says it all!


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This is how I feel every day. Good to know I'm wig destined

What bothers me MORE than anything is reading the over and over repeated "oh as long as he is not doing the combover".... WHO THE FUQ STILL DOES THAT!
Its like its the go to "yeah I dont like bald guys but Ill make the WORST possible scenario just a notch below bald and that way Im not saying I wont date a bald guy but I would before the purple dragon combover gent"

comb overs DO NOT exist in this day and age aside trump and EVERY girl who mocks the comb over would rub their vag all over his head for that dough, so shut your traps.

Cmon just fuqing say "I dont like bald men"


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Being in high school I am surrounded by nw1's styling their hair. Some even seems to have a different hairstyle every few months. Whenever they have a totally different hairstyle it makes a HUGE difference on how they look but also at the amount of attention they get. All in all they are just skating trough life while I am sitting there being the only one having hairloss.


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This is how I feel every day. Good to know I'm wig destined

What bothers me MORE than anything is reading the over and over repeated "oh as long as he is not doing the combover".... WHO THE FUQ STILL DOES THAT!
Its like its the go to "yeah I dont like bald guys but Ill make the WORST possible scenario just a notch below bald and that way Im not saying I wont date a bald guy but I would before the purple dragon combover gent"

comb overs DO NOT exist in this day and age aside trump and EVERY girl who mocks the comb over would rub their vag all over his head for that dough, so shut your traps.

Cmon just fuqing say "I dont like bald men"

Just as bad is the dumb fucking women still trying to pull the wool over our eyes and telling us that all we need is some 'confidence' and hair isn't that big of a deal... when CLEARLY the guy proves these morons wrong RIGHT THERE with his experiment. I swear I wish the absolute worst for these hypergamous b****s, but karma rarely works out in the just way.

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Socially correct answers are to be expected from women. The other issue female/males close to you will try and protect you by saying it's not too bad. You have to be able to judge yourself how it looks and implications of baldness.

I was never in doubt as most girls I know fancy guys with hairstyles, not like a Vin Diesel or something. And lets face it, he looks way better than your average real life baldy/buzzed guy.


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I can defiantly relate to that guys experience. I noticed that same effect when I used concealers prior to trying a hair piece.

In my early 20's When I started to thin out with a horseshoe pattern showing, there was a drastic decline in interest from the women I liked when I would approach them. I was confident, smart, funny, but none of that mattered much. I would get a lot of "eww.. what do you want" and similar sorts of comments. It was pretty devastating to deal with, and of course, everyone I know would just say "ah man... don't worry just be confident." Then one day I stumbled upon toppic and gave it a try. I kid you not, the day I tried it on and went out I had girls coming up to me and starting conversations. During the toppic days I could go up to most women I was interested in, I didn't have to be smart, funny or confident, I just had to say hello and it usually worked out in my favor. Honestly, when that reality hit me, it really pissed me off and made me pretty depressed. Its like my whole life I was lead to believe that personality was #1 and just be a nice person and life will work out the way you want. When I went through that transition; having hair growing up, loosing it, then gaining the appearance of it back, and the different ways people treated me during these periods, it made me realize that personality takes a distant second to looks.

Once the toppic lost its effect due to continued hair loss, the positive reinforcement from the ladies went with it. Then I tried a hair piece for a bit and again had women coming up to me and starting conversations. But as much as I like that fact about wearing, I just can't do it. Those things are horrible to deal with.. all the paranoia that came with wearing just ruined it for me. Plus they are so damn uncomfortable.

Now, in my early 30's, sporting a full NW6-7 I wear a hat a lot. When I'm not wearing a hat I get a lot of crap from people about being bald. If I puff my chest out, keep my chin up and take on somewhat of an aggressive personality then all the negative comments stop but that's not me so its tiresome to keep that persona going. In reality, when i'm out, if I'm not getting crap from people, I get overlooked by 90% of women out there. I still do get girls who are interested in me but their typically overweight alcoholics that will do anything for human companionship. I'm sure there are good women out there that won't mind much but its difficult navigating through all the bad experiences with the other 90%.

All in all, its been a rough go since I started shaving my head and sporting the NW6-7 (its been about 6-8 months now). Although, recently I went on vacation with a couple buddies to Miami and went out the whole week with no hat or anything and I didn't get one negative comment the whole time (still got a lot of strange looks). I was out partying having a great time and for the most part forgot about hair loss.

