Saw Palmetto quick horror ?


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Britannia said:
flamingpie said:
yeah i had the same awful side effects when i took saw palmetto. I took it for 8 months, have been off it for almost 8 months now and im finally coming back to normal.

I guess this is a sign that propecia will be just as bad for me.

Not at all. Propecia gives you the exact correct dosage per tablet, which is extensively trialled and studied. You are just popping ill advised dosages of untested natural treatments and hoping for the best.

Come on Britannia let's be fair here... I do get a bit tired of the SP bashing :( If it isn't for you then fair enough but no need to bash - I don't go around bashing Finasteride! lol

320mg is not "ill-advised" and SP is not really "untested" as such, it's just not entirely proven with regards to preventing hair loss that's all.

And besides there are other natural alternatives such as beta-sitosterol on it's own and Pygeum Africanum :) They DO work for some people :)


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Hoppi said:
Britannia said:
flamingpie said:
yeah i had the same awful side effects when i took saw palmetto. I took it for 8 months, have been off it for almost 8 months now and im finally coming back to normal.

I guess this is a sign that propecia will be just as bad for me.

Not at all. Propecia gives you the exact correct dosage per tablet, which is extensively trialled and studied. You are just popping ill advised dosages of untested natural treatments and hoping for the best.

Come on Britannia let's be fair here... I do get a bit tired of the SP bashing :( If it isn't for you then fair enough but no need to bash - I don't go around bashing Finasteride! lol

320mg is not "ill-advised" and SP is not really "untested" as such, it's just not entirely proven with regards to preventing hair loss that's all.

Its completely untested! Clinical trials? Independant studies? FDA approval?


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So, going back to something a bit more constructive, the Saw Palmetto topic is an interesting one.

It seems like some people DO have good luck with it, but some have nothing whatsoever, or very little.

I am now wondering if beta-sitosterol on it's own, possibly combined with pygeum africanum or a small SP dose, could be more effective in lowering DHT?

It would be fantastic to discover the natural remedy that DOES work more effectively, as then it allows people such as me to get a cheaper, more readily available solution without prescription.

I'll be looking into this one ^_^


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The real question is: Quality of pill!! Weather we're talking 450mg of Saw Palmetto powder or 450mg of the extract. The standardization of the product also matters. There are some big unanswered questions but given the situation where it is 6x450mg of 80%+ standardized extract than you could very well be taking enough to make your body sick from the excessive concentration... especially when your digestive tract is not used to it.

Bottom line: It's probable that Saw Palmetto effects DHT but we don't have the science to back it up, nor the science to tell what the other phytosterols, organic matter, and pesticides used to grow it will do to your body over a long period. Given it does block the 5 Alpha Reduct enzyme to avoid hairloss you may as well use one that is clinically tested to do so as the DHT side effects will be the same.

PS. Posts do not equal smarts.


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moonbase said:
Bottom line: It's probable that Saw Palmetto effects DHT but we don't have the science to back it up, nor the science to tell what the other phytosterols, organic matter, and pesticides used to grow it will do to your body over a long period. Given it does block the 5 Alpha Reduct enzyme to avoid hairloss you may as well use one that is clinically tested to do so as the DHT side effects will be the same..

Yeah fair do's I understand this :)

However, I mean SP has of course been "tested" for safety for many years through just general use, it's not as young as Finasteride!!

I see where you're coming from, but also bear in mind you can get... organic SP! So then the pesticide problem is gone :)

Additionally, I've never heard of someone getting gyno or anything bad like that from Saw Palmetto, I could be wrong but I don't think so.

I see your points but... you see mine right? :)


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I don't refute anything. I'm not a scientist. I just try to look at it logically. Stopping hairloss = limiting testosterones conversion to DHT via 5AR. Limiting DHT = Side effects for some. So if you get the desired effects with SP and you dont notice any sides... than power to you. I just wouldn't say it's safer, as most of the "sexual" side effects are DHT related.

Furthermore.. I believe we have a lot to learn in the area of medicine from nature. However pharmaceutical companies can't benefit financially from Saw Palmetto therefore research would be a "waste".


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flamingpie said:
well i was using 320mg a day and still had the sides.
Using sp, and using it for as long as i did, is a major regret of mine. Side effects lasted a long time and i didnt even have any hair growth.
are you still havin sides from SP. how long did you use and how long have you been off. Did you notice any improvements over time. could you describe your sides. I have very severe sides and don't know when will I get better?


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waynakyo said:
SP sides can be as bad as finasteride...if you take enough..and you are
believe me, I v been there and regretted it.
and never mind those people who think natural solutions don't have side effects.. i d like to see them drinking a gallon of peppermint a day.
are you still havin sides from SP. how long did you use and how long have you been off. Did you notice any improvements over time. could you describe your sides. I have very severe sides and don't know when will I get better?