 65%
- glycerin 20% (I am allergic to PG that is why)
- distilled water 15%

Does it sound good?


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There was probably a huge investment laid out for Sandalore as a fragrance, which then turned out to be a commercial failure (understandable considering everyone here says it has a weak odor). Now the manufacturers need to sell the excess somehow, and they found the suckers on this hair loss forum who will try anything

That's some serious tinfoil hat wearing thinking.

"There was probably a huge investment laid our for Sandalore" - I would replace 'there was probably' with 'there most likely wasn't".

"Now the manufacturers need to sell the excess somehow" - Or they could just stop production if there wasnt much interest in this scent.

"found the suckers on this hair loss forum who will try anything" - Perhaps the only bit with a sniff of truth in it : )

Think youre forgetting the studies done by real human scientists, and not just balding bros on a website. on it's effects on wound healing and then later on hair loss.


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Also, I don’t mean to sound negative, but is anyone else slightly suspicious of all these ‘new member’ accounts posting in here with their similar sandalore success stories?

I'm one of those new members, and I'm legit. Just didn't sign up to hairlosstalk til I thought I had something to contribute. But I agree skepticism is healthy with any of these anonymous forums.

I'm wondering how anyone's going to get rich from sandalore if it does pan out. My $10 bottle will probably last me 4 years. I see the Manchester team that first announced their ex vivo findings last fall has applied for a patent for hair loss products using sandalore. Apparently they think there's money to be made. Maybe Rogaine will come out with a "Rogaine Plus" and they'll have to kick back royalties to Manchester.

Alex Contee

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There was probably a huge investment laid out for Sandalore as a fragrance, which then turned out to be a commercial failure (understandable considering everyone here says it has a weak odor). Now the manufacturers need to sell the excess somehow, and they found the suckers on this hair loss forum who will try anything
I bought a lifetime supply for about $100. If it's a scam, it's the worse scam of all time.
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Geez, calm down guys, it was clearly a joke....\
The average IQ on this forum is well below average. So you've got 3 main responses here: 1) those who actually agreed with your idea that it's a sham and said nothing, 2) those who didn't get the joke and disagreed, and 3) those who didn't get the joke and so disliked your post. Honorable mentions: those who suggested the Sandalore industry were scamming us for major profits in the first place, and those who spent $100 on any quantity of Sandalore.