
Scared and Confused


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Hi all
I am 34 and last week noticed a large circular bald patch on the back of my head. I have very long thick hair that has always been my crowning glory and now I feel devastated and suicidal. I visited my doctor immediately - luckily he is very nice and ordered blood tests. I am in the UK by the way so our system is different here i.e. I can't pick and chose who I go to.
I get the results back Friday. I am confused because I have been reading everything I can on AA. I keep seeing stuff about hormone levels and iron and thyroid etc. but if these levels are wrong do they cause this circular patchiness? It seems as though a lot of people are saying that when they have these problems it causes thinning all over.
This seems to have happened so quickly although I am beginning to wonder if I just didn't notice a complete bald patch on the back of my head because it was hidden by all the rest of my hair. There is regrowth there though but since after I visited the doctor on Wednesday I found 2 other spots - one on my crown and one at the front. The one of my crown seems to be getting bigger already. The reason I found these was that I suddenly noticed a burning sensation in these spots.
Also I have noticed my head is extremely itchy although I have tried as much as possible to not scratch it. I find that it's much worse in the morning and calms down during the day. Within a week my hair seems to have lost condition. On Friday I felt like it was 'poisoned'. It's much drier than normal although today it doesn't feel quite so bad. I didn't have this problem before.
I see everyone keeps saying stress isn't a factor but I have just been through the worst year of my life and this is like the proverbial straw. Some nights I haven't slept because I know that if I lose my hair I will lose the battle with sanity. I have a therapist who I have contacted but this is a living nightmare. I'm taking extra vitamins etc. but so confused and frightened.
Does regrowth normally happen quickly like this? Can one part be regrowing and another fall out? Is the itching a sign it's all going to fall out? If it's my body's immune system gone into overdrive would antihistimines help? I hate orthodox medical stuff as it is and feel strongly that if my body were in balance that this would not be happening. However I am glad my doctor is taking the tests for me because then at least I can rule out major problems. There is no history of this on any side of my family and the men in our family don't lose their hair until they are very old (or even go grey in fact).
I haven't taken any medication of any kind for years, have no children and not on the pill. The only thing different in my life this year has been my anxiety levels went through the roof since March and I have been quite ill with it but not physically.
I would be so grateful if someone could reply and also if anyone else has had this and their hair regrew. I put a message on another forum and everyone who replied there said they'd lost all their hair. They were very kind people and I appreciated then replying but I wanted to curl up and die.

Linda Marie

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:( Good Morning
I am now getting ready to go to my MD> I am so scarred. I want peace of mind. I too have noticed this come on fast or maybe I was just denying it and have to get some answers. Actually if I am alright phyiscally I will feel much better. I have been under stress but nothing out of the norm. My hair has no regrowth and it is thinning. I can see parts of my scalp that I have never seen. I am 47 and am very confused and scarred
Keep me posted of your test
God Bless


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Linda Marie - I do hope things turn out okay for you. It's just so horrible. I'm the other way I guess - I don't care what's physically wrong with me, I just want my hair back. If there's a physical problem hat's causing the hair loss then at least it can be put right. The worse is nobody finding anything wrong and still having the hairloss - but perhaps I'm jumping to conclusions. I'll know more Friday.

Cunundrum - thanks yes I have. It's a very good site.


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I know how scared you must be - I was too at first. Once you get a diagnosis, it will help you though because at least you'll know what you're dealing with and what to do. I hated my diagnosis of Androgenetic Alopecia, but at least I could stop obsessing over what it was that was causing my hair loss. You can't do anything until you know what you're dealing with, and that's extremely upsetting. As if losing your hair wasn't bad enough!

Linda Marie

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Thank you for your reply. I have heard nothing yet and just want to know the results. My doctor did see what I was talking about but really could not comment yet till the results. I hope you have some peace of mind come Friday Rowan. I never went through anything like this and never ever thought this would happen to me.
I am very sympathetic to all on this site... :oops: .
God Bless to all
Linda Marie
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Ladies, right now I am feeling more scared than I have ever felt in my life. I'm 26 years old and I realized a few days ago that my scalp was reflecting light. I was losing hair in the shower in clumps - but I have been fine lately. I have a doctors appt tomorrow and hope that she will take my concern seriously.

I have noticed a major decrease or diffuse at the top of my scalp and also see that my mother has the same thinning. I have also noticed some patches are very bald and don't know what I'm going to do with my hair from now on.

I am so scared because I feel confused. I want to start treatments right away and almost hope that I have a medical condition so I can start to get healthy and grow my hair back. I don't want to hear that my hair loss is genetic because then I'll know its inevitable. I am too embaressed to talk to my boyfriend about it and am feeling rather anxious and depressed since I've noticed more scalp than hair.

I was at the salon getting my hair done about 3 weeks ago and the stylist left the toner on my hair for about a half hour. Is that normal - could that have contributed to more damage of my scalp and hair?

Gosh - this is so depressing.

How can I stop this from happenning - most of my hair has thinned out in the middle of my head where my part is - almost like a longish oval shape - are you girls having this same thinning????? Mine has become considerably worse in the last few months.

Wish me luck at the doctors office - I had no idea how many people sufferd this way...
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Cricket said:

I know how scared you must be - I was too at first. Once you get a diagnosis, it will help you though because at least you'll know what you're dealing with and what to do. I hated my diagnosis of Androgenetic Alopecia, but at least I could stop obsessing over what it was that was causing my hair loss. You can't do anything until you know what you're dealing with, and that's extremely upsetting. As if losing your hair wasn't bad enough!

What have you done and have you been able to treat your Androgenetic Alopecia?