I really hate being a bald guy. I wish I could do something about it. I'm feeling like my options are running out though. It seems like smp is my last resort at this point. Honestly, that's a tough sell though. But I don't know what else to do. Its either live life as a bald guy or try smp. Damn, I really wish I didn't have to make this decision. I wish I just had my hair back. Or better yet, I wish people didn't treat bald guys so differentially.


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It would be nice to add some hair, for a bit of texture, to go along with the smp. But I've been doing a lot of research on it over the past 6 or so months and have only seen 1 or 2 guys that pull off the buzz cut look. It seems that a lot of guys go into getting smp with that intention in mind, but end up having to shave, with either a blade razor or foil/rotary shaver, every day or every other day, it to get the most undetectable look. Do you have any pics or links that I could check out some examples of people with the buzzed cut look?

One of the only reason's I'm considering smp is cause being a NW6-7, I'm so far gone with my hair loss. It seems like a last stitch, hail mary effort to get out of the bald guy category. Plus I think the shaven head look would really suit me. In all reality I'd much rather have the buzzed cut look, but I'm trying to be realistic with my expectations. I'm just worried that I'd end up spending 10 thousand or more on graphs, to be forced to shave them down anyways if I got smp.


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Wanna see how much hatred there is towards baldness? Just read some of these comments:

Wolf Pack

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It would be nice to add some hair, for a bit of texture, to go along with the smp. But I've been doing a lot of research on it over the past 6 or so months and have only seen 1 or 2 guys that pull off the buzz cut look. It seems that a lot of guys go into getting smp with that intention in mind, but end up having to shave, with either a blade razor or foil/rotary shaver, every day or every other day, it to get the most undetectable look. Do you have any pics or links that I could check out some examples of people with the buzzed cut look?

One of the only reason's I'm considering smp is cause being a NW6-7, I'm so far gone with my hair loss. It seems like a last stitch, hail mary effort to get out of the bald guy category. Plus I think the shaven head look would really suit me. In all reality I'd much rather have the buzzed cut look, but I'm trying to be realistic with my expectations. I'm just worried that I'd end up spending 10 thousand or more on graphs, to be forced to shave them down anyways if I got smp.

If you're happy with that truly/accept it, then don't let anyone stop you. If you feel anything else would add value, no matter how small, then go for it. A transplant can improve it a bit. Look at Norwood 6-7 transplants, depends on your safe zone density and choosing a good surgeon.

In your position with good density, they will normally cover the entire crown and mid region and then you grow it out. A very natural frontal balding look. It's not perfect but I would do this in your position.

You can try and spread the grafts and keep it buzzed as you suggested, but it will look see through, weak and pluggy unless you have incredible density.

"Less is more" when it comes to comb overs, concealers and transplants. Surgeons will say the same.


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When a group of bullies sang "HE HAS NO HAIIIR" and humiliated me in front of a whole bar, they actually meant: "HE HAS AN AWFUL PERSONALITYYY!"

That actually happened to you? Damn, some people have no manners. I wanna punch them.


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it rele does make a big difference. Even just having the horse shoe grown out 4-5 day stubble makes the appearance look better.

A little hair does go along way.

Wolf Pack

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in fairness the FIRST comment was complaining about hairloss, and I dont doubt by someone here since the word "privileged" was used.

Lol that looked like hellouser was commenting when I read it. He is right though man, baldness is seen as a joke and something to mock. By men and women.


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Lol that looked like hellouser was commenting when I read it. He is right though man, baldness is seen as a joke and something to mock. By men and women.

Yup its my account.

Ps. Fred, I used your bar experience in one of the replies on engadget.


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I can relate to that, its tough being a bald single guy working the bar crowd. About a month ago I was out watching a basketball game, wearing a hat, when this girl came up and sat down next to me. She started chatting me up and we got along very well, laughing and agreeing on pretty much every topic of conversation. We were talking for a couple hours and during that time I had taken off my hat a several times, (whenever I meet someone new I periodically take my hat off, if I'm wearing one, because as larry david said, I don't want to misrepresent myself). Out of the two or so hours we were talking I had my hat off for about 30-45 mins. All the while she was still was chatting me up and showing a lot of interest. I thought to myself that "hey she saw me bald and she's still interested so maybe it isn't so bad after all." Shortly after that it's closing time at the bar and the bartender flips the lights on. She then leans in to kiss me (I think that's what she was going for) and she takes off my hat in the process. She sees me without a hat on in the light and exclaims as loud as she can "Ewww your bald" catching the attention of the whole bar, and at this point everyone is staring at me. She immediately stands up and goes over to some other dude sitting across the bar (NW1) and leaves with him after like 2 mins (I know they didn't know each other or anything like that cause I was talking with that dude before she even came in, and I know they left together cause as I was walking out I saw her in the passenger side as they drove away). Needless to say I was surprised, but I was drunk so it didn't really bother me, plus I've come to expect crap like that.


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I find those comments about "personality" more than a bit disingenous. Social or romantic rejection is a package deal where looks play a deciding factor. Appearance makes us filter out or zoom in on positive/negative personality traits, or even add personality traits to people that they do not have.

The bald/balding man in today's society is commonly associated with neutral to outright negative stereotypes related to old age, aggression, greed, desperation, sexually deviant behavior, bad lifestyle et.c. There are lots of exceptions, of course, but that's not the point. The point is that if you exhibit any traits that might outwardly be associated with those stereotypes, a bald man will immediately be pigeonholed whereas a guy with nice hair will not. It is all about mental shortcuts and what fits into previously established connections. A couple thousand dead follicles can mean the difference between a life of rejection and a normal, well-adjusted life. Of course, there is also a feedback effect where some traits get exaggerated or alleviated by social contact or romantic success.

The worst part? It is not malicious at all, this all happens more or less automatically and unconsciously (System I thinking if you've read Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow). You cannot reasonably expect the majority of people to reflect deeply on the validity of their judgments, it is more a fact of life than anything. Taking this into consideration, it seems pretty clear that baldness is extremely worthy of research attention, from both an ethical and quality-of-life standpoint. Put these doofuses in a balding man's shoes and they would see things differently.

That's being polite.


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Last week my family was visiting , my mother, sister-in-law and me were playing rummy and we were just talking about the usual stuff. My mother commented on how great my sis in law's hair looked like, then she was talking about her hairdresser. My mothers hairdresser was just showing her wigs, which he personally delivers to cancer patients. My sis in law said how sad and depressing it must be for those cancer patients to lose their hair and wear a wig. Of course I was bumming and said, Well that's going to be my near future. Immediately I got attacked, they both said , oh Well if that's all you have deal with. That coming from somebody who gets laserresurfacing done because she has a few wrinkles, getting sclerotherapy done to get rid of veins on her legs, going to the hairdresser every other week.


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thats a great point zircon. a lot of these biases and discriminatory thoughts are unconscious and underneath the surface. people of course will consciously say they are moral about these things but we are still evolutionary programmed animals . . . . .

even stephen hawking had a strong penchant for strip clubs lol.

*sigh* i hate being a slave to these primal urges. tbh i've been thinking i'd like to try being a complete asexual, and ofc forget the sensations so i don't miss anything.

it wud largely kill the sadness i feel over baldness and wud free up my life and time. i wud become more independent and powerful, unchained in a way.

i know one asexual guy but they were sexually abused. i just wish i had some sort of brain glitch where i had no sexual or romantic urges at all. **** that wud change our lives profoundly

Wolf Pack

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I like the animal comparison. It's true on many fronts and not just treatment of others. If someone is getting beat up on the street, most people just watch, herd mentality. If most people get a chance to get away with wrong stuff, they will do for personal gain. Laws are there for this purpose since humans came. Anarchy just wouldn't work. Okay a bit off topic here lol.


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Last week my family was visiting , my mother, sister-in-law and me were playing rummy and we were just talking about the usual stuff. My mother commented on how great my sis in law's hair looked like, then she was talking about her hairdresser. My mothers hairdresser was just showing her wigs, which he personally delivers to cancer patients. My sis in law said how sad and depressing it must be for those cancer patients to lose their hair and wear a wig. Of course I was bumming and said, Well that's going to be my near future. Immediately I got attacked, they both said , oh Well if that's all you have deal with. That coming from somebody who gets laserresurfacing done because she has a few wrinkles, getting sclerotherapy done to get rid of veins on her legs, going to the hairdresser every other week.

You must always point out these things to these privileged scumbags